Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 1, 2012




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Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
4 Things I Learned From Don Draper

Silence works

Don barely talks about anything outside of business. Nobody knows about his past, his personal life, his love affairs, his likes and dislikes, nothing. Don understands that the more someone knows about you, the more they can use the information against you. ]/b]Sometimes you are valuable enough that it doesn’t matter (as Pete Campbell found out in season one), but it’s best to give your competitors as little ammunition as possible. The idea of opening up and allowing people to know you as a means of building trust is largely Sensitive New Age Guy psychobabble designed to identify and subjugate lesser males.
Never show outward emotion besides anger

Don is human — he’s prone to the occasional depressive episode of laying in bed for hours and contemplating what it all means, but nobody is privy to this save for his wife and the TV audience. At the office he is always composed, an unshakeable paragon of efficiency with perfectly slicked back hair and a well-tailored suit. Don doesn’t talk about his “feelings” because he knows that, ultimately, men are alone in the world and nobody cares about his problems. The only thing besides his dry sarcasm is the occasional well-timed rebuke when someone royally screws up. Don uses anger surgically, providing a counterpoint to his normally aloof nature. A man who is always sad, angry, or jealous cheapens these emotions and makes them essentially meaningless.

Hide the effort of your successes

This is a crossover from Law 30 of the 48 Laws of Power, which Don exemplifies. Don is regarded as a genius whose often-spontaneous brilliance has kept his company afloat on multiple occasions. At the office, he is the top player who is sought after by other firms and envied by his coworkers. Few will cross him because of the value he brings and the mystique of being able to come up with the perfect idea in the nick of time. Only the viewer is treated to scenes of him in his undershirt, getting drunk as he struggles to brainstorm another revolutionary idea. Don is a genius to be sure, but he also works tirelessly (and secretly) at his craft.

Happiness is transient

Don is a millionaire with a high-powered successful career in a big city, a gorgeous wife, and two kids he doesn’t have to see very often. Yet he is never happy for more than an episode or two at a time. He is overcome with a sense of emptiness, often trying to escape his feelings with spontaneous trips, alcohol, or sex outside of his marriage. Don understands at a basic level that all happiness is impermanent.

The employees at the ad firm know that their work is not selling products, but rather selling the feeling of happiness that people associate with their products. Like someone with autism who has to learn facial expressions by rote memorization, Don excels at this manipulation because he operates outside of a normal consumerist mindset and can understand it objectively. However, he is just as prone to the fleeting nature of contentment as the people he manipulates.

I normally advise against watching TV, but Mad Men is one of the two shows on television I make time for each week. In a whitewashed, PC entertainment world with few male role models, Mad Men subtly gives men a blueprint of how to act in the workplace, at home, and in the bedroom


May 1, 2012
The co-worker that cancelled on me Friday I ended up seeing her Sunday...met at her place and chilled at the park. :yeshrug:

It's really getting fukking annoying that bytches want to act concerned/interested all of a sudden when they see you with a female. :what:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Everyone with a smart phones checks their phone atleast every 10-20 minutes. At my job I see everyone texting, facebooking, tweeting and instagraming on their phones all day long. If a person feels I'm not important enough to respond back in a reasonable time then they get cut off. SMH at these Grown ass men here still playing high school texting games with these broads. Its a Damn Shame!

i agree
but whatever breh if they want to play these cgames to show hey im busy i cant text back then by all means

the only time i want text back someone is if i don twant to talk to them


May 1, 2012
Text when you want to text...I might text continuously for 10 min then a tasks comes up and I might not respond for another 30 min to hour. Matter of fact, I don't see why people don't call more... especially you older nikkas who are 30+ years old. :childplease:


opposite of mediocre
Jun 8, 2012
Everyone with a smart phones checks their phone atleast every 10-20 minutes. At my job I see everyone texting, facebooking, tweeting and instagraming on their phones all day long. If a person feels I'm not important enough to respond back in a reasonable time then they get cut off. SMH at these Grown ass men here still playing high school texting games with these broads. Its a Damn Shame!

I understand the point sniper is trying to make. Stop putting so much importance on texting or having full blown convos with these chicks via text. Leave that to when y'all see each other in person.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
I haven't really up on this texting debate in here, but me personally, the amount of time it takes for me to text a girl back depends on my interest level.

I'm extremely busy... I work my regular job in the day, I'm a college professor at night, and every other weekend I spend time with my son. I'm really bad at texting women and calling them back.

It's to the point where I arrange dates with these women in advance. I have these chicks in a planner. I don't think it's thirst to text a chick back immediately, as long as the context of the conversation isn't thirsty... I'm thoroughly against sexting, unless you already smashed the chick.

If I'm feeling a chick, and loving her conversation, I will definitely text her back. For those I don't like, they usually get the one word texts.

Personally, I just need to make enough time so that I can consistently deal with a woman and get to know her on a level where we can explore a situation that doesn't have to be superficial.

Carry on brehs...

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Let's conduct an experiment

Get two numbers of semi-cold girls and text both of them what's up. Carry both convos the same except text one immediately and text the other in a reasonably long time frame. I'd bet each one of you 100$ the the one you text fast stops responding in under 7 exchanges.

texting fast is supplication. that's just how it is. it's funny how nikkas bytch and whine about how women will have no problem making you wait but lord forbid you make them do so. even if it gives them positive results. the reason women love texting is because it's non-committal and low investment. if she sees you text her anything she doesn't like SHE WILL STOP TEXTING YOU and won't think about it. if she made plans with a nikka and something better came up she will just send out a 3 second flake text and will ignore any reply.

that's the game. if you want money you go work. if you want fitness you exercise. if you want sexy chicks, you play the game.

if not there are plenty of 30+ women/obese broads/ single moms for u to enjoy
shyt sounds dumb. Correct me if im wrong but the whole aspect of waiting to reply is to make it look as if you have a busy life. As if the female is gon think u just sit on ur ass waiting for her to text......

If you text back immediately you're subtly saying that. They think the world around revolves around them anyway. With that huge block of ego, she then looks at how easily they can get your attention. she says any ol shytty 3 word text and you drop everything to reply. to her, getting your attention is as easy as calling a dog :heh:

This seems a little childish
So are women. They don't speak logically or value logic. If you want women you speak to them in their language.

I think yougot meant if he doesn't have anything going on at the time (he's not doing shyt) why should he ignore the text and wait to text back just for the fukk of it. If I found out a chick was doing something so petty I wouldn't deal with her any further so why would I do it

if? if you're fukkin with a chick who hasn't been fat and ugly all her life then I guarantee she's done it before. If not to you then someone else.

and since when was texting back immediately some sort of polite society custom? is there a clause for fast texting in your etiquette hand books? Where did this rule come from? yall the only nikkas I've ever seen hitching some sort of honor code into texting back dutifully :sadbron:

i think it's about time yall let go of the moral high horses and stop backwards rationalizing yourselves into the same patterns. yall read all day online about how women love dudes who don't give a fukk and resign yourselves to that attitude, but are scared of being as flippant, dismissive and cool irl. HA!

how yall expect anyone to beleive yall would be able to cooly dismiss a shyt test, simp bait or mind game a dime, 9 or 8 would throw at you when you can't keep yourself from rushing to text a 7 back without it tuggin at your heartstrings :sadcam: :sadcam: :sadcam:

what happened to cold hearted? what happened to not giving a fukk? its sounding fraudulent in here

To be fair, women, at least some of them definitely do think that, I've heard as much from more then a few. Along the lines of wanting the guy to be busy and not consumed with her, least in the beginning stages. Unfairly, on the other hand, when a women texts me back right away, which almost all of them do, most of the time, I don't look at it like they are so unoccupied with work or whatever else, just they are glued to their phones, which they are, women people in general these days, iphones are like extensions of their hands, in the double fingers interlocked position all day.

I've heard it a lot to. Those who don't believe you or me can feel free to conduct the experiment I mentioned above. But of course they won't

lol @ celibacy, asexuality and MGTOW being viable alternatives but leaving their phone on airplane mode for a day is out of the question :bryan:

ass backwards

So you will respond back to men's questions on a message board immediately but wont respond back to a woman you are feeling ... :skip:

Well though I'm not feeling u, my not responding hasn't stopped your bytch ass from sending text my way.

I guess the system works :ahh:


Jun 5, 2012
Just because you havent quoted me doesnt mean you havent been responding back to my posts over the last 5-6 pages you clown azz n1gga.


Jun 5, 2012
A man with options wouldn't waste his time texting a semi-cold chick. He is more focused on the women that are cooperating with his game. The only time I text women is to ask them what time they are coming over or what time to meet me somewhere. Randomly texting women and not responding back to them is some of the lamest sh1t I've ever heard. You call that GAME? hahahahaha

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
Let's conduct an experiment

Get two numbers of semi-cold girls and text both of them what's up. Carry both convos the same except text one immediately and text the other in a reasonably long time frame. I'd bet each one of you 100$ the the one you text fast stops responding in under 7 exchanges.

texting fast is supplication. that's just how it is. it's funny how nikkas bytch and whine about how women will have no problem making you wait but lord forbid you make them do so. even if it gives them positive results. the reason women love texting is because it's non-committal and low investment. if she sees you text her anything she doesn't like SHE WILL STOP TEXTING YOU and won't think about it. if she made plans with a nikka and something better came up she will just send out a 3 second flake text and will ignore any reply.

that's the game. if you want money you go work. if you want fitness you exercise. if you want sexy chicks, you play the game.

if not there are plenty of 30+ women/obese broads/ single moms for u to enjoy

If you text back immediately you're subtly saying that. They think the world around revolves around them anyway. With that huge block of ego, she then looks at how easily they can get your attention. she says any ol shytty 3 word text and you drop everything to reply. to her, getting your attention is as easy as calling a dog :heh:

So are women. They don't speak logically or value logic. If you want women you speak to them in their language.

if? if you're fukkin with a chick who hasn't been fat and ugly all her life then I guarantee she's done it before. If not to you then someone else.

and since when was texting back immediately some sort of polite society custom? is there a clause for fast texting in your etiquette hand books? Where did this rule come from? yall the only nikkas I've ever seen hitching some sort of honor code into texting back dutifully :sadbron:

i think it's about time yall let go of the moral high horses and stop backwards rationalizing yourselves into the same patterns. yall read all day online about how women love dudes who don't give a fukk and resign yourselves to that attitude, but are scared of being as flippant, dismissive and cool irl. HA!

how yall expect anyone to beleive yall would be able to cooly dismiss a shyt test, simp bait or mind game a dime, 9 or 8 would throw at you when you can't keep yourself from rushing to text a 7 back without it tuggin at your heartstrings :sadcam: :sadcam: :sadcam:

what happened to cold hearted? what happened to not giving a fukk? its sounding fraudulent in here

I've heard it a lot to. Those who don't believe you or me can feel free to conduct the experiment I mentioned above. But of course they won't

lol @ celibacy, asexuality and MGTOW being viable alternatives but leaving their phone on airplane mode for a day is out of the question :bryan:

ass backwards

Well though I'm not feeling u, my not responding hasn't stopped your bytch ass from sending text my way.

I guess the system works :ahh:

One of the few brothers who actually "gets it" :wow::wow::wow:...


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The thing is I don't give a damn, I don't follow game rules or care what a broad thinks.

Oh no he text me back right away he must be a loser, oh now he took a few hours or days to respond hex got a life girl

All that is lame I trxt when I check my phone and its there

sent from royalty via tapatalk

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
The thing is I don't give a damn, I don't follow game rules or care what a broad thinks.

Oh no he text me back right away he must be a loser, oh now he took a few hours or days to respond hex got a life girl

All that is lame I trxt when I check my phone and its there

sent from royalty via tapatalk

This works for you because you're Reincar :myman: but to another nikka who tries to emulate your lifestyle then complain about women needs to be slapped silly! Why play the game if you're not gonna try to score??? Why talk to the girl if you know your behavior can potentially push her away??? That's like me saying ima go fishing knowing my rod is hanging together by splinters! I aint gonna catch shyt! Why not just swear off women for real and be about that life??? nikkas can't make up their minds and the homie @Meet The Sniper got his foot on these negros' necks
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