Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Thanks for the advice brehs but i forgot to mention that I don't drive (i have a fear of driving) & im below average height (5'5"-5'6") :snoop:

Real talk bruh, you got to stand up and face your fears. That's one of the keys of manhood. If you got a fear of driving, have someone go with you at night in a somewhat secluded part so you don't have to worry about traffic and get the hang of the vehicle.

The height part isn't a huge deal either, because I have a potna about the same height as you and women loved him. More than anything, today is your invitation to start the process of stepping it up and being a better man today than you were yesterday. The more you engage in this process, the better off you will be, and as a side benefit, you will attract more attention from women... but more important than dealing with women is handling the critical issues that are in your way as a man.
Mar 16, 2013
Brehs, I know that this is going off the current subject but I need some advice.

For the last year and a half, I been working on myself with improving my confidence, social and leadership skills. I have joined my company's Toastmasters club, taking on more of a leadership role with my team at work, change my workout rountine and most importanely, improve my social skills with women. But for some reason, everytime I chatting or kicking it up with a female, I keep getting the nice/good guy label. :beli:

It doesn't matter how much flirting, trash or sweet talking that I do, it seem that these women can just sense it in me and toss me to the side. For example, when I went out to the bar last night, this chic that is a regular there was wasted and her "ride" was with her dude. I told her that I would take her home if needed and she said "I know you would, you are a good guy :snoop:" Also, this chic that I was chatting it up with outside, told her girl that she should hook up with me because I seem like a good guy. Plus with the fact that when I had my date last week and even she said that I was a nice guy. What do I got to do to get these chics to see me as a legit option? Do I need to whip it out, smack them on the ass or talk dirty from the get go (sarcarism)? I not trying to look for wifely or a relationship right now, but a brother wanted to be taken seriously by these females. Any tips on how to approach women w/o looking like a nice/simpish/thirsty fool would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

I know that feel man :to:

One thing that always lifts me up when I'm feeling like this is to remember that real recognizes real, and good recognizes good. If you're suited and booted, you're handling business, being a leader at work, working out, and building your confidence/social skills, etc. This is the kind of stuff quality women (the proverbs 31 women) take seriously.

:flabbynsick: women, don't, because they never really wanted that in the first place. They just want to feel justified in controlling simps for their own benefit . Everybody's known that female that said that they wanted to be "just friends" but never treated you like a friend or acted like one themselves. They'll deny all this and say they want decent men, just because it sounds like the right thing to say, or because they might know right from wrong intellectually but are too emotionally attracted to drama and :trash: to act on it. Just KIM when you recognize women like this. If you tell someone that 1 plus 1 is 2 and they still want to quarrel and argue saying that it's 27, then there's really not much you can do for them -- it takes a power greater than ours to convince them at that point. :manny: People don't take vacations from who they are. If people show you who they are, and what they're about, never doubt 'em.

It's easy to always assume it's *us* when things don't go our way and we don't realize that a lot females out here already know how they're going to treat us before they know the first thing about us. (but don't have the guts to be real with us about their true feelings :snoop: )

Strike up conversations between classes, or around town, or in places where cool women are more likely to be hanging out. Take note of women who share the same hobbies and interests you do. Most importantly, just be real, and be you, and continue to improve yourself.
Cool women will recognize that, and respect you for it. :myman:
If any woman doesn't see that, her loss.

The type of dude a female is attracted to is a reflection on them.
Just keep it moving, breh :cheers:

(On a side note, any of you guys ever see that movie "500 days of Summer?")



Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Man with this texting thing....put it like this:Only time you should text a woman is too ARRANGE a date.Having convos is a waste of text message (thats why they have phones).As for me when I get a text from a woman I respond back when I feel like it.If a woman texts you more then she calls...she has communication issues.Yes people arent phone people...but in gettin the number,she is going to have to talk.Conversation is for the date.

what if this is a girl that you met, but lives a long distance call away?


Ohio to California
May 10, 2012
Long Beach, CA
Approach women with the personal of yourself as someone who enjoys female company for nothing less than your amusement (similar to how they view simp men)

There isn't a whole lot of detail on the encounter in your post, but if it came to the point where she said "I know you would, you are a good guy" then you probably subcommunicated nice guy aura long before that point. You we're probably (unconsciously) supplicating to her anyway.

The bolded is the only giveaway I have toward that conclusion. If she didn't ask, the fukk you volunteer yourself for? Even if you were just trying to put your bid in, you gotta do it in a more dominant and subtle fashion. "I'll give u a ride if u need me to" bruh you just volunteered yourself to be her fallback option.

