did you tell her you would call her today? if so call her. if not and she asks you that shyt, tell her she's the one who said >talk tomorrow?"ok, so tonight im calling girl number 2, who I have yet to talk to on the phone (just got her number last night). If the first girl who I was suppose to talk to last night calls or text wondering why i didnt call her today, do I ignore it, or tell her that she disrespected me yesterday by how she handled the whole situation.
well it looks like i striked out with girl number 2, i called her an hour ago, i asked what she was up to, she says she was eating with her friend and that she would call me when she (her friend) left her place. No return phone call yet....smh
seems like both these chicks are controlling the interractions and they can sense you're eager to talk to them. they can sense they have the power and power corrupts. The problem is that you seem to be in a mindset where you're hoping not to make a bad move which would end up in them finding you less attractive. that mindset is poison. you are unsure of yourself. stop worrying about if you're doing the right move by calling, not calling, answering, not answering, checking her, not checking her, etc. If you want them to like you that much, that means you already like them. ask yourself why you like them exactly. why is it so important for you to "get" these chicks? why should you be the only one trying to qualify yourself to them and if you think they already qualified themselves to you, what exactly makes them qualified to you? and when asking yourself these questions, keep it real with yourself. don't make excuses for them OR for yourself.ok so she just sent me a text saying if we could talk tomorrow. Her friend just left because they watched a show and that she is sleepy because she had a long day at work. Atleast she apologized unlike chick #1
dont really believe her though...smh
once you get in the proper mindset, you'll realize that magic silver bullet you're looking for to get these chicks simply does not exist. and you'll be at peace with that. you're actions wont be based on trying to portray something to these women. you actions will be based on self-respect, fairness and realness. beyond that, you just let the women who feel your actions choose it. you wont even need to ask what you should or shouldnt do in most cases because you will feel it in your gut once you get your mind right. we all need to do some introspective work breh.