Brehs what is your stance on texting, calling etc.
Do you always make the first contact?
If a chick never contacts you first is it bushes status?
I have to say I'm hardline, I'll text or call first for the first little while, and if she never does I'll delete the number, if she cracks thenif not shrugs, I'll never be one of these simp lame lances in her phone. I believe wholeheartedly in viewing a chicks actions and making cutthroat decisions.
sent from royalty via tapatalk
Brehs what is your stance on texting, calling etc.
Do you always make the first contact?
If a chick never contacts you first is it bushes status?
I have to say I'm hardline, I'll text or call first for the first little while, and if she never does I'll delete the number, if she cracks thenif not shrugs, I'll never be one of these simp lame lances in her phone. I believe wholeheartedly in viewing a chicks actions and making cutthroat decisions.
sent from royalty via tapatalk
Brehs what is your stance on texting, calling etc.
Do you always make the first contact?
If a chick never contacts you first is it bushes status?
I have to say I'm hardline, I'll text or call first for the first little while, and if she never does I'll delete the number, if she cracks thenif not shrugs, I'll never be one of these simp lame lances in her phone. I believe wholeheartedly in viewing a chicks actions and making cutthroat decisions.
sent from royalty via tapatalk
i pretty much have the same mentality.
I'll play the game a little bit and contact them first, initiate things, etc. but like you said, if its not reciprocated I stop it.
with that being said, this new chick I been really feeling sent me an unprovoked text message the other day. had me likeshe's interested and she's mad cool too.
i just hate bishes THAT never initiate contact. I had to stop talking to a good friend in hs cuz she NEVER called me first. and we were real cool. i gave her a warning and she said "okay, I'll try to call you sometimes as well." she didnt and i never called her again. we'd see each other at school but i never called her house again.
i pretty much have the same mentality.
I'll play the game a little bit and contact them first, initiate things, etc. but like you said, if its not reciprocated I stop it.
with that being said, this new chick I been really feeling sent me an unprovoked text message the other day. had me likeshe's interested and she's mad cool too.
i just hate bishes THAT never initiate contact. I had to stop talking to a good friend in hs cuz she NEVER called me first. and we were real cool. i gave her a warning and she said "okay, I'll try to call you sometimes as well." she didnt and i never called her again. we'd see each other at school but i never called her house again.
i woulda never even brought that sh1t up. woulda just stopped cold turkey. and got ghost. all that complaining aint never a good look. "u never call me, i'm the one always calling". just doesn't sound like something my arrogant ass would ever say.![]()
u always have to make the first contact. women aren't naturally aggressive. let it be very clear u dig her. then if she plays games after that. u have to haul her straight into the wilderness.
So if your talking to a chick or dating her, an she never initiates your ok with it?
If you don't call or text her for even a week she never tries contacting you once, your ok with that?
I remember this chick I was feeling, after a while I realized I was the one always calling and texting, so I stopped. Days went by, weeks went by, months went by its now been a few years.
sent from royalty via tapatalk