Pt 3 of mind of reincar
Never sacrifice your happiness / well being / dreams for a woman who is not blood
And by blood I mean mom, sister, daughter, grandma etc.
But But I love her
Don't be me brehs, what? yeah don't be reincar. Don't be a man who gave up his prime years and sacrificed his goals and money for a broad.
Don't be the man who decided to stick with a horrible broad because she would kill herself

if I left.
Never and I mean never sacrifice for a broad NEVER!
Do not be a white knight, do not be Mr. Charity, do not be your such a good guy as she glows when you hand over that check to help her cover the rent.
Do not be that guy who gets pummelled and ends up in a coma because a man was verbally abusive to his partner and you decided to "do the right thing"
Do not be the guy that vacations to boise idaho instead of rio de janiero brazil because your girl wanted to see her family and well she hasn't seen them in a long time and your paying for it.
Do not be the guy who gives up his dream and declines a scholarship to a ivy league school to stay home because "you love her", and dont want to leave her.
I would sacrifice and give anything for my mom, sister, grandma, nieces, why? because they would do the same for me (minus my nieces because they are 2 and 3)
The women of today for the most part will not sacrifice at all for you.
Short on rent for the month* tough luck.
She got a job in another city, you think she's going to sacrifice?* "i'm sorry reincar this is a great opportunity for me I hope you understand"
She really wants to go to aruba, but your grandpa just had hip replacement surgery and you have to* visit him* ... "have fun reincar me and my girl will go to aruba instead"
She's accepted to a prestigious university 1,000 miles away "im sorry reincar but this is my lifelong dream"
You sacrifice years and years making a decent earning, supporting her while shes in school. SHe finally graduates after 8-12 years in school becomes a Dr is now making more bread, and looks down at you.
Always put your happiness, your dreams, your goals before a broad who is not blood.
Yes I would give up my happiness, my dreams, and my goals to stay around and help out my family, or a kidney to my mom, or give up on going on that trip around the world to help pay* my grandma medical bills.
But for a reg broad that aint blood?
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