Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Author: Happy Ghost

I attended my pal's kid's birthday party today. One of my pal's friends was there, and he has a new girl. They mentioned to this chick that I'm a ghost... didn't use the word, but described the idea. She immediately started questioning me... why?

I mentioned that marriage is a bad risk. She trotted out the "not all girls are like that" line, which I nicely handled with the hand grenade analogy (here's a box of hand grenades, choose one you think is a dud, then hold it and pull the pin and see if you were right or not). There's no way to know WHAT kind of girl you have until you're committed and it's too late to avoid being destroyed. Therefore, there can be women who are "not like that", but unfortunately it's irrelevant. Not all hand grenades are "like that" (meaning they explode), and there ARE duds... but because the duds can look just like the live ones, you'd have to be crazy to pick one and commit to finding out.

She rolled her eyes and basically said that if you don't know the girl by THEN (marriage time), then you're clueless. I replied that women can be master actresses, and you can only get to know the "real them" if they allow you to see it before the wedding, which many do not. And girls acting good look identical, in all respects, to girls who are REALLY good. So, there's just no way to know until it's too late.

I then explained that Marriage 2.0 is far different from Marriage 1.0 (and yes, I did use the numbers, maybe their usage will spread), and that in Marriage 2.0, the woman holds almost all the cards, and the guy holds almost none.

She immediately trotted out the "bitter" shaming tactic, but she did it subtly. "Were you married before?" I said no. "Were you in a relationship that went bad?" I again said no. "Then how do you know all this?" I smiled and said, "By observing all my male friends suffering and being destroyed because of this, and by reading all the changes in marriage and divorce laws over the last 40 years, straight out of the law books, and by watching precedent be set in courtrooms. I learned by observing, instead of by personal experience, thank god."

Silence. "They're not all like that" was blown out of the water. So was "you're just bitter". She had nothing much left in her arsenal.

Then she inquired how long I've been like this, and indicated that surely it's not a sustainable choice. Then my friends told her how long it's been since I dated or had a relationship... which is many, many years now. I grinned right at her, smoking a big cigar, drinking a microbrew, and looking happy as hell with myself and my life. Not sustainable, my ass, dearie.

This seemed to really freak her out. She mentioned how she had a female friend who couldn't find a good man, and complained about it all the time... a single mother! I stayed quiet on that one (didn't want to get too confrontational, after all).

What really seemed to spook her is that her boyfriend was sitting right next to her when I said all this, absorbing this unique perspective of mine (he already knew about me, but she probably didn't know he knew). I'm sure she wasn't too happy with me speaking such ideas with him sitting there, because I'll bet she's going to try to get his head in the marriage noose soon.

That was fun. She asked if I'd ever consider dating and getting married, and I told her that if the social and legal systems reverted to how they used to be in the 1950's and before, when a man had a fair chance at a good marriage and the laws were much more equal, only then would I consider it. Returning to the hand grenade analogy, I said that back then, unwittingly choosing a live one that looked like a dud might've gotten you a badly bruised hand, but today, it destroys you. I then said that I was quite sure that fairness would never be restored in my lifetime, therefore I will simply not participate, and many other men won't, either.

She didn't have a lot to say after that. It was pretty beautiful.

If more of them hear this, while their girlfriends (and perhaps they themselves) are whining about not being able to find a man, perhaps they'll put two and two together.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta


May 6, 2012
Don't be afraid to challenge these girl's "rationale". 9 times of 10 you'll succeed cause they're not even expecting you to challenge them and stick to your guns. So they don't even have an answer ready for your challenge. they'll just be stuck at that level.

