Thought I'd type this out on my phone before I head out the hotel. Not a biggie, but had my first bullshyt experience out here on the DR. Women are a trip. A couple of days ago, I was having lunch at this table that seats four people, just eating and minding my own business. Anyway, one of the waiters sat this woman on my table who couldn't find a seat. So she asked if anyone else was gonna be joining me at the table and I said no one else will be sitting down so she sat down on the other side. I didn't say anything else to her and vice versa, we both just ate our meals like strangers in silence. The thought of striking up convo did cross my mind for a fleeting moment, but I didn't bother in the end. I just finished my meal and bounced.
So yesterday after coming back from this outback safari trip, I went for a much needed swim at the beach. After about 10 minutes or so, I see the same woman who sat at my table the previous day from a little distance getting into the water too. She didn't swim though, she just got her legs wet. Anyway, I took a break from swimming and made my way over to my deck chair to do some reading. She saw me from a distance and came over to say hi and that she recognised me from the previous day at lunch. She then said "I wasn't too sure whether I should have said something over the table cos you didn't say anything." I just laughed it off and said I was gonna say something a first too, but it was no prob.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, we chatted for about 20 minutes or so about ourselves and she said she was out on vacation on her own and is here for two weeks and I told her its the same with me, but I leave next week a couple of days before her. She was clearly enjoying our conversation and seemed interested. I decided to take the initiative and ask if she waned to meet up for dinner at the main restaurant later that evening so we could just kick it. She said she was gonna meet up with a few people she met from Switzerland at dinner but that we can meet up at the bar for about 10pm and watch the regular show the hotel does. I agreed, but I could sense a tiny little bit of hesitancy. Anyway, later on that night I saw her coming into the main hall just as was leaving out as I already had my dinner. She asked me where I was sitting, but I told her I had just finished my meal just then her pals she was talking about waved to her, so I asked if we were still on for 10pm and she said yes.
So later, I head to the bar and she was a no show. I didn't really think much of it since I watch the lives shows there at nights and chop it up with folk anyway. She didn't turn at all, so I just KIM, hung out in the lounge checking my emails then bounced back to my room.
Saw her at breakfast earlier and she didn't say why she didn't show or even ask to sit together even though we both pretty much came in at the same time. Obviously I wasn't gonna press the matter, she jus said "see you around" and that was it.
These broads, minute they're so keen and eager, initiating contact and shyt, then they just do a 180 like you did something wrong. Anyways......
@ me feeling a little bit of a way about it but oh well, bout to head out to the complex and kick it with some locals.
She may have been married, was planning on cheating then got cold feet