Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
helping out with money for books an dcourses i did that:obama:
helping out with assignments i did that:beli:

:wow2: That's too real.

I've noticed that men will sacrifice a lot when it comes to a woman they love. A lot of times it goes unnoticed because we don't vocalize our feelings like women do.

I remember I used to argue with my ex and she'd but like "bu.. but I want my dream job!" and I'd be like "You think I'm working my dream job? I turned down a better job to be closer to you."



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
:wow2: That's too real.

I've noticed that men will sacrifice a lot when it comes to a woman they love. A lot of times it goes unnoticed because we don't vocalize our feelings like women do.

I remember I used to argue with my ex and she'd but like "bu.. but I want my dream job!" and I'd be like "You think I'm working my dream job? I turned down a better job to be closer to you."


Breh I dropped out of law school and got a job so I could start saving for the down payment on a condo, :snoop:

Women are selfish me first, rarely will a woman sacrifice rarely.

I'd say more but I'm going to touch on this in a broader aspect in my thoughts of reincar

sent from royalty via tapatalk


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
:wow2: That's too real.

I've noticed that men will sacrifice a lot when it comes to a woman they love. A lot of times it goes unnoticed because we don't vocalize our feelings like women do.

I remember I used to argue with my ex and she'd but like "bu.. but I want my dream job!" and I'd be like "You think I'm working my dream job? I turned down a better job to be closer to you."


That's when you quickly find out a woman's first interest is herself... She'll leave you in an instant for her own job, and won't appreciate you for sacrificing yours.

The exception to the rule is if you are drug-dealing or doing some other illegal activity. Then, she'll be willing to put her career at risk because illegal things just makes sweetheart shiver.


King of Beasts
Feb 24, 2013
Scenario: If I'm no longer with the mother of my child and I found out that her current boyfriend is putting hands on her, am I obligated to bust his ass or should I mind my business?

Been there bro. At this point in your life, the well being of your child comes first. Abusers will start hitting the mom, and then migrate that abuse to the children. The "mom"

will be powerless to stop him..... You have to approach that man and tell him, firmly yet respectfully, that you do not ever want to hear that he put his hands on your kid.

What he does to the mom, you cant control that, after all; she SELECTED him. If he violates the terms of that "talk", you are free to escalate as you see fit.

There are no winners in this scenario, protect your kid, and stay out of prison.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Pt 3 of mind of reincar

Never sacrifice your happiness / well being / dreams for a woman who is not blood

And by blood I mean mom, sister, daughter, grandma etc.
But But I love her :beli:

Don't be me brehs, what? yeah don't be reincar. Don't be a man who gave up his prime years and sacrificed his goals and money for a broad.
Don't be the man who decided to stick with a horrible broad because she would kill herself :russ: if I left.

Never and I mean never sacrifice for a broad NEVER!
Do not be a white knight, do not be Mr. Charity, do not be your such a good guy as she glows when you hand over that check to help her cover the rent.
Do not be that guy who gets pummelled and ends up in a coma because a man was verbally abusive to his partner and you decided to "do the right thing"
Do not be the guy that vacations to boise idaho instead of rio de janiero brazil because your girl wanted to see her family and well she hasn't seen them in a long time and your paying for it.
Do not be the guy who gives up his dream and declines a scholarship to a ivy league school to stay home because "you love her", and dont want to leave her.
I would sacrifice and give anything for my mom, sister, grandma, nieces, why? because they would do the same for me (minus my nieces because they are 2 and 3)
The women of today for the most part will not sacrifice at all for you.
Short on rent for the month* tough luck.
She got a job in another city, you think she's going to sacrifice?* "i'm sorry reincar this is a great opportunity for me I hope you understand"
She really wants to go to aruba, but your grandpa just had hip replacement surgery and you have to* visit him* ... "have fun reincar me and my girl will go to aruba instead"
She's accepted to a prestigious university 1,000 miles away "im sorry reincar but this is my lifelong dream"
You sacrifice years and years making a decent earning, supporting her while shes in school. SHe finally graduates after 8-12 years in school becomes a Dr is now making more bread, and looks down at you.

Always put your happiness, your dreams, your goals before a broad who is not blood.
Yes I would give up my happiness, my dreams, and my goals to stay around and help out my family, or a kidney to my mom, or give up on going on that trip around the world to help pay* my grandma medical bills.
But for a reg broad that aint blood?

sent from royalty via tapatalk


King of Beasts
Feb 24, 2013
It's amazing the amount of money you will eventually save by not trying to impress women. When cats start trying to impress women, they start buying a whole variety of things they absolutely do not need. They will buy tons of colognes, a flashy car, jewelry, expensive clothes, spending money on dates, on gifts, etc... and when you really think about it, what is it all for?

