Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
there is NO benefit to being married anymore. women themselves are willingly becoming baby mamas and cheating on men left and right. she always wants to feel "desired," no matter the cost. the more desired, the better. and when its from more than one man, shyt, to them its the best. its the female ego sabotauging todays marriage. you can give them the life they want, like Tim Duncan did, and they still want to run out with the next man who is showing her extra attention. even if that next man aint shyt. she is willing to leave a steady relationship just because of that. it shows you right then and there what women REALLY think of the importance of marriage. theres nothing wife-like about women today. honestly, they cant even qualify themselves for the privilege.

what positives are there in marriage today? what assurance does the man get that his wife will have an incentive to stay loyal? so whats the point? what is stopping them from NOT cheating? how does marriage to a modern woman improve a mans life today? :leon:


I cant do it anymore. I dont take them serious. Im done trying to make a woman happy just because, and to do what society is telling me. all that is dead. I dont believe in them anymore. the game and the charade is over. marriage is in the bushes for me.



Let them tell it though, "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best". FOH bish! :pacspit:


May 6, 2012
Carné Asada;4398808 said:
First of all, how old are you?

Second, yes, being deemed as thirsty isn't a good thing. But if a woman is going to label you thirsty for simply approaching her, then you're dealing with the wrong type of woman. And in that case, you shouldn't give a damn if she labels you that for simply approaching her. You're a man, if you want something, go out and get it. You sit back waiting for a woman to initiate conversation isn't what males do unless they are battling some insecurity.

I am 25. Truthfully, I would much be the guy who is accused of being extremely aloof with not approaching females at all than to be the guy who is accused of being thirsty for merely speaking to them first like many other dudes that they encounter throughout the day. It is my way of standing out a bit and not giving women the satisfaction of easily categorizing me as thirsty even though I do not exude that type of energy. It is sad that folks have to calculate every fukkin move they make to ensure that they put themselves at a disadvantage, but it has to be done. For any sensible person, self-preservation is above everything and everyone else period.
nothing wrong with either styles. Only thing i see that might be an issue is if you're not approaching women because of what they might think of you. that means you're putting too much weight on her opinion of you. It's not what you do or don't do necessarily. it's what you're thinking while you're doing it/not doing it. but there is nothing wrong with waiting for them to do the choosing first or even waiting to be approached.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
What a man wants from a wife is something akin to a samurai honoring his duties to his lord - honor, respect, loyalty, etc. On the other hand, what we really get are more like a nation that hires mercenaries to fight. The mercenary attitude is to look out for self first and foremost and can flip in an instant... and the moment you show weakness, the mercenary is ready to overthrow the host and assume power for one's self... and will sell out to an enemy as soon as a better deal is offered.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Guys I've been using a friend of mines company to fill my void of my main fling being absent. Her grandpa died a week or 2 ago. Haven't spoke to her since, her mom passed away a few years ago so she must be taking it hard. Said she wanted some time as her family is taking it hard so she wanted time to think things over, etc. I hit her up last Wednesday and no response and so I've been kicking it with my neighbor/friend who just broke up with her man and is heart broken, we've hooked up before but now I've been thinking about hooking up again. I like my fling a lot but she's absent, heartbroken over her grandad and focusing on trying to get on nursing school but since she's been absent I've been wanting to mess with my neighbor even more, Im unsure whether she'll ever come back and recover from her grandpa passing away to get back to me, so I've become somewhat nonchalant about the idea of there being an "us". Am I right for doing this and not putting my life on hold for someone I went from speaking to everyday to not speaking at all for almost 2 weeks?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
You would think that in a time of hardship that a woman would want to depend on the man that she is the 'closest to.' Disappearing and not responding in 2 weeks sounds shady to me.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I am 25. Truthfully, I would much be the guy who is accused of being extremely aloof with not approaching females at all than to be the guy who is accused of being thirsty for merely speaking to them first like many other dudes that they encounter throughout the day. It is my way of standing out a bit and not giving women the satisfaction of easily categorizing me as thirsty even though I do not exude that type of energy. It is sad that folks have to calculate every fukkin move they make to ensure that they put themselves at a disadvantage, but it has to be done. For any sensible person, self-preservation is above everything and everyone else period.

Honestly man, it's best to not even consider what a woman thinks of you. It's best not to care whether she considers you aloof or thirsty. The less men worry about what women are thinking and trying to rearrange their behavior to accommodate that, the better. You know where you stand, and if the woman misconstrues you talking to her as some thirstiness, that's on her. Just toss her to the side and keep it pushing.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
You would think that in a time of hardship that a woman would want to depend on the man that she is the 'closest to.' Disappearing and not responding in 2 weeks sounds shady to me.

