I could be being paranoid right now
but..... I just searched a chick i'm "speaking" to's profile name on google and found out she joined a chess website(she's a nerdy girl) where people play eachother online... No harm there until I look through her opponents list and her most recent opponents name matches a simp who's been liking all her pics and such on instagram Same name Same spelling all of that... Should I look deeper into this??? @
kevm3 @
His_Excellence_Reincar @
I would think that the thing you need to watch most closely is what she does in response to this guys behavior. is she responding to him? liking his pics? is there a flirty back and forth that they have? it sounds funny to me. it might not be much going on in her part, but it does look funny.
an important question for you to wonder is this: does she hang out with this guy for real, or used to really kick it with him? thats the bottomline and what really matters. an online person whom she "knows" is not always all that serious. what I wonder is, you said youve been talking to her, but who the hell was this guy and how come you never heard of him until you dug in?

thats that shyt I dont like - when you have to dig just to get to the right question for a woman. I would ask her first, if theres any thirsty guys that she might know, dudes on the IG who follow her around, someone who is trying to get at her, or whatever whatever.
be like, "so whats goin on with instagram and all that? you got any simps coming on, trying to get at you?

got dudes trying to holla?"
you gotta watch how she responds to that
if she says no, shes lying. if she says she doesnt notice anything like that, shes lying.
if she accuses you of "spying" on her, just drop that science. "I just know how dudes are today. theyre real shameless about hollering online. like its nothing. Im just wondering if you got dudes like that."
avoid her accusing you of spying and just get back to the point. brush that off and put the spotlight back on her.
"so, do you?"
if she says yes,
but its harmless, you gotta look at that as a whole. why is it cool that she has a dude shes interacted with following her, stalking her shyt, liking her pics, and being a thirsty little simp? is it possible that shyt doesnt even bother her? that its satisfying for her? maybe she has no complaints about it, ha? she likes the attention, ha? she likes having dudes she talks to thirsting for her, ha?
or what? hey, maybe not, but an interesting thing will be to see what she says. to you, how does it look that she doesnt regulate her own shyt, block fools, or talk to them for real about how she doesnt like that type of funny behavior on her page? what do you think of that? she cant just tell the man that she isnt interested?
I know women like to avoid confrontation, but in that case, put her on and tell her that if a simping, following ass man doesnt get an outright "no" and a talking to about this, it will continue and most likely just lead him on. he will keep doing this.
if she likes the attention, then that kind of thinking is real immature and not something I would like my main girl to have.
I wouldnt take an attention starved woman serious. if she is really about maintaining a good image of herself and what she comes across as, then she would tell you that she has a problem with a man being like that on her page. she should say something like that to you.
of course she could just be SAYING that to you to keep the dirt undercover, but at least you get to see her face and find out what she says to you about it. thats a gauge right there. as a man, its good to approach funny shyt and dont let it slide by you. sure you cant find her guilty without evidence, but if it does look a funny
then its worthy of asking her about it.
women like to act like it is harmless to keep a simp around them, to act like its not their fault because they didnt "ask" for it, etc etc, but when it comes down to it, in real life no man is going to be hanging out and simping a woman unless she permits it. and online it aint nothing to block or tell someone whats up. if she acts like its cool to have with that type of guy on her social media page, then what is that telling you.
ultimately, even if it is "harmless" and hes just a lame whos following her online, you have to look at the possibility that she might be about that online thirst life.