If she was wasted and she didn't include u in any plan then she wasn't into you. When a chick is drunk and into you she's = :inlove::inlove: If she isn't moved by you and drunk she may just toy with you or be :yawn: to your existence. If she's drunk and sure of your simp status she will be :scusthov: toward you.

even if you didn't say anything outright, little things can emit simp waves from your body. like if she hand you her drink or purse real fast and you unconsciously hold that shyt out of reflex....every second your holding it is like your lifebar slowly draining in a video game. You may think nothing of it, but it means something to women.

I'd recommend acting slowly. if you from the south this should be easy. walk slow. talk slowly and most of all REACT slowly. when you're moving at your own slower pace you give yourself ample time to think and keep yourself from being sucked into someone else's pace

I see your point. I think what it is is that I just like doing good deed at times because of karma. There been at times when someone done something for me without anything in return just because they wanted to. I wasn't try to fukk drunk lady at all, I was just trying to be a good dude but it just seem that people make that assumption out of me lately when they get to know me. I'm not a pushover and I'm usually a loner but I have improve tredemously on my social skills over the past year and a half.

I don't think that I can be that "complete a$$hole" that most girls want. It not in my DNA and i'm not going to put on a front just to please a chic. All I want is respect...that's it. Just because I offer you a good deed or talk to you with respect just shouldn't automaticaly label me as the good/nice/boring dude. I can very cold, direct and mean when provoke. It just tired of being punished for being me but when someone is being as ass, cold or full or shyt when it come to dating/love/sex...they are rewarded. I just venting out of frustrating because I realized how mess up the game is but I don't want to change who I am just to get inside a chic pants or get into a relationship.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Carné Asada;4252275 said:
Damn :sadcam: She killed your seed. Were you ready to be a father? I always wondered if my last girl did the same thing.

My homegirl did that to her ex who was a crazy psycho. Dude tried to get her knocked up and eventually did. She ended it with him and found out a few months that she was prego. She deaded it and never told anyone aside from me and a few others.

i was young at that point but i was getting married in like 6 months so yeah i was ready to be responsible etc., i got over it though took awhile. Took me years to even tell my family, ill see my nieces and sometimes wonder how my lil breh would have looked

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
I know that feel man :to:

One thing that always lifts me up when I'm feeling like this is to remember that real recognizes real, and good recognizes good. If you're suited and booted, you're handling business, being a leader at work, working out, and building your confidence/social skills, etc. This is the kind of stuff quality women (the proverbs 31 women) take seriously.

:flabbynsick: women, don't, because they never really wanted that in the first place. They just want to feel justified in controlling simps for their own benefit . Everybody's known that female that said that they wanted to be "just friends" but never treated you like a friend or acted like one themselves. They'll deny all this and say they want decent men, just because it sounds like the right thing to say, or because they might know right from wrong intellectually but are too emotionally attracted to drama and :trash: to act on it. Just KIM when you recognize women like this. If you tell someone that 1 plus 1 is 2 and they still want to quarrel and argue saying that it's 27, then there's really not much you can do for them -- it takes a power greater than ours to convince them at that point. :manny: People don't take vacations from who they are. If people show you who they are, and what they're about, never doubt 'em.

It's easy to always assume it's *us* when things don't go our way and we don't realize that a lot females out here already know how they're going to treat us before they know the first thing about us. (but don't have the guts to be real with us about their true feelings :snoop: )

Strike up conversations between classes, or around town, or in places where cool women are more likely to be hanging out. Take note of women who share the same hobbies and interests you do. Most importantly, just be real, and be you, and continue to improve yourself.
Cool women will recognize that, and respect you for it. :myman:
If any woman doesn't see that, her loss.

The type of dude a female is attracted to is a reflection on them.
Just keep it moving, breh :cheers:

(On a side note, any of you guys ever see that movie "500 days of Summer?")


Tbh you're totally over thinking it. Just do you and if a cool girl comes along then she comes along. Cause right now you're sounding desperate as fukk and people can smell that on you.

It is what it is, just do you. Stop thinking so much and drowning yourself in your emotions, it makes you look pathetic.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
On that note, my cousin is 20, his girlfriend 19. He works and she's in the reserves, and they live together. Yesterday he springs up the "I wanna have a baby" comment. I'm just like :to: inside but trying to lecture him and explain to him why he should not have a baby at that age. He already has his girls name tattood on him. Keep in mind they're only 19 and 20, and you really never know what could happen smh.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Yup, It's hard sometimes.

breh ive said it before, all my life i had zero interest from girls and i was shy extremely shy, i remember up till gr 11 i had nothing, never kissed a girl , never was on a date, never even talked to girls. This gave the vibe off to me that i was unattractive etc., i remember school dances i didn't even go. Then like in gr 11 i found out blackplanet, took a picture of myself and scanned in and my inbox was overflooding i was like what is this :wtf:, then the golden age of myspace, hi5 and i was like eatng like fat albert. I never even initiated, i was like wth my confidence and self esteem got higher. And then the motherload i was with this freaky columbian for the summer after i graduated hs, 10/10 azz, titties, and get this she lived in ottawa and would come down every weekend for the summer to spend time with me. I dumped her and thats the one thing that i hold dear that gave me my booster shot my immunity

member that site facethejury? i was top 10 in the world in ratings at one point, same at tdotwire, and here is a me a male who for like 16 years of my life was told a lie:playoffs:, my msn list was filled to the brim with females that i had to have 2, every weekend i was out with different girls, girls would come to my house and talk to my mom see my baby pictures the whole shebang, btw i was unemployed back then had no job, just a few diff color blank tshirts.

