Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I get what you are saying about women who are possibly deranged mentally and emotionally. But respect is everything to me. In the past when I believed in treating men and women alike with decency/respect, women, moreso than men, would try to give shyt to me as well as any other dude who had this disposition while noticing that they showed a lot of respect all across the board to dudes who would flat out disrespect them. In my mind, I thought it was crazy but as years went on, I realized that it wasn't because I learned the hard way that women view men who exhibit any positive/respectful/decent towards them and others as weak/simpish even when a man is not weak/simpish.

So now, I look at things with the mindset of what is going to earn me the upmost respect from people, women especially. And I have come to the conclusion that treating women foul will garner that respect from them. Not saying it is morally right, but then again you will notice the most grimy, foul, disrespectful individuals are usually the most respected as opposed to those who try their best to do what is morally right by default.

youre right that women are playing a different game and with different rules than men. trying to leverage different men for different things in their lives. using p*ssy and sex appeal for their staring qualities instead of her character. those are the women that arent worth a lick.

life is about respect, and if a woman doesnt deserve it, then we can never give it to her. and that goes for everything. :whew:

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
@CrossBones: Real spit. I am at a place where treating women, no matter the type, with no human decency would be in my best interest in the long run. Yes, it conflicts with being taught to be a decent human being and showing some common decency to others but life has shown me that it does not operate like that for the most part. You can show common respect/decency to other men to certain extent, but you absolutely cannot show this to any woman no matter what, even if she is on her best behavior, because as I have said before, she will look at any form of respectfulness exhibited towards her by a man as weakness on his part.
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George Gooney

May 6, 2012
I could be being paranoid right now but..... I just searched a chick i'm "speaking" to's profile name on google and found out she joined a chess website(she's a nerdy girl) where people play eachother online... No harm there until I look through her opponents list and her most recent opponents name matches a simp who's been liking all her pics and such on instagram Same name Same spelling all of that... Should I look deeper into this??? @kevm3 @His_Excellence_Reincar @CrossBones????? @Meet The Sniper
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Apr 30, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I know this dude and he straight up seems desperate to get a woman. Son knows he doesn't exactly have his finances in order and getting his life in order yet he thinks he's gonna find love on pof and all those other dating sites. He acts like it's a big deal to get a number, acts like it's his daily goal to approach any and every woman he finds attractive and immediately begins every approach along the lines of "I think you're cute and feel like I had to talk to you." The worst part is he treats every missed number or failed approach like the biggest failure of his life. He does get girls, but they tend to be really pieces of work. Son says he doesn't get much out of sex and what he wants from a woman is validation.

When he told me that, :wow::to: especially cuz whatever I say doesn't get through even as I sympathize with him and explain his own thoughts and behaviors while not trying to be too judgmental. I feel like the worst person to be even telling him such things cuz I really never approach or do anything, but it still hurts to see a dude revolve his life around women in the you complete me sense.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I could be being paranoid right now but..... I just searched a chick i'm "speaking" to's profile name on google and found out she joined a chess website(she's a nerdy girl) where people play eachother online... No harm there until I look through her opponents list and her most recent opponents name matches a simp who's been liking all her pics and such on instagram Same name Same spelling all of that... Should I look deeper into this??? @kevm3 @His_Excellence_Reincar @CrossBones?????

Don't bring it to her attention just yet because that might make her try to hide whatever it is she's doing, but I'd quietly keep an eye on it and see how they are interacting with each other. A lot of guys like to try to sneak up on a woman, trying to be all friendly and talking about, "Let's play a game" and then try to rap to her in the meanwhile. It could be a cat that doesn't have much game and is getting friendzoned, but then again it is concerning if he was the one that talked her into playing chess. If they are going back and forth on facebook and laughing at each other's jokes and kidding with each other, that'd really be an area of concern.
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Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I could be being paranoid right now but..... I just searched a chick i'm "speaking" to's profile name on google and found out she joined a chess website(she's a nerdy girl) where people play eachother online... No harm there until I look through her opponents list and her most recent opponents name matches a simp who's been liking all her pics and such on instagram Same name Same spelling all of that... Should I look deeper into this??? @kevm3 @His_Excellence_Reincar @CrossBones?????

I would think that the thing you need to watch most closely is what she does in response to this guys behavior. is she responding to him? liking his pics? is there a flirty back and forth that they have? it sounds funny to me. it might not be much going on in her part, but it does look funny.

an important question for you to wonder is this: does she hang out with this guy for real, or used to really kick it with him? thats the bottomline and what really matters. an online person whom she "knows" is not always all that serious. what I wonder is, you said youve been talking to her, but who the hell was this guy and how come you never heard of him until you dug in? :dahell: thats that shyt I dont like - when you have to dig just to get to the right question for a woman. I would ask her first, if theres any thirsty guys that she might know, dudes on the IG who follow her around, someone who is trying to get at her, or whatever whatever.

be like, "so whats goin on with instagram and all that? you got any simps coming on, trying to get at you? :pachaha: got dudes trying to holla?" :troll:

you gotta watch how she responds to that

if she says no, shes lying. if she says she doesnt notice anything like that, shes lying.

if she accuses you of "spying" on her, just drop that science. "I just know how dudes are today. theyre real shameless about hollering online. like its nothing. Im just wondering if you got dudes like that." :jawalrus:

avoid her accusing you of spying and just get back to the point. brush that off and put the spotlight back on her.