At this point, since logic has failed them, they go straight to emotions. They'll react differently depending on their temperment. Some will Be annoyed/pissed, some will try to shame you with nonsense, etc, don't be scared to "lose her". She's not going anywhwere. let her live her emotion (this step could take minutes just like it could take weeks/months). once she's done living her emotion and you're still sticking to your guns and haven't budged and you didn't give her any emotion to feed on, she has nothing left. Her logic is faulty and she has no more energy to put in her emotions cause she already used it all up on you. Since she has nothing left at this point, now she needs you even more than before because she realizes that she loses energy and ends up being wrong if she doesn't follow your lead (in other words, she realizes that if she goes against you, she's a loser). You just have to stick to your principles no matter how long it takes (even if she never gives in, taking that L is better than giving in).

Now that she needs you and your guidance, you can if you want charge her for it and you set the price. Sometimes she'll even make offerings herself. She will offer sex, favors, material, etc. I strongly advise to be responsible and not to abuse this power you have over her. be a good leader. You might think you,re winning because you're getting sex, material and favors. But trust me you are losing in the bargin and she is winning because the leadership you provide is worth way more than her pum-pum. Just spending time in your presence she's already winning. Don't underestimate or mentally devalue what you give her. She's lucky you take time out of your life to school her on how to live. Never lose sight of that and never let her lose sight of it either...


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

The Gentleman’s Guide to Modern American Dating

A Gentleman will arrive at a ladies dwelling early Friday evening and present her with a selection of beautiful, expensive and exotic flowers. He will compliment her beauty as he escorts her to his moderately priced but environmentally friendly automobile and opens the door for her. They will arrive at the expensive French restaurant where he will pull out the chair for his exquisite date. He will tenderly ask her what she likes to eat, when the waiter arrives he will order (in French) exactly what she likes and nothing she doesn’t. The date will go very well, they have so many things in common. He thinks she could be the one he has been waiting for his whole life. He starts to imagine their life together. It’s just going so well and she’s so perfect he doesn’t want to rush things. Which is good because she said she doesn’t want to rush things either.

He drops her off early (she has to wake up early) and he kisses her on the cheek and tells her what a great time he had. He eagerly makes plans for their next date and she accepts. He drives home. He hops online and updates his social internet account with a new status about the evening and what a great time he had. He then goes to bed, still thinking about the future with this girl, masturbates and falls asleep with a smile.

When the girl is dropped off, she goes inside to her apartment and logs on to social internet account. She then opens her apple cellular telephone and sends a message to an alpha wolf she has been casually seeing for the past few weeks, asking what he is doing. He does not respond. After one hour she decides to go to bed. She is awoken two hours later when she receives a new message from the alpha wolf which simply says “come over dont wear anything but a coat”. She responds that she is sleeping and can she see him tomorrow. He does not respond. 10 minutes later she text messages him and says she is on her way. She arrives at his apartment, he pulls off her coat, tells her to get on her knees and she eagerly complies, saying I wilst do that for thee. The next morning at work she is very tired but has no regrets.

The next Wednesday cannot come soon enough for the gentlemen, for that is when he will go on date #2 with his potential new girlfriend. He arrives 4 minutes early to their arranged time, she is still getting ready but that is ok, he is an understanding person. When she is finally ready 27 minutes later he presents her with a gift, just a small necklace that made him think of her. Again, he escorts her to his automobile and drives her to the ice-skating rink inside the mall. They have a fantastic time ice-skating and then they go to the food court for pizza, she tries to pay for half but he declines for a gentleman always pays for a lady. And he knows how to treat a lady. They eat for a while. She casually mentions how early she has to be at work the next day. Concerned about the time, he asks her if she needs to go home. She says yes. Without hesitation he drives her home. When they arrive at her apartment he works up the courage to ask if he can come in for some hot chocolate. She replies that she really wants to take it slow this time, and besides, she has work the next day. He understands and kisses her on the cheek.

That Friday, the gentlemen calls her and asks if she would like to attend a movie that evening. She replies that she has already made plans with her best girlfriends. He asks her what she is doing tomorrow, she says she has plans but that maybe she can break them. She will let him know tomorrow. He says ok and tells her to have a great night. She says you too. She goes to the local discotheque with her best girlfriends and they dance. Many guys try to dance with her and she brushes them off, other guys she dances with. One guy in particular she thought was attractive at first but turned out to be really rude. She asked him to buy her a drink, he said sure, went to the bar and returned with two drinks: a whiskey and coke for himself and a glass of tap-water for her. He even laughed at her. She bids him adieu.

