Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Aug 12, 2012
The thing is, hoes don't ever get the sluttiness out of their system. Life just catches up with them and they are forced to be more responsible, that is until they catch some sucker to put a ring on them and finance them, and then they revert right back to their original behavior.

Why do you think that we guys don't have that much trouble with doing that but the women cannot?("getting it out the system" )


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Why do you think that we guys don't have that much trouble with doing that but the women cannot?("getting it out the system" )

I like this question and I just wanted to say something about it. with men, it can get tiring for us to always put on and get the entire show running. to get our "status up," be better than the women we want to be with, to scout new talent, to press up for the attention of a new woman, to always screen these new candidates, put in the effort to keep it flowing, and essentially chase this dream woman that we seek - while the women conversely just have to show up to the game. they say yes or no to someone and they can get what they want. their work is not equal to ours at the start of the relationship game. I suppose theres a cost to be the boss :patrice:

men can grow tired of looking for new women and thus be ready to settle down quickly, because so much weight is on us to begin with that we're ready to throw that part of the game in the bushes. our time, resources, and energy start to grow weary looking through piles and piles of trash to find a good woman. we know whats out there, so when we "think" (or maybe we do) have a good one, its best to just lock her down and move steadily ahead in our lives. we're the movers and shakers, so spending all that time on treacherous women can get to be a pain. we believe that a good partner will only enhance our goals and not get in the way, so the sooner we find "the one" the sooner we're ready to get her and move ahead.


with women, its as easy as walking out there and smiling at a man, putting up a dating profile, or just setting up thirst traps on social media pages and tadow they can get their new man right away. this current relationship set up is made for them, its their oyster. she can be a nothing type of harlot, but she will always be able to have these new "eligible" men lining up for her. so much temptation with all these :cape: circling her and kissing her ass that she doesnt have to put in the work like men do to find a partner. with so many men interested in fukking her, she now thinks shes the shyt and is worth more than she really is. she believes that all these men thirsting over her want to wife her. it makes her more than ready to jump on the next ship before putting in much effort for the last one she was on. she will be rescued (briefly) by these thirsty assed men who dont care if shes a girl with a sordid past, has another mans children, no real education, no career to speak of, etc. women have to do little to get a new man in their lives, so in effect a man means even less to them. they arent ready to "settle" because they think they can always upgrade off the back of another suitor and live like this for another day.

women who are prone to using the men theyre with, and are always spending their time in finding another man, are stuck in that "gimme" mode. they dont learn to disconcern whats good for themselves in the long run, only the here and now. they learn to follow their feelings and thats it. it all boils down to a lack of self control on their part. theyre stuck following around who makes her "tingle" and rushing off with men who make their emotions run high. those who are living that ho life and used to making poor decisions, are going to always have that cross to bare and the weight of those mistakes on her back. they think the grass is always going to be greener for them and it will all be forgiven since theyre always able to call on a new man to enter her life

the only thing a lot of todays females (and men) forget is, that the quality of her relationship is going to depend on her as well. its NOT all on the man. if she is used to being catered to or being valued only for her sex, then she wont know how to nurture a healthy relationship anyways. these hoes have almost no skills and a very little chance to make a strong relationship work.

as men, we learn that we need to keep a woman interested in you from the start and how to make them happy/appeased, so we're better prepared at being the man of the household. we can be a caring, providing husband. what will a ho bring? sex and her luggage. women today are trying to be men and are very obsessed with feeling "wanted" all the time, so in effect their actual worth as a good, solid woman is very low. a lot of women arent being taken seriously because theyre not worth that effort. in effect, theyre not getting things out of their system and able to settle down because 1) theyre busy juicing all the men they can while theyre still young and attractive, and 2) theyre not worth it to a real man. theyve spent their time harvesting whore qualities and using sex to get ahead, and not having wife qualities.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I'm pretty much to the point where I really don't care about dealing with these women. That's why I've really been shifting over to other subjects like just really focusing on stepping your own life up for it's own sake. No matter what angle you come from, as a man, you will get the blame.

You're out here working real hard and doing your best to provide her a future and she cheats on you, but it's your fault because you were 'not there enough' and neglected her for your career or you weren't exciting enough for her and she had to get her 'emotional needs fulfilled.'

You don't work enough in her mind and you are a little boy who deserved her cheating on you because you didn't man up and handle the responsibilities as a man or she will just leave you for someone who makes significantly more because that guy's a 'real man.'

You marry your high school or college sweetheart and she cheats and it's your fault because you have bad judgment and you should have let her slut it up first during her best looking years so she can 'know what she wants.'