If you were smart, you could take all of that extra money, pay off all of your debts, invest it, start a business or any other variety of steps to guarantee your financial freedom. Financial Freedom is way greater than trying to razzle dazzle some woman that 39 other guys already dove inside. Plus, when you have a fat bank account, it serves the exact same purpose that all of those depreciating assets does... women will be attracted to your REAL wealth rather than your 'flashy wealth....' which is to say that you will still attract women for trivial purposes, except in the latter case, you actually aren't turning yourself into a debt slave in the process.

I'm telling you cats, stack your paper up, live a low maintenance lifestyle and don't worry too much about catching women that can't be caught by you flying under the radar. Being able to retire early and not have to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from > being the fly guy for the next 5 to 10 years and dumping your money into a black hole, never to be seen again. The kind of women you attract with flash are NOT the ones you want to deal with.


I will only add to this by saying to all the young brehs out there; the most important thing you should do in your life is to INVEST IN YOURSELF.

Women (will/may) come and go. Love (will/may) come and go. Investments, be it college, learning a trade, or managing your current income, are the things that should come first.

Please brehs, choose yourself first, then augment that with a quality woman. Not the other way around. When you're comfortable, regardless of your age, the women will come.

They always do.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Never cheerlead a woman and never follow up behind her. Cats that cheerlead women end up looking crazy in the end. What I'm talking about is cats that sit around with their woman all over their facebook, talking about how much they love their baby, how amazing she is, if he's on the forum, he got her picture as his avatar and is always talking how special she is. These cats get busted on EVERY time. What's so sad about it is that the woman doesn't see it fit only to make him look stupid by cheating on this guy, but she will ACTIVELY clown the guy or smirk when she sees he is in pain. What you cats need to know are that women are like kittens attached to a snake. They are sweet, beautiful creatures when they first meet you and they like you, but as soon as they lose their feeling for you, they turn into a snake and are liable to do any and everything to you. You could have sacrificed the world for her and not done an iota of wrong to her, but as soon as she loses her feelings for you, she will have actually laugh at your misery and clown on you.

This is why you don't put women on camera or 'upgrade' their ego in any way. As soon as she feels she is better than you, she's out the door. If you were some overweight guy and you had a pretty woman who was there for you through thick and thin and stood by you when you lost the weight, you'd really appreciate it and you'd likely be very loyal to her. On the other hand, if you are with a big girl and she loses the weight and she starts getting attention, you are yesterday's news.

This is why I keep telling cats not to put too much attention on women. They are sweet as sugar when they like you, but once that emotion is gone, they morph into snakes and will be cold as ice... and life has enough problems on your own. You don't want to be constantly worrying about what your woman is doing on top of worrying about all of life's other issues.

I love looking at fine women and conversing with a woman with a solid convo and all, but screw that... it's much better having your money right and just being able to put yourself in a position where you aren't worried if you lose your job because you have substantial savings and you don't have any kind of debt... just having that ability to up and take a trip when you want to... being worry free and not having to consider what "your woman" is doing on that trip she is taking with her homegirls or having arguments about her going to the club. If you find that super rare woman with some kind of moral quality, get at her, but otherwise man, put these women in the bg and get your life extra right and just glide.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Some other advice I have for these youngsters... grab you a nice used car when you buy one and make sure your car payments are low as possible. Pay the car off as fast as possible to save on interest. In fact, try to buy the car straight out. Buying new and having these big car payments is really a drag. You can end up paying thousands in interest if you are financing.

The reason why people never get ahead is because INTEREST is TEARING THEM UP. If you can't delay your gratification, you will end up giving banks and the such THOUSANDS, if not tens of thousands of dollars in free money via interest. Cats really don't realize how much money they are giving away when they go in debt. Let me tell you something. Some of you young'ns think you are going to be out here doing something extra crispy with your new SUV and rims... all these fresh clothes and jewels, etc. You might get hoes doing that, but they are the same hoes that all the other crispy cats are getting. It's really a sucker's endeavor man. You might have all these little freaks, but they are the same ones jumping from negro to negro. What you ALSO have is that big ol' debt monster on your back tearing you up.

I'm kicking ya'll the real. Think about what you'd rather have in five years... an SUV that is five years old and no longer 'fresh' and attention getting... a closet full of 'used to be fresh' clothes that you paid some outrageous sum for and a whole bunch of memories of low moraled women you used to be with... or would you rather have a massive bank and be able to use that to take trips, to relax or do whatever you want... and your 'safety fund' is large enough so that you don't have to really worry about getting fired because you have enough to live on and find another job. I'm telling you cats, focus on getting your life situation right. When you sit and 'deal' with women, you aren't going to have anything left. When you get your situation straight, women will want to 'deal' with you. Think about who a woman goes harder for, that nice joe blow who does everything for her or some big shot star? The star doesn't do anything for the woman compared to joe blow who will give that woman the world, and yet the star will have the woman willing to do nearly anything for him while the joe blow can barely get a second of her time.