During the evening the gentleman text messages her and asks if she is having a good time. She ignores the messages. Instead, she has been unable to stop watching her new gentleman caller, the one who returned with a water for her. He has been talking and smiling with a lot of other girls and guys. He hasn’t paid very much attention to her except for the occasional glances in which she breaks eye-contact before he does. Nearer the end of the evening, when the discotheque is about to close, he casually strolls up to her and says lets go. Surprised, she says where. He says my home. She acts flabbergasted and waits for him to explain. He says nothing. After 15 seconds she says ok, I’d like to. They arrive at his apartment home and have sex without a condom.

Her gentlemen caller cannot sleep for he is worried about her as she has not returned any of his three text messages. He calls her the next morning to make sure she is ok, she mentioned how her phone died the night before and that she didn’t receive any of his messages. He asks her to accompany him for the evening and she says she can’t but if something changes she will let him know. He says ok, have fun.

That evening the lady returns to the discotheque scene with her best girlfriends, where she runs into the alpha wolf from the previous Friday evening. He is with another young lady and ignores her. She chatters with her best girlfriends about what ungentlemanly like behavior the alpha wolf displays. When she returns home for the evening she logs into her social internet account and leaves a comment lamenting the fact that there are no good men left and what a shame it is. The gentleman, fearing she is speaking of him, instantly responds and says that he is there for her if she would like to talk. She says thank you, you are so sweet and then she goes to sleep. The gentlemen understands that this is merely a test for her love and affection and devises a very romantic plan to win her heart forever.

The next afternoon the gentleman, understanding how emotionally vulnerable she is, asks if she’d like to go shopping to make her feel better. She says yes, that is so sweet. They go to the mall and he patiently waits while she tries on her stylish new clothes and when it is time to pay he hands the cashier his visa credit card. Surely the lady will see that he can provide for her and will do anything to win her heart. He drives her back to her apartment home and this time she invites him in. They sit on the sofa and she again tries on some of her new clothes. He comments how pretty she looks, to which she responds with a smile. She sits down on the sofa and she kisses him. He kisses back, eagerly. After a minute she pushes him away and says she doesn’t want to go to fast or get too involved, don’t you see her heart has been broken before. He says yes, I understand. I would never want to rush you. Whenever you are ready let me know and I will be here for you.

The gentleman leaves her apartment, understanding she she needs some space and some time to sort out her feelings. The lady, using the camera on her apple cellular telephone, takes a picture of herself in the bathroom mirror with her breasts exposed and messages the picture to the alpha wolf who ignored her the previous evening. She captions the photograph with the words this is what you could have had. The alpha wolf does not respond. The lady again logs into her social internet account and reports to her friend network that guys are such pigs and only want one thing and there are no good guys left and that at least she is following her heart.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk 4 beta


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The one thing you have to understand about dealing with most women is that it's not about principles or standards with them. It's about crafting a life that is the most beneficial to them at any given moment, especially when it comes to dudes. It's important to understand that so you can know where you are in the 'pecking order' so to say. Most women will have numerous guys they are always dealing with and they love to have the guy that they know they can reach whenever they feel, aka the fall back guy. If you ever notice that you are the guy she comes back to as soon as she breaks up and looks for solace in, you're the fall back guy. In her mind, you aren't enough for a relationship with, but you're enough to chill with for a little while.

But that also explains another interesting phenomena. What boggles my mind about it all is that these women actually think that being in a relationship with them is some kind of reward in and of itself for a dude. They'll sleep with this thugged out dude but never claim him in a relationship... but they'll say something like, "He's not worth getting in a relationship with... only for fun." In other words, you have several guys who you let beat that thang up, but then you expect some other guy to be cool with that and later on get in a relationship with you and have to work for what those other guys are getting for free? Come on now.

If you want to have an understanding of where women are coming from, always consider what is the most beneficial position for them to be in and factor emotions into that as well and you'll have a somewhat reasonable model to operate on.


All Star
May 19, 2012
Man...women thought process is funny. Im reading a book by the an author named Alan roger currie(check him out on amazon). He was talking to one of his females friends and she said this that I thought was intresting.

"Even if I m not intrested in having sex with a guy, I still want that man to pursue me sexually. I still want him to try to get in my pants, even if I know that I am going to reject him"

When I read that my logical side went to work... So when she dosent get approaced by men it proabaly hurts her ego. And in her mind when she sees a guy that likes her but dosent appraoach her her mind that is rejection to her. Women are funny Im not saying that all of them think like this and like the statment above but im pretty sure its close

That goes for a lot of women, if not every one of them. That's why you have these slors signing up to dating website with no intention of meeting a man (some are in relationships) but instead sign up to get their ego boosted by a bunch of thirsty idiots. That's why I never make any comments about their looks if I do hit them up.


All Star
May 19, 2012
This is basically how I handle things with women these days. Either you're my:

1) Jump off or,

2) My friend

Unlike most people, the friend zone doesn't concern me. Actually, the friend zone is an illusion. It's just rejection. I can probably smash 90% of my female friends if I wanted to. But I value their friendship so I wouldn't take it there.

I learned a valuable lesson from my home boy. He was basically talking to this girl since October and they started off as friends. They've known each other longer but as far as communicating consistently, it started in October. He kept it 100 with her and she knows everything about dude and his past relationships. They never shared any intimacy for the first few months and she basically knew about a girl he was messing with on the side. Dude was focusing up on finishing his Masters so a relationship wasn't in his plans. She saw something of value and she stuck by him. Now with school almost over for him and his side chick in the bushes, they've become closer and are now actually considered exclusive. I tip my hat to dude. I see her and she's a good chick; Secure, smart, and attractive. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up tying the knot with ol girl.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
The one thing you have to understand about dealing with most women is that it's not about principles or standards with them. It's about crafting a life that is the most beneficial to them at any given moment, especially when it comes to dudes. It's important to understand that so you can know where you are in the 'pecking order' so to say. Most women will have numerous guys they are always dealing with and they love to have the guy that they know they can reach whenever they feel, aka the fall back guy. If you ever notice that you are the guy she comes back to as soon as she breaks up and looks for solace in, you're the fall back guy. In her mind, you aren't enough for a relationship with, but you're enough to chill with for a little while.

But that also explains another interesting phenomena. What boggles my mind about it all is that these women actually think that being in a relationship with them is some kind of reward in and of itself for a dude. They'll sleep with this thugged out dude but never claim him in a relationship... but they'll say something like, "He's not worth getting in a relationship with... only for fun." In other words, you have several guys who you let beat that thang up, but then you expect some other guy to be cool with that and later on get in a relationship with you and have to work for what those other guys are getting for free? Come on now.

If you want to have an understanding of where women are coming from, always consider what is the most beneficial position for them to be in and factor emotions into that as well and you'll have a somewhat reasonable model to operate on.

Much of what you said explains the wayward mentality that many women possess in this day and age, which is unfortunate. But of course, the blame for this goes to the plethora of simps in the dating game who give such women constant positive reinforcement by considering them relationship material instead of jumpoff material and this results in many women being delusional in terms of how they consider themselves to be deserving of being wifed up. WTF.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Carné Asada;4392748 said:
That goes for a lot of women, if not every one of them. That's why you have these slors signing up to dating website with no intention of meeting a man (some are in relationships) but instead sign up to get their ego boosted by a bunch of thirsty idiots. That's why I never make any comments about their looks if I do hit them up.

Real spit. This is also applies to men approaching women in person. Honesty, I do not even approach women at all because doing so put me at risk for being deemed as thirsty by women even if I am not exhibiting such behavior in any way since many of them have been gassed up so much by dudes who are indeed thirsty. My rule is to let women initiate conversations with me to avoid that risk, which gives me the upper hand essentially.


