someone dapped this so bringing it back
someone dapped this so bringing it back
i dont need to disrespect women, if shes not bringing what i want i just walk away, i think thats the strongest thing as aman you can have no matter how hot she is etc. if she disrespects just walk away.
im quiet and introverted and i avoid confrontation and hate drama, chicks have tried getting me mad jealous pushing my buttons i just keep my non chalant attitude and say nothing even though i may be burning inside and just cut them out of my life.
Breh's how do you hit up a woman after getting her number in the club?
Breh's how do you hit up a woman after getting her number in the club?
In the "courting" stage, they offer sex and nothing else.
Why Can't I Get a Man?!: How the 2013 'Single and Looking' Woman is Hustling Backwards
In this scene from The Wire, Marlo, a narcissistic drug lord bent on power, swipes a few lollipops while making eye contact with the security guard, just to let him know there was nothing he could do about it.
The security guard, feeling that his manhood was on the line, went outside to confront Marlo. He told them that he realizes Marlo is powerful and could take him out if he chose, but hes still a man with a job to do. Marlos response?
You want it to be one way, but its the other way.
You want to be able to step to me, right or not, without repercussions. You want the world to work in your favor, rewarding the meek for honesty and principle, rather than those who take what they want, running over the meek in the process. You want it to be one way.
But its the other way.
I can relate this quote to the single lady with the PhDs and principles. The 100-point dating deal breakers list and the hold out for Mr. Right until he comes riding in on a chariot way of seeing things.
You gotta let that go, sweetheart.
Not because youre not worth it. We all know you are. Its because thats not how things work, and because the deck is stacked against you.
The deck is stacked against you because men are in a position that gives them more choosing power. Society doesnt encourage men to get married the way it did in previous generations. Men can have kids at age 80, so theres no ticking biological clock. Women are also more educated than ever and able to explore and cultivate their personalities without societal repercussions, so dudes also have more options of interesting women to choose from than before.
While womankind has advanced in terms of lifes rewards, they havent evolved in terms of dating state of mind. What do I mean by that? Lets explore it.
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Life: The Rough Draft - Blog - Why Can't I get a Man?!: How the 2013 'Single and Looking' Woman is Hustling*Backwards
Look how many daps a post with this sentence got.
And you all wonder why everyone thinks of all of y'all in here as misogynist, bitter didues, and slightly sliding on the side of homosexuality.
Not to mention the "I thought you was the shyt so I holla'd at you, now you've rejected me and made me mad so now you're a loser and not shyt" mentality.
You can't make this stuff up.
Fix yourself from the inside, out. Read constantly, listen to audio that will enrich your mind and feed it, write out your goals and conquer them. The game doesn't stop whether you're single, dating or married. The man has to be the hunter, so you never get a chance to fall asleep at the wheel in life and follow behind a woman for anything.
Make sure you don't just take your rightful place just to make sure you're better than and not getting played by a woman, but also make sure you're righteously living that "I know where I'm going in life and not taking any shyt" motto, because at the end of the day women want the dude that makes them comfortable in the fact that he can hunt and protect the home. All of the game playing, dating world posturing and submission and domination is, is a constant dance to keep testing and proving those roles. When you're playing your role and dealing with and instructing a woman on how to play hers, everything takes care of itself.