You marry a 30 year old that's slept with everybody on the block and now 'knows what she wants' and still cheats on you and you get the blame because you knew how she was before you met her.

You are expected to do all the traditional things as a man, but the only traditional things a woman will accept are the benefits of traditionalism. Nah, doesn't work like that.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Why do you think that we guys don't have that much trouble with doing that but the women cannot?("getting it out the system" )

At the end of the day, cheaters cheat, whether they are man or woman. Sure, there is the possibility that a man or woman will have 'been around' long enough that they get tired of that lifestyle. It is possible for people to eventually change. The problem is that men are penalized much more highly if they 'guess wrong'. If you're a man and tie knots with a woman that only restrained her whorishness, and she cheats on you, not only will you have to suffer the bruise to your ego, you could also possibly be out of your house, as well as money. The social aspect is huge too. Women love men that have been around and put that sort of man on a social pedestal. If she wrapped up Jaquan the playa, she sees herself as the woman that tamed the wild beast and perhaps other women will look at her with envy because she got the man that the other women wanted. As a man, if your woman has been around the block, you get looked upon as a sucker and rightfully so. You're over here paying for a woman that every other man has done disrespectful sexual deeds to and probably is STILL doing them. The dynamic might change if women were expected to support men.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
What's so funny is that we've been saying this stuff for YEARS, but now some journalist writes about it in a magazine and only then will people believe it. It's funny how women wanted to 'be men' until they found out about man repercussions, and now they don't want any parts of it. These 'victims' were being oppressed and held back and it was time to smash the patriarchy and get the equality they deserved until it's their turn to pay the piper. NOW you will see the floodgates open filled with women who are against alimony.

Not long ago, after giving a talk about the growing number of women who are breadwinners in their marriages, I was approached by an audience member who identified herself as a lawyer. She said that she was definitely seeing this trend in her practice — nearly 40% of working wives now outearn their husbands — and that while economic power is a good thing, overall, for women, it can have one negative outcome many don’t anticipate. Among her divorce clients, she said, more and more were women who found themselves ordered by a court to pay spousal support to ex-husbands. ”And boy,” she said, “are they pissed.”

(MORE: The End of Alimony: How American Divorces Are Changing)

That these women are angry is to be expected: men don’t like paying alimony either, and writing a check every month has long been, for men, one of the prime impediments to postmarital bliss. But their reaction also suggests that women, while eager to benefit from progress and expanded opportunities, are not so willing to accept the more painful consequences of our success. What’s sauce for the gander is, alas, sauce for the goose. It may or may not make it easier on these check-writing ex-wives to know that they are part of a larger movement: the degendering of alimony and divorce, which is a natural outgrowth of the degendering of roles in marriage.

Once upon a time, the point of alimony was clear: it recognized the essential deal underlying marriage back in the days of “separate spheres,” when it was a husband’s role to provide, and a wife’s role to stay home, raise the children, run the household and enable the husband to be hard-working and high-earning. The economist Gary Becker famously argued that this was how couples maximized their efficiency: dividing the labor enabled both to succeed in their respective spheres. When marriages fell apart, alimony provided legal and economic recognition of the fact that a wife had sacrificed her earning power to maximize that of her husband and enhance the welfare of their family.

(MORE: Women, Money and Power: How Women’s Wealth Is Changing Society)

Now that the separate-spheres marriage has been replaced, in many cases, by the dual-earner version, there is a move to abolish permanent alimony altogether. As this TIME story documents, in some states the crusade is being supported by second wives, many of them working women, appalled that their earnings (in some cases) are going to pay the alimony of first wives who stayed at home to raise children. The animosity between those two groups is in some ways one more iteration of the mommy wars — the lingering gulf that exists between women who work outside the home and women who work within it. But it’s also a sign that the bargain of marriage has changed and splintered; there can be any number of deals now, including deals where the mom stays home; deals where both spouses work; and increasingly, deals where the woman is the primary earner. The ranks of stay-at-home dads are small, but they have doubled in the past decade. And in dual-earner marriages, there are more and more where it’s the wife whose career takes center stage and the man’s that becomes supplementary.

(MORE: TIME’s Exclusive Excerpt of Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In)

As a result, it’s not only women who are wrestling with new emotions: after publishing a book on female breadwinners, I also heard from a bank administrator who quit his job after his first child was born, enabling his wife to more fully pursue a lucrative career as a lawyer. He said that he loved and trusted his wife, but sacrificing his career and paycheck did make him feel “rather vulnerable.” Just as women may find themselves angry, men may find themselves uneasy, as both sexes get used to the fact that some of the old patterns will persist, shorn of gender, and so will some of the old obligations.