All Star
May 19, 2012
Real spit. This is also applies to men approaching women in person. Honesty, I do not even approach women at all because doing so put me at risk for being deemed as thirsty by women even if I am not exhibiting such behavior in any way since many of them have been gassed up so much by dudes who are indeed thirsty. My rule is to let women initiate conversations with me to avoid that risk, which gives me the upper hand essentially.

I mean, there's nothing wrong with approaching women. There's no risk at all trying to holler at a girl you find attractive. Believe me, we all catch Ls when we get rejected. It's a part of life. And it's better than regret or failing to try. Just be real and genuine. If a girl ain't having it, keep it moving. It's pretty easy to see if a girl isn't feeling you.

You'll be deemed as thirsty if you continue to try when a girl is showing clear signs she's not interested.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Carné Asada;4394047 said:
I mean, there's nothing wrong with approaching women. There's no risk at all trying to holler at a girl you find attractive. Believe me, we all catch Ls when we get rejected. It's a part of life. And it's better than regret or failing to try. Just be real and genuine. If a girl ain't having it, keep it moving. It's pretty easy to see if a girl isn't feeling you.

You'll be deemed as thirsty if you continue to try when a girl is showing clear signs she's not interested.

Rejection is not a problem for me since it is understood that rejection is a part of life. And yes, a dude who continues to pursue a female even though she has made it empathically clear that she has zero interest is thirsty. I was just speaking on how a dude could be considered thirsty by a female for saying anything to her and the said dude could have not conducted himself in that manner. As mentioned before, this is the result of females having had their heads gassed up on a regular basis.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Man...women thought process is funny. Im reading a book by the an author named Alan roger currie(check him out on amazon). He was talking to one of his females friends and she said this that I thought was intresting.

"Even if I m not intrested in having sex with a guy, I still want that man to pursue me sexually. I still want him to try to get in my pants, even if I know that I am going to reject him"

When I read that my logical side went to work... So when she dosent get approaced by men it proabaly hurts her ego. And in her mind when she sees a guy that likes her but dosent appraoach her her mind that is rejection to her. Women are funny Im not saying that all of them think like this and like the statement above but im pretty sure its close

She simply confirmed what we all knew already, it just came straight from the horse's mouth. They wanna know they've "still got it". That's why women who pretend they don't want to be bothered, but will be out somewhere dressed half naked even when it's cold outside, are simply full of shyt. ALL of them.

I can't remember who it was, but somebody in this thread once said a female FB friend who wasn't even his girl cussed him out simply because he 'liked' a picture of a chick he saw and never liked any of hers. That's what most of them live for, because other than that, if their mind isn't right (and 9 times out of 10 it never is) they know they have nothing else going for them.

Speaking of books, this suggestion may sound strange bearing in my mind the theme of this thread, but I'd recommend once in a while reading fictional novels written by women to see how these broads really think.

There's this female author by the name of Wahida Clarke (who interestingly was or still is doing time in prison) who has a number of books titled as 'thugs and the women who love them' and it really shows you psyche of a lot of these broads. Every chick is a goddess Isis/Nefertiti/Halle Berry in her prime type of broad with high education, perfectly curved bodies and money coming out the ass, while the dudes who are thugs are the male equivalent but all have disposable cash and can fly their women all around the world as easy as the average man can give his woman train fare; they all have muscular bodies and 18 inch dikks and can bone their chicks eight times a day while giving them four orgasms each session; can magically beat legal cases even when they've been caught with more keys than a janitor and murdered like 10 dudes (then when they go legit, they have the know-how to start up several businesses that instantly generate millions and get endorsed by damn near every celebrity on the planet) etc... you get the picture. It's absolutely hilarious. Plus we all know females take fictional novels way more seriously than men do, so you can see the kind of unrealistic and absurd expectations these broads have when they step out into the real world. They really live in cloud cuckoo land.