Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
this girl i was messing with started giving me the run around after saying how much she loved me and talking about our future. all of a sudden she needed to think about things and be alone. i was pissed cause i gave up a good girl who was 5 hours away but down for me. she had me on that communication string...checking in here and and there to keep me...i peeped game though and eventually got with homegirl whos 5 hours away. it ended up being the better option. the day after she left my crib two girls who had me on their roster both contacted me on some old shyt but i wasnt having it. i def think they can sense it. one of em straight up asked me " i know you did something this weekend..."

Real talk. I definitely feel you on them keeping you on a string. and they definitely can sense that you're making moves.

"And just when you forget her that's when she pop up." -Drizzy


May 1, 2012
Scenario: If I'm no longer with the mother of my child and I found out that her current boyfriend is putting hands on her, am I obligated to bust his ass or should I mind my business?

I'd entertain the thought if I was still fukking...that's it. :what:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Scenario: If I'm no longer with the mother of my child and I found out that her current boyfriend is putting hands on her, am I obligated to bust his ass or should I mind my business?

You should tell the mother of your child to leave him due to her own safety and the safety of your child and if she parts ways with him and he keeps coming around, then you should get on him... If she refuses to leave him, then find a way to get custody of your child through the courts because you don't want your child in an environment where domestic abuse is going on.

The reason I suggest it as such is because if you go in and whoop the guy, he could file charges against you and your ex will end up on his side. So you might end up trying to protect her and your child, but she might get to acting illogical and get on you for 'attacking her man'. A lot of times it ends like that in domestic abuse situations... or you end up beating his guy and she just runs right back to him and runs right to the beatings.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Can women sense when you have moved on? Curious to hear what you all have to say.

as soon as youre not sweating her, or maybe she can sense youre not on her clit like that anymore, yeah she'll know. they have thirst detectors :smugbiden: they have built their entire lives around courting attention and seeing what they can get from it. they can tell when its going away.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Just some late night musings... [LONG READ]

For those of you dating a woman in grad school BEWARE. A college campus is the most unrealistic place in the country. I sit here and reflect on my failed relationship of 7 years and realize a few things. Right now I'm pretty much stable, I make good money (engineer), have good insurance, and low student loan debt. The reason I chose this path was not because I love being a boring engineer, but because I was laying the foundations for my future family.

Enter my ex... I'm sure I've told this story before but she graduated undergrad a yr before me. She couldn't find a job so she went to get her Masters, "Oh my Masters in Public Health will help me find a job." I was like okay this puts our plans on hold but okay. I graduated a yr later and walked right into an engineering position. While waiting on her I bought a house. My thought process was "Let me have something set so me and my baby can build from here." She graduates with her Masters two years later. She can't find a job again so decides go for her Ph. D. "Oh don't worry baby, this Ph. D will help me be more marketable and I'll be able to get a job." I think to myself "You can't find ANY job? You have to go back to school?" :bryan: But I'm a man and I don't want to be emo about it so I just say "Okay."

That was 4 years ago. We've been broken up for two primarily because I moved to the midwest for a way better job opportunity (once again, improving the foundation) and I've loaned her money to help her finish school (sounds crazy but I was in love). I sold my house and pretty much just stack bread while plotting my next move.

My ex will graduate before the end of the year and will most likely walk into a post doc that only pays roughly $45K. And that's after 10 years of schooling. She'll have a shyt ton of debt and will be doing it alone.

Meanwhile, the nice foundation I built for us will be getting unused. I have a feeling that getting back with me is going to start to look real good once she's hit with the realities of life. I'm not bitter, just reflecting.

Here's the main point. I am a throwback man. I believe in being a provider and handling my business. I believe in being a good leader as well. I've been independent and a hustler most of my life so I know nothing else.

As I get older life trips me out. My ex was pushed by the feminist grad school counselors to pursue this path. "You need to do this so you're never dependent on a man!" She'll be 30+ and single with a mountain of debt. She's a very attractive and smart girl too, but ironically may still wind up dependent on a man. I say beware of chicks in grad school because as a man you'll be constantly fighting against them and their "dream." I never once steered this girl away from her dream even though it changed multiple times. After a while you just wanna say "fukk it, enjoy your degrees." and date a receptionist who wants to raise kids.

I find that most women these days are in need of direction. Make sure you know who is influencing your woman and giving her that direction. Don't say I didn't warn you.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man, definitely don't go wifing her up or else you'll be the one paying that debt and getting robbed blind. That foundation you built up definitely isn't going unused. It's there for you to do whatever with it and there if the right woman ever comes along. Man, in fact, that 'foundation' can be rearranged into something to get you an early retirement if you continue to build it right.

The problem with females being brainwashed under feminist and just females in general is that they only hang around with women who think exactly like them. They don't want to hear the realities that feminism will eventually push them into. They listen to those lesbians and used and abused catwomen who are giving them philosophies that will propel them into a life of loneliness. Sure, focus on your career. Go ahead, spread your legs for countless guys. Believe you can have it all... but don't act surprised (which she inevitably will) when you can't find a guy to wife up your contentious, aging butt. You better take solace in that degree, your fellow career women and with Garfield and Sylvester.

I used to be on that whole I'm a man, I'll be the provider until I learned how most women actually look at providers-- aka as suckers to be drained for their resources while they deal with other men on the side. Women keep on clamoring for equality, so it's about making them bring something to the table. You go around thinking about building for the future and taking on her debt and she'll leave you with the debt and a cloud of dust as she peels off to the next man.

That's something a lot of these negroes need to be aware of. Be VERY aware of the woman you are dealing with on a serious note... be aware of her financial habits. If she has a ton of student debt or other debt, just know that she will try to get your assistance in paying them off or will end up leaving you with that burden... and as we all know, when it comes to women, gratitude isn't in the average woman's vocabulary. You think you're being a real man by paying off her bills and that she'll appreciate it but eventually find she's getting slam dunked by some other guy while talking down on you.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Can women sense when you have moved on? Curious to hear what you all have to say.

Yes they can.

Just like how they can sense that a guy is desperate and clingy and doesnt have any other options.

For example after a lengthy relationship a broad dumps you and drops "i still love you, i just need space":

so you stick around hoping to get another chance she can sense it, you still phone her and text her, still take her out. Then suddenly you meet a broad this new broad is on your mind and you no longer care about your ex, your ex realizes your texts are now shorter just the im ok and k, or its taken you hours to reply, you dont call her, you dont drop by her place to hang out, she realizes she is losing her grasp, that you are moving on.

like shame on you said though

they should know you have moved on by you not being in their life

trhis is the mindset i take, when im done with a chick whether she dumped me or i dumped her, i sever the ties

sent from royalty via tapatalk


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Just some late night musings... [LONG READ]

For those of you dating a woman in grad school BEWARE. A college campus is the most unrealistic place in the country. I sit here and reflect on my failed relationship of 7 years and realize a few things. Right now I'm pretty much stable, I make good money (engineer), have good insurance, and low student loan debt. The reason I chose this path was not because I love being a boring engineer, but because I was laying the foundations for my future family.

Enter my ex... I'm sure I've told this story before but she graduated undergrad a yr before me. She couldn't find a job so she went to get her Masters, "Oh my Masters in Public Health will help me find a job." I was like okay this puts our plans on hold but okay. I graduated a yr later and walked right into an engineering position. While waiting on her I bought a house. My thought process was "Let me have something set so me and my baby can build from here." She graduates with her Masters two years later. She can't find a job again so decides go for her Ph. D. "Oh don't worry baby, this Ph. D will help me be more marketable and I'll be able to get a job." I think to myself "You can't find ANY job? You have to go back to school?" :bryan: But I'm a man and I don't want to be emo about it so I just say "Okay."

That was 4 years ago. We've been broken up for two primarily because I moved to the midwest for a way better job opportunity (once again, improving the foundation) and I've loaned her money to help her finish school (sounds crazy but I was in love). I sold my house and pretty much just stack bread while plotting my next move.

My ex will graduate before the end of the year and will most likely walk into a post doc that only pays roughly $45K. And that's after 10 years of schooling. She'll have a shyt ton of debt and will be doing it alone.

Meanwhile, the nice foundation I built for us will be getting unused. I have a feeling that getting back with me is going to start to look real good once she's hit with the realities of life. I'm not bitter, just reflecting.

Here's the main point. I am a throwback man. I believe in being a provider and handling my business. I believe in being a good leader as well. I've been independent and a hustler most of my life so I know nothing else.

As I get older life trips me out. My ex was pushed by the feminist grad school counselors to pursue this path. "You need to do this so you're never dependent on a man!" She'll be 30+ and single with a mountain of debt. She's a very attractive and smart girl too, but ironically may still wind up dependent on a man. I say beware of chicks in grad school because as a man you'll be constantly fighting against them and their "dream." I never once steered this girl away from her dream even though it changed multiple times. After a while you just wanna say "fukk it, enjoy your degrees." and date a receptionist who wants to raise kids.

I find that most women these days are in need of direction. Make sure you know who is influencing your woman and giving her that direction. Don't say I didn't warn you.

i was like you to breh, i wish i could go back to school with my mindset i have now, and just do what I love without worrying about providing for my family in the future. I sacrificed so much in school etc. for my future family that i no longer care to have.

And thats why there are alot of women out there in high 6 figure debt because of their masters in sociology, psychology etc., doing baristas at starbucks.

helping out with money for books an dcourses i did that:obama:
helping out with assignments i did that:beli:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."
- Albert Einstein


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Brehs what is your stance on texting, calling etc.

Do you always make the first contact?

If a chick never contacts you first is it bushes status?

I have to say I'm hardline, I'll text or call first for the first little while, and if she never does I'll delete the number, if she cracks then :obama: if not shrugs, I'll never be one of these simp lame lances in her phone. I believe wholeheartedly in viewing a chicks actions and making cutthroat decisions.

sent from royalty via tapatalk

Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
Brehs what is your stance on texting, calling etc.

Do you always make the first contact?

If a chick never contacts you first is it bushes status?

I have to say I'm hardline, I'll text or call first for the first little while, and if she never does I'll delete the number, if she cracks then :obama: if not shrugs, I'll never be one of these simp lame lances in her phone. I believe wholeheartedly in viewing a chicks actions and making cutthroat decisions.

sent from royalty via tapatalk

If I have to initiate more than 3 conversations with her before she initiates one, it's straight to the bushes she goes.

The way I see it is this: if a woman is actually interested in you, she'll go out of her way to pursue you. You don't really have to chase, even if you technically are chasing her since she'll be openly inviting you to chase her.

If she doesn't have a good reason for not initiating the conversation (like she's very busy/or stressed or whatever) then just drop her. She's probably not into you anyways.


May 2, 2012


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Brehs what is your stance on texting, calling etc.

Do you always make the first contact?

If a chick never contacts you first is it bushes status?

I have to say I'm hardline, I'll text or call first for the first little while, and if she never does I'll delete the number, if she cracks then :obama: if not shrugs, I'll never be one of these simp lame lances in her phone. I believe wholeheartedly in viewing a chicks actions and making cutthroat decisions.

sent from royalty via tapatalk

I'll never call or text more than 2 times in a row. It's evident that she got the message or call and just doesn't want to respond.

If a woman wants to be with you then nothing will keep her away, but if she doesn't want to be with you, then everything will keep her away.

I will normally call or text first. That first conversation sets the tone. If she rushes me off the phone or tells me that she's going to call me back, then I'm most likely gonna charge her to t he game.

Women will try to keep you on the phone forever if they like you, and I wouldn't do that either. I'd end the phonecall after 15-20 minutes but at least I know she's interested. If she calls you after that, then she's interested.

Once you've shown interest in her, it's up to her to reciprocate. Makes no sense to chase after her, once she knows your intentions. If she's with it, she will comply.

If she's playing hard to get, charge her to the game. She's not seriously interested in you. Women don't let men that they are seriously feeling get too far away from them.