Read more: Liza Mundy: In De-Gendering of Divorce, Women Pay Ex-Husbands Alimony |

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
I was watching Family Matters and noticed how Steve simped Laura bad for all those years.I remember one particular episode where Laura was about to go on a date with Ted,some Derek Jeter lookin cat.Anyways Steve was glueing Laura's earrings together for her :mindblown: and still pining for a date with her. She kept rejecting him sayin "NEVER it wont happen" etc....Whats sad is there are dudes like this out here.


May 2, 2012
I'm pretty much to the point where I really don't care about dealing with these women. That's why I've really been shifting over to other subjects like just really focusing on stepping your own life up for it's own sake. No matter what angle you come from, as a man, you will get the blame.

You're out here working real hard and doing your best to provide her a future and she cheats on you, but it's your fault because you were 'not there enough' and neglected her for your career or you weren't exciting enough for her and she had to get her 'emotional needs fulfilled.'

You don't work enough in her mind and you are a little boy who deserved her cheating on you because you didn't man up and handle the responsibilities as a man or she will just leave you for someone who makes significantly more because that guy's a 'real man.'

You marry your high school or college sweetheart and she cheats and it's your fault because you have bad judgment and you should have let her slut it up first during her best looking years so she can 'know what she wants.'

You marry a 30 year old that's slept with everybody on the block and now 'knows what she wants' and still cheats on you and you get the blame because you knew how she was before you met her.

You are expected to do all the traditional things as a man, but the only traditional things a woman will accept are the benefits of traditionalism. Nah, doesn't work like that.

Excellent comment.. I stopped chasing unicorns a long time ago..

Sometimes the juice just isn't worth the squeeze..


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I was watching Family Matters and noticed how Steve simped Laura bad for all those years.I remember one particular episode where Laura was about to go on a date with Ted,some Derek Jeter lookin cat.Anyways Steve was glueing Laura's earrings together for her :mindblown: and still pining for a date with her. She kept rejecting him sayin "NEVER it wont happen" etc....Whats sad is there are dudes like this out here.

simps gonna simp


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
:wow: Man some great discussions going on, I love coming back here after a day or two and catching up on the comments.

I can't even complain, I've been more concerned about myself than concern with trying to have a girl. Like you all have been saying, when you work on making yourself better, everything else doesn't even matter that much.

I work hard, but play even harder, travel, enjoy great food, and spend my money on me or my family.

I realized I fukked up by trying to be someone I thought women wanted instead of who I needed to be.

Keep up the fight brehs :salute:


Nov 29, 2012
I'm pretty much to the point where I really don't care about dealing with these women. That's why I've really been shifting over to other subjects like just really focusing on stepping your own life up for it's own sake. No matter what angle you come from, as a man, you will get the blame.

You're out here working real hard and doing your best to provide her a future and she cheats on you, but it's your fault because you were 'not there enough' and neglected her for your career or you weren't exciting enough for her and she had to get her 'emotional needs fulfilled.'

You don't work enough in her mind and you are a little boy who deserved her cheating on you because you didn't man up and handle the responsibilities as a man or she will just leave you for someone who makes significantly more because that guy's a 'real man.'

You marry your high school or college sweetheart and she cheats and it's your fault because you have bad judgment and you should have let her slut it up first during her best looking years so she can 'know what she wants.'

You marry a 30 year old that's slept with everybody on the block and now 'knows what she wants' and still cheats on you and you get the blame because you knew how she was before you met her.

You are expected to do all the traditional things as a man, but the only traditional things a woman will accept are the benefits of traditionalism. Nah, doesn't work like that.


broke up with my bytch last summer, and its crazy how much shyt you can get done when you dont have to deal with some bytch taking up all ur time with bullshyt. progression at work, been working out more, got into grad school, i have more money on account of not having to go out a bunch of times every month and shyt. i probably got more done the first 6 months after we broke up than i had in the 3 years i was with her dumbass.

meanwhile i find out thru her friend she lost her job and gained hella weight :huhldup:
not wasting my time on these hos anymore man :smugdraper:


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
:mindblown: this chick I was conversing with just sent me this:

My standards are pretty basic, especially for me and the type of woman I am. Anything less I'm not interested in. My ex husband was a pretty decent man, made 3 or 4 times what most make, and, never cheated, took care of his responsibilities......we just grew apart. If I wanted any less I would be a fool"

:laugh: so he was everything you asked for and more and shyt still wasn't good enough?

:dead: women can end shyt at the drop of a dime when they are bored. There is literally nothing you can do. This is why so many men are miserable in marriages. Sacrificing their happiness for the sake of their partners happiness and even that isn't guaranteed.