Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
after church today my dad told me straight up dont trust women lol, he said when he was a young boy his dad put him on a fence and told him to jump into his arms but his dad didnt catch him, and his dad said see you cant even trust me to atch you so never ever trust a woman

:wow: the reincar gene pool...


Top 113 Poster
Mar 29, 2013
Just now started reading this thread and I thought I'd point out one that made me scream "YES!" at the screen.

-Just cause a chick writes all holy and self-empowering statements on facebook doesn't mean she is a good girl. In my experience those type of chicks be the biggest hoes.


Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster

Reminded me a girl friend of mine texted me last night and asked if I wanted to go to the Saturday market with her, I said sure, but the next day I responded to her text cause I fell asleep and she didn't even respond smh. It's not like I was upset, I really wanted to do hw and chill anyway, but as friends you still couldn't say "hey I'm not going today" after all you did invite me. Something like that makes me wanna just say naw next time she hmu

The babe was upset that she didn't get a response as immediately as she would like...

(noticed how i said "immediately" in lieu of soon - that's how women are ridiculous they are when it comes to timing and response).

Her not reciprocating a reply is a testament to her patience and ultimately decided that since it took you until the following day to hit her back - you werent worf it - disregarding the fact that any fair circumstances could have caused you not to reply (slept, battery died, on a date and being fair to the other party, you were getting hit up by so many women you didn't get a chance to get to her name, etc.).

Irregardless, women are fickle by nature so it shouldn't surprise anybody that she decided to act indifferent (when the reality is that, we know she mad - girl... "YOU MAD!!!").

Any who, seattle was shiitty all weekend. Fukk this place.

Wish i made it out to Portland cuz the soggy weather put a damper on life (overcast should be illegal - the fukk i need clouds for?).


Guess i'm just jealous that my girl went to Hawaii with her friends and i'm stuck in the Emerald day dreaming about white sands, martinis with the umbrellas that be mini.

Like Vick - i'm silly.

I'm turning 31 this Friday breighs. :ohlawd:

But i still feel...

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Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
The babe was upset that she didn't get a response as immediately as she would like...

(noticed how i said "immediately" in lieu of soon - that's how women are ridiculous they are when it comes to timing and response).

Her not reciprocating a reply is a testament to her patience and ultimately decided that since it took you until the following day to hit her back - you werent worf it - disregarding the fact that any fair circumstances could have caused you not to reply (slept, battery died, on a date and being fair to the other party, you were getting hit up by so many women you didn't get a chance to get to her name, etc.).

Irregardless, women are fickle by nature so it shouldn't surprise anybody that she decided to act indifferent (when the reality is that, we know she mad - girl... "YOU MAD!!!").

Any who, seattle was shiitty all weekend. Fukk this place.

Wish i made it out to Portland cuz the soggy weather put a damper on life (overcast should be illegal - the fukk i need clouds for?).


Guess i'm just jealous that my girl went to Hawaii with her friends and i'm stuck in the Emerald day dreaming about white sands, martinis with the umbrellas that be mini.

Like Vick - i'm silly.

I'm turning 31 this Friday breighs. :ohlawd:

But i still feel...

Phoenix - Too Young - YouTube

Weird, because she's not my girlfriend. We've went out before and got a beer or I've went out to a sports bar with her and her friends, although I'd just go just to kick it with her and I've even kicked it with her up in her apartment at like 4am after going out.

Funny thing was that I actually fell asleep around 10 and she responded at 11:30. Either way I got back to her at 7am. Either way I still haven't found/been found by a proper right/cool girl but at the same time with many of the ones I run into I'm glad to not be involved with some of them. Oh shell

Yeah you fukked up man, it was sunny all weekend, I woke up at 10 played soccer @ Adidas North American headquarters, smoked and chilled the whole day. You need to get your ass down here especially while she's gone.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Mane, the key is to focus your thought on those elements of life that YOU can control. You can't control what some woman thinks. Either she will like you or not. So stop spending all of this time trying to figure out what some woman is thinking, because ultimately, it really doesn't matter. What she does will be dictated by her emotions. She can think you're the greatest thing since sliced bread, but all of a sudden, her emotions get a hold of her and she's just into someone else.

So stop trying to figure out some magical techniques that you can use to get into a woman's mind. What you need to do, as we've been talking about earlier, is start working on yourself, which is something you CAN control... and something, when you invest your thought into it, you actually are blessed with a return on that investment.

Cats that spend all their time try to figure women out and cater their whole existence around it end up being losers in life. Think about all the super players in high school who never amounted to anything because they spent all their time chasing women, trying to figure them out, but never figured out their own lifestyle. Instead of building a solid structure for the future, they may have 2 or 3 kids by different women, getting tore up by child support, might be in and out of jail because they never developed any real employable or entrepreneurial skills so they have to result to doing illegal activities, spent all their money on flash to try and look fly for women, etc. You don't want that guy to be you.