Yeah you'd think so, but everyone's different. The night after we had our first kiss she disappeared. I hit her up a few days later and she broke the news. Said she likes me but too much Is going on with family and she needs to fix things. Again I'm allowing it to be what it is and not giving it as much attention as I could. Girl seems good/genuine but eh second thoughts have me like she's taking to another nikka, but then again she could just need some me time.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Yeah you'd think so, but everyone's different. The night after we had our first kiss she disappeared. I hit her up a few days later and she broke the news. Said she likes me but too much Is going on with family and she needs to fix things. Again I'm allowing it to be what it is and not giving it as much attention as I could. Girl seems good/genuine but eh second thoughts have me like she's taking to another nikka, but then again she could just need some me time.

I've been through a similar situation myself. These women KNOW that the man they are dealing with is concerned with them and wants to know that they are alright, but she can't take 1 minute out of two weeks to return the text of someone she is supposedly taking seriously and say, "Hey, I know you're worried, but I'm doing alright."? She just completely disappears for two weeks? As far as sleeping with the new girl, nah. Don't do it...

Now why I draw up a concern is normally, you would expect when going through a hard time for a person to want to go to someone close to them for solace or to cheer them up. I really don't know how close you two are, but if ya'll are real close, two weeks is a while to not make one attempt to contact you. I think it would make sense to that when you seriously want to be with someone, you would take time to let them know you are doing fine. You don't flat out ignore the text and never get back to taht person.

Maybe I'm tripping, but I would think that if I was dating a woman and someone close to me passed and she was seriously concerned about my well-being, I would at least take a little time over the course of two weeks to respond back and give her an update just to alleviate her concern... "Thanks for looking out for me. I've been spending time with the family trying to get over this loss. I'll get back with you when I'm in a better mood. But that's just me.

Don't go off smashing that other girl. Get back in contact with the girl you are talking to. If this goes on for another week and she is completely ignoring you still, you may have to let her know that you are moving on. When you get back with her, see how she reacts to you. If she keeps playing that distant game and disappearing for a week or weeks after ya'll get back in contact, then more than likely it's another guy. If it goes back to normal after, then cool, resume what you had.


Dec 2, 2012
Guys I've been using a friend of mines company to fill my void of my main fling being absent. Her grandpa died a week or 2 ago. Haven't spoke to her since, her mom passed away a few years ago so she must be taking it hard. Said she wanted some time as her family is taking it hard so she wanted time to think things over, etc. I hit her up last Wednesday and no response and so I've been kicking it with my neighbor/friend who just broke up with her man and is heart broken, we've hooked up before but now I've been thinking about hooking up again. I like my fling a lot but she's absent, heartbroken over her grandad and focusing on trying to get on nursing school but since she's been absent I've been wanting to mess with my neighbor even more, Im unsure whether she'll ever come back and recover from her grandpa passing away to get back to me, so I've become somewhat nonchalant about the idea of there being an "us". Am I right for doing this and not putting my life on hold for someone I went from speaking to everyday to not speaking at all for almost 2 weeks?

:ufdup: you are selfish and insecurities got the better of you.


May 6, 2012
Monsieur. Fox: the way i see it, your fling is either talking to some other dude (maybe someone from her past showed up to re-comfort her) or she is testing you to see how much you'll chase (as usual, she might not even be doing it consciously).

in any case, fukk her intentions or motivations. bottom line is, she saw your text, didn't even acknowledge it. To the bushes. That's what i meant when i said "to me they're in the bushes until they're not and they're out of the bushes until they're back in". In other words, give her that space and don't contact her again. consider her done until she reemerges and when she comes back see how she acts and what she says. Your gut and instinct will tell you if you should take her seriously or if something isn't right. Like a spidey-sense. But don't sit there and wait for her (treat her like she needs to be treated).

I always run the "Will Smith" test. Her grandpa died and it's sad don't get me wrong. You were concerned for her, texted her and she didn't respond. Had Will Smith text her, do you think she would have responded? her job probably gave her a couple of days but then she showed up to work. probably sad but she still needs the money and that's understandable. but she can't send a little text to thank you for your concern or even just say she's ok?? you don't owe her shyt at this point and any waiting on her at this point would be simping (especially for a fling/fukkbuddy). You tried to be decent and look how she responded. As Reincar would say, those who don't take the hint, take the consequences.