I really wish I had someone rap to me this stuff when I was younger, but I'm giving it to you younger cats. You better heed this advice and listen up.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Let me rap to ya'll about something else. You know what Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world?

No, it's not what you think. He called compounding interest the 8th wonder of the world. I remember around 2002 or so when I first went to university, I dropped about $250 into stocks. Around 2012, I cashed out at around $750. I invested, didn't do anything for ten years and just tripled my money. Too bad I didn't invest more. But that goes to show you, people that get ahead in life don't put too much money into MOTOR vehicles and other depreciating assets that lower your net worth as soon as you buy them. They invest in financial vehicles.

When you have money, you pretty much have 4 options other than paying your expenses. You can give it away to things such as charity, which is noble. You can put it in depreciating assets such as cars, clothes, etc... you can sit on your money, which is the same as losing it since inflation will eat away at it... or you can invest it into appreciating assets. I'm not necessarily only talking about stocks and bonds, but I am also speaking on educating yourself (not necessarily through the school system, but rather self education), starting your business, etc.

Get your mind right, get your heart right, love God, build sufficient financial structures and get you a crew of real cats and life will be a lot more lovely. You can be like the average joe and chase women or you can put yourself in a position to where you are living and loving life and women are actually chasing you.

There are way too many beautiful things in life to be locked into this tedious cycle of everyday living.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Let me rap to ya'll about something else. You know what Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world?

No, it's not what you think. He called compounding interest the 8th wonder of the world. I remember around 2002 or so when I first went to university, I dropped about $250 into stocks. Around 2012, I cashed out at around $750. I invested, didn't do anything for ten years and just tripled my money. Too bad I didn't invest more. But that goes to show you, people that get ahead in life don't put too much money into MOTOR vehicles and other depreciating assets that lower your net worth as soon as you buy them. They invest in financial vehicles.

When you have money, you pretty much have 4 options other than paying your expenses. You can give it away to things such as charity, which is noble. You can put it in depreciating assets such as cars, clothes, etc... you can sit on your money, which is the same as losing it since inflation will eat away at it... or you can invest it into appreciating assets. I'm not necessarily only talking about stocks and bonds, but I am also speaking on educating yourself (not necessarily through the school system, but rather self education), starting your business, etc.

Get your mind right, get your heart right, love God, build sufficient financial structures and get you a crew of real cats and life will be a lot more lovely. You can be like the average joe and chase women or you can put yourself in a position to where you are living and loving life and women are actually chasing you.

There are way too many beautiful things in life to be locked into this tedious cycle of everyday living.

You got a beginner's guide to stocks? i been sitting on a few thousand that i can part with and let grow for years

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Kev how you talk about Einstein, then talk about having faith in god.

In my opinion god is good, but we can do good or bad with or without him.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I can talk about Einstein and talk about God because you don't have to believe everything someone else believes in order to take something useful from them, just like you don't have to be a Christian to quote Isaac Newton or Blaise Pascal.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
You got a beginner's guide to stocks? i been sitting on a few thousand that i can part with and let grow for years

For a basic education on stocks, has what you need.

I'm still doing an assessment on it all, since it has been a while since I've dealt with stocks, but as of right now now, I wouldn't rush to put my money in the stock market. The period in which I invested was during a time when the economy was doing quite well, such as going through the tech boom, etc. Things have cooled off since then.

The typical recommendation you will get is to park it in an index fund due to the low fees in comparison to most actively managed mutual funds and due to the fact that most fund managers fail to beat them over the long-term.

The reason why I'm hesitant to invest in the market right now is due to the turbulence I see coming to America. We have a monumental amount of national debt, we're in wars everywhere and looking to get into more soon, etc. With the market, you have to park your money and sit on it in order to realize any real gains, unless you are just some uncannily skilled short-term trader... but over the long-term most short-term traders get demolished by the fees and the taxes that come from constantly jumping in and out of stocks. If you are confident in America being stable over the next 10 years or so, put your money in an index fund.

As for me, my personal recommendation right now is ensuring you are liquid (have a lot of cash or can quickly convert what you have into cash) and being debt-free, especially if you have any high interest bills. I don't know your personal financial situation right now, but if you have any debt, especially credit card debt, get that paid off, as well as any loans you have. I personally want to see how things start settling down here in America and around the world before parking any money.

What I'm personally doing is investing in my self-education and reading on how to start a business. I'd much rather have direct control over my money as opposed to dumping it in the market right now due to just how turbulent things can get in the near future. With a business, I have much more direct control and I can access my money quicker if necessary. If I do feel more confident on the overall economy, I'll let you know, but my personal recommendation is to pare down on your expenditures as much as possible, pay off all debts, and go cash heavy for now. If things get shaky, you'll have cash on hand to potentially get out of this country if necessary.