"so, do you?" :shaq:

if she says yes, but its harmless, you gotta look at that as a whole. why is it cool that she has a dude shes interacted with following her, stalking her shyt, liking her pics, and being a thirsty little simp? is it possible that shyt doesnt even bother her? that its satisfying for her? maybe she has no complaints about it, ha? she likes the attention, ha? she likes having dudes she talks to thirsting for her, ha? :skip:

or what? hey, maybe not, but an interesting thing will be to see what she says. to you, how does it look that she doesnt regulate her own shyt, block fools, or talk to them for real about how she doesnt like that type of funny behavior on her page? what do you think of that? she cant just tell the man that she isnt interested? :patrice:

I know women like to avoid confrontation, but in that case, put her on and tell her that if a simping, following ass man doesnt get an outright "no" and a talking to about this, it will continue and most likely just lead him on. he will keep doing this.

if she likes the attention, then that kind of thinking is real immature and not something I would like my main girl to have.

I wouldnt take an attention starved woman serious. if she is really about maintaining a good image of herself and what she comes across as, then she would tell you that she has a problem with a man being like that on her page. she should say something like that to you.

of course she could just be SAYING that to you to keep the dirt undercover, but at least you get to see her face and find out what she says to you about it. thats a gauge right there. as a man, its good to approach funny shyt and dont let it slide by you. sure you cant find her guilty without evidence, but if it does look a funny then its worthy of asking her about it.

women like to act like it is harmless to keep a simp around them, to act like its not their fault because they didnt "ask" for it, etc etc, but when it comes down to it, in real life no man is going to be hanging out and simping a woman unless she permits it. and online it aint nothing to block or tell someone whats up. if she acts like its cool to have with that type of guy on her social media page, then what is that telling you.

ultimately, even if it is "harmless" and hes just a lame whos following her online, you have to look at the possibility that she might be about that online thirst life. :leostare:
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
What you got to do is never bring that negro up directly to her unless they are really getting bold with it, but you got to give her some game in a roundabout way and put the dude in a category in her mind.

sit her down one day and explain, you know baby, me and you we got a beautiful thing. I wouldn't ever want it to be ruined, you feel me... so we got to be watchful and make sure we are taking the right steps to build up what we have. i'm letting you know that there's a lot of people out there that would love to see what we have broken up especially guys that pretend to be your friend but try to get with you. these guys want to sneak in and pretend to be cool with you, but their intentions will flip and they will try to break up what we have. I know you wouldn't want that and neither would I


May 3, 2012
I could be being paranoid right now but..... I just searched a chick i'm "speaking" to's profile name on google and found out she joined a chess website(she's a nerdy girl) where people play eachother online... No harm there until I look through her opponents list and her most recent opponents name matches a simp who's been liking all her pics and such on instagram Same name Same spelling all of that... Should I look deeper into this??? @kevm3 @His_Excellence_Reincar @CrossBones?????

:leon: you found a nerdy girl?they are probably the best type to go for these days if she is decent looking i'd definately pursue that.dont worry about the simp i mean seriously what girl doesnt have simps liking her pics?
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
@His Excellence Reincar, CrossBones: So much truth in your guys' posts. Now at this point in my life, I feel like I have an incentive to treat women poorly, I mean straight dogging them out with no remorse/conscience. The worse a dude treats a woman, the more respect he will get from her. Treating a woman with some decency, which is different from simping, is STILL equal to simping in the minds of women, which is the very same reason I am very dismissive of women complaining about certain guys treating them poorly because they have consistently shown that they love that type of treatment.

its sad but for most women thats how it goes, you talk to chicks and whenever they bring up their ex their a a$$hole they abused them, they treated em bad, you notice they never mention the decent guys they dated that they cheated on?


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I know this dude and he straight up seems desperate to get a woman. Son knows he doesn't exactly have his finances in order and getting his life in order yet he thinks he's gonna find love on pof and all those other dating sites. He acts like it's a big deal to get a number, acts like it's his daily goal to approach any and every woman he finds attractive and immediately begins every approach along the lines of "I think you're cute and feel like I had to talk to you." The worst part is he treats every missed number or failed approach like the biggest failure of his life. He does get girls, but they tend to be really pieces of work. Son says he doesn't get much out of sex and what he wants from a woman is validation.

When he told me that, :wow::to: especially cuz whatever I say doesn't get through even as I sympathize with him and explain his own thoughts and behaviors while not trying to be too judgmental. I feel like the worst person to be even telling him such things cuz I really never approach or do anything, but it still hurts to see a dude revolve his life around women in the you complete me sense.

some people have to learn the hard way


All Star
May 1, 2012
its sad but for most women thats how it goes, you talk to chicks and whenever they bring up their ex their a a$$hole they abused them, they treated em bad, you notice they never mention the decent guys they dated that they cheated on?

from my experience if a girl brings up a guy and calls him an a$$hole and keeps it moving..then fine.

if she brings up a guy and calls him an a$$hole..but...keeps talking about him. and keeps talking about him. and keeps talking about him.


he can smash whenever he wants/


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I could be being paranoid right now but..... I just searched a chick i'm "speaking" to's profile name on google and found out she joined a chess website(she's a nerdy girl) where people play eachother online... No harm there until I look through her opponents list and her most recent opponents name matches a simp who's been liking all her pics and such on instagram Same name Same spelling all of that... Should I look deeper into this??? @kevm3 @His_Excellence_Reincar @CrossBones????? @Meet The Sniper

i'd say watch, continue to dwell, nothing wrong with checking in on your investment and if continues to bug you well call her out on it. One thing i realize as i get older if I dont like something a woman is doing, ill just walk away, you can't change women they are set in their ways.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
from my experience if a girl brings up a guy and calls him an a$$hole and keeps it moving..then fine.

if she brings up a guy and calls him an a$$hole..but...keeps talking about him. and keeps talking about him. and keeps talking about him.


he can smash whenever he wants/


I've said it before I dated a chick who was abused, had to live in a womens shelter, dude threatened to kill her family. He was a a$$hole, he was horrible, he nver did anything good to her, she ended up cheating on me with him :beli: