I think I understand the divide now.
yall need to stop sweatin the technique. the
why is more important because that's what you use to align with your own beliefs and use for ya natural game. people so focused on the line
that's why I don't like how nikkas try to run routines off websites n shyt

when women have sex with a dude they fancy it's always something that "just happened". that's the way you want it to be. the time to meet up with her will come. the meaningful convo won't come thru the phone till at least after yall fukked since most the non whores/attention whores will be done playing games
Regarding the texts/not responding/Eryakah Badu in shower post, I'm conflicted because on one hand, I'm sure it works, I know it does, but isn't that the same thing I (we) get so frustrated with regarding women and their manipulations? The coy text messaging, baiting, ignoring responses on purpose? It is. Rather move above that kinda shyt, even if it costs me.
All I did was send a text.

How she feels or responds is her business. it's just a text. all the legwork toward hittin was done in person. would you feel the same way had none of my examples texted me back? it wouldn't have been baiting then (because that makes me sound like im in control doesn't it), it would've been "oh she shot him down/played him etc." You got bad frame.
im a somewhat coy person in general but women happen to find it attractive

and if you want to be coy then be coy I guess. you can be anything you want to be. lol @ nikkas being okay with choosing to be cold, distant, or even asexual but are

@ the notion of success with women. how bout choose not to be cold hearted, just smart.
you see dude you have to live your game. this thread will teach you how to peep it, nikkas will teach you how to spit it, but living your game is congruence. it's a life style that's attractive to women naturally.
That's the whole thing about the game breh... Either you play or you don't... Women are less bothered by guilt because to them it's not "game" it's them weeding out the "lame" negroes... They live the game!!! So make sure you know the rules...
right. the game is natural to women because most of their informal interactions with males carry that undertone....not that women don't like it, cause they like dikk just as much as we like p*ssy. they just get it in excess from unrequited sources.
that's the best part about the simp's role in the game. the fact that there are so damn many of them gives you that vital contrast as a person. even in her phone where they exist in purgatory in her DMs or text messages. starting that same ass forced conversations trying to win her favor. calling her beautiful every 5 seconds.

their constant visibility makes her think about you much more and how you're different. and if you're a fun person who turns her on also

it's a wrap
so basically you're subtle in your approach while pursuing women...i think most dudes in here understand that you don't wanna be overly eager or too timid but don't act like it's not a objective here ...
Yeah and no.... the best flirting is subtle but you have to be somewhat direct in the interaction in general. "a man being attracted to a woman is natural and there isn't anything wrong with it" that's the mindframe. you have to convey interest or intent at some point (otherwise you're playing it too close to the chest and dance along friendzone territory). just don't do it too much
i use a similar approach but my shyt is mostly tearing bytches down and making them realize how much of a loser they are, then building them up with their good qualities...i was fukkin with this one mexican and black bytch who had that dumb cassie shaved hairstyle
me: don't you got that joe dirt mullet cut too?
her: lmao fukk you nikka i don't hear no complaints
me: what events took place in ya life where you felt the need to shave ya head like a alabama redneck?
her: i'm a stab you when i see you nikka
after the process of tearing her down i built her up by letting her know that she was cute so she could pull it off but her and any other bytch with that hairstyle was tryna fake stand out by being unique and they looked dumb as hell...it eventually led me to a fwb relationship
woah...I'm guessing you're messing with really hot chicks...the average hoes might've gotten their feelings hurt. it's interesting and different...I don't doubt it works either.
Breh, no offense, but I'm too old to be playing these games you're talking about
Texting someone arbitrarily just to share a random/inconsequential thought? That sounds like something a woman would do
Well yeah it is something they do. look at any chick's twitter feed, when it's not filled with stolen quotes it's filled with inconsequential thoughts.
But it being inconsequential is the best part of it. they lack of concern for any consequence, or judgement is exactly what captures the aura of truly not giving a fukk that females love. they love it because they can't be like that. they hate being judged and change up aspects of their behavior to avoid it.
but again i disagree with the texting games you play sniper, if someone texts me and i see it and im not busy im replying right away, i don't care about the "she may think i have no other options and is not busy
I thought you were one of those who advocating waiting long chunks of time to text
again im 27 you may be younger, but if a woman plays games with me im done with that, i dont need that stress or drama in my life. The only games i play is on my television.
Well yeah, I am younger but if you're really that adverse to how women play games then I guess have fun with all the 30+ year old women and single moms. All women will play games if she is attractive enough to do so. because if she is attractive then she will have options and will have to screen those options. avoiding the screen entirely by acting on your own agenda is what's attractive to women and it's how sex "just happens" for them.
at least I think so
if i text someone adn they text me im replying when i get the text, if i text a girl and she doesnt reply i delete her number and if i never here from her again shrugs.
Idk man....sometimes good chicks just get lost in the game. I understand you're protecting yourself but sending out a text and being reactionary to her reply aint really my stlye. I just take charge of the interaction myself