Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
Having a hobby is your best friend in a relationship. Sometimes, the more time you spend around you mate, some tension and stress can build. Hobbies help give the two of you personal time away from one another so when you reunite, it feels so good. Try it out, friends. 
Excercise also has the same effect. When you go through an intense workout and then come home to your mate, you'll find you feel more sentimental and kind as all the testosterone has been used up exerting yourself. Lets start taking Brazillian Jiujitsu yall so when we go home to our women, we feel courageously loving to them.

Excercise also has the same effect. When you go through an intense workout and then come home to your mate, you'll find you feel more sentimental and kind as all the testosterone has been used up exerting yourself. Lets start taking Brazillian Jiujitsu yall so when we go home to our women, we feel courageously loving to them.