anyways to wrap this ish up, the internet was good to me in that sense i have to admit it. Because i would still be living a lie without it because i was never the type to go up to a chick and spit game etc. m low key im a introvert, the internet opened up my doors, sadly nowadays is not like the past.


Aug 12, 2012
On that note, my cousin is 20, his girlfriend 19. He works and she's in the reserves, and they live together. Yesterday he springs up the "I wanna have a baby" comment. I'm just like :to: inside but trying to lecture him and explain to him why he should not have a baby at that age. He already has his girls name tattood on him. Keep in mind they're only 19 and 20, and you really never know what could happen smh.

Not to be sexist or anything :whoa: but it looks even worse with her being in the reserves


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
breh ive said it before, all my life i had zero interest from girls and i was shy extremely shy, i remember up till gr 11 i had nothing, never kissed a girl , never was on a date, never even talked to girls. This gave the vibe off to me that i was unattractive etc., i remember school dances i didn't even go. Then like in gr 11 i found out blackplanet, took a picture of myself and scanned in and my inbox was overflooding i was like what is this :wtf:, then the golden age of myspace, hi5 and i was like eatng like fat albert. I never even initiated, i was like wth my confidence and self esteem got higher. And then the motherload i was with this freaky columbian for the summer after i graduated hs, 10/10 azz, titties, and get this she lived in ottawa and would come down every weekend for the summer to spend time with me. I dumped her and thats the one thing that i hold dear that gave me my booster shot my immunity

member that site facethejury? i was top 10 in the world in ratings at one point, same at tdotwire, and here is a me a male who for like 16 years of my life was told a lie:playoffs:, my msn list was filled to the brim with females that i had to have 2, every weekend i was out with different girls, girls would come to my house and talk to my mom see my baby pictures the whole shebang, btw i was unemployed back then had no job, just a few diff color blank tshirts.

anyways to wrap this ish up, the internet was good to me in that sense i have to admit it. Because i would still be living a lie without it because i was never the type to go up to a chick and spit game etc. m low key im a introvert, the internet opened up my doors, sadly nowadays is not like the past.

LMAO, I'm the exact same way. Didnt go to school dances or prom or anything...just wasnt my thing. In highschool i didn't stay after school unless it was for Track practice...went straight home...did my math homework and watched the Family Channel and other TV.

But slowly after graduating I started developing my game mostly for party type settings and now I am at the point where I can do cold approaches in a variety of settings. My only rule is "do not FORCE it." If I can make the situation seem like its a coincidence (ie: We just happen to be standing beside each other in line, or sitting beside each other on the bus...stuff like that) as opposed to me having to walk up and do the whole introduction thing...its all me.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
breh ive said it before, all my life i had zero interest from girls and i was shy extremely shy, i remember up till gr 11 i had nothing, never kissed a girl , never was on a date, never even talked to girls. This gave the vibe off to me that i was unattractive etc., i remember school dances i didn't even go. Then like in gr 11 i found out blackplanet, took a picture of myself and scanned in and my inbox was overflooding i was like what is this :wtf:, then the golden age of myspace, hi5 and i was like eatng like fat albert. I never even initiated, i was like wth my confidence and self esteem got higher. And then the motherload i was with this freaky columbian for the summer after i graduated hs, 10/10 azz, titties, and get this she lived in ottawa and would come down every weekend for the summer to spend time with me. I dumped her and thats the one thing that i hold dear that gave me my booster shot my immunity

member that site facethejury? i was top 10 in the world in ratings at one point, same at tdotwire, and here is a me a male who for like 16 years of my life was told a lie:playoffs:, my msn list was filled to the brim with females that i had to have 2, every weekend i was out with different girls, girls would come to my house and talk to my mom see my baby pictures the whole shebang, btw i was unemployed back then had no job, just a few diff color blank tshirts.

anyways to wrap this ish up, the internet was good to me in that sense i have to admit it. Because i would still be living a lie without it because i was never the type to go up to a chick and spit game etc. m low key im a introvert, the internet opened up my doors, sadly nowadays is not like the past.
So you'd rather hide behind a computer? That doesn't sound like an introvert, sounds like laziness. I'm an introvert so I know how it feels but it seems like you're leaning on this introvert thing a bit too hard tbh.