What you really want to focus on instead of chasing women is getting everything in your life in order and just finding great ways to enjoy your life. When you're out here without financial worries, when you're taking trips, when you're eating at high-quality restaurants and when you're expressing yourself without any sort of reservations about yourself, it just screams out attractiveness to a woman. You are BEING high value instead of sitting here trying to use your mouthpiece to CONVINCE a woman you are high value. Instead of you having to jump through hoops and looks, women will try to make a way to get to where you are. Now the value of all this knowledge that we've been kicking is that when you've got things positioned right, you know how to deal with women from a behaviorial standpoint. You know not to be simpish, you know not to spend your money on her unless she's proven it through loyalty to you, etc.

I'd like to flip the premise of this thread on its head. You don't want to be the man that has to 'deal' with females, as if you are utilizing some coping mechanism to put up with some nonsense that you have no choice to face. You want to be the man in which women deal with YOU. In other words, you aren't the one on guard, trying to impress. She's trying to get YOUR attention. You don't want to be one of those guys getting screened by women, hoping she might let you into her graces, as if you are unemployed and looking for a job and she is your interviewer. YOU want to do the screening... and you can't do this if you don't solidify your life.

The problem a lot of cats have is they worry more about what a woman thinks about them and what they think about themselves. In other words, you've put women on a pedestal over the most important thing about yourself, which is your self-worth. Stop worrying about having women react to you. Worry about being able to look into the mirror and being able to say, "Man, I really like the cat staring back at me." That's how you have REAL confidence... when you get to the point that you are able to see your own worth and don't need anyone to validate it for you... and by you exuding that real confidence, you will get women as a byproduct and those will be the women that are genuinely attracted to YOU and not some image, because you value being yourself so much that you feel as if it would be a shame to pretend to be someone else.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Thoughts of Reincar Pt 2.
Never say I love you first or at all if you can.
But But Reincar, I love her, your just bitter and jaded and don’t know what your talking about :childplease:
I have uttered these words in the past and let me tell you the moment it flows out of your lips you have lost some of the power you once held.
Long ago when I was a young simp I was dating a broad. This is when I thought I knew it all, thought I had everything figured out with women and was winning.
Anyways after a few months she drops them thangs on me how she loves me, and if I love her…..i was like :woah:, anyways we continue canoodling and cavorting, ever day she would tell me how she loves me,* every time she uttered them words my armor seemed to peel off a little more, and then finally after a glorious weekend together she asks me again and I said yes I love you :snoop:.
This was the beginning of the end, anytime I did not want to do something she wanted but “I thought you loved me”, she knew me uttering those words was like Samson getting his hair cut, I was powerless, I was a simp now, my emotions were in a whirlwind. Everything changed once I uttered those words.* I vowed to myself when we broke up that I would never utter those words again……
Then I ended up muttering to a few more women after her like my ex fiancé and a few other broads I dated for a decent amount of time :snoop:, I stared to notice a trend they would always drop that I love you first and try to get me to drop it, I would always hold out but once I did the power was shifted, the “but I thought you loved me” would always be dropped. I remember when a broad was dumping me and she dropped the “but I still love you though” on me, then a week later like a little simp I contact her again letting her know that I love her and she told me thanks, but her feelings changed and she loves someone else now some dude she just met. That crushing defeat on the battlefield opened my eyes to this word called love.****
Even the chick I was in love with more than anyone I ever dated in my life, I never uttered the L word to her at once, she would always be like Reincar do you love me?* And I would be like not yet, even though the feelings I felt for her was more than any chick I ever messed with.* *I remember when we went to the waterfront and just chilled and she looked in my eyes and told me that she loves me and I make her so happy and she’s never felt this way about anyone before, and I just said smiled and said thanks. She would always ask me do you care about me, do you love me?* Back in the day I would have said yes with all my heart etc., instead I would say I’m here aren’t I?* actions not words.
*Let me tell you something brehs this was the best relationship I ever had, she would cook for me, drive nearly a hour just to see me. When I was in my first car accident years ago, she left work early to go and drive me home a good 1.5 hrs.* The only reason we broke up is because I went back to church, and our lifestyles no longer meshed.
Women love hearing I love you from a guy, it gives them a sense of security, a sense of power, the mysterious man* is no longer, the door has been open, the fish has latched unto the bait.
So yes men go right ahead and love, just never utter those words if you can.

sent from royalty via tapatalk


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Every day I'll be dropping one of the ten rules/tenants of reincar
10. The LeBron James Mindset!!

I've thought about this for awhile and was wondering how to construct it into words, it may be a little long or confusing but I hope you understand the points I'm getting across.
Every man out there should have the Lebron James mindset.
Especially for all us single guys out there, we need to stop having a undersized you probably won't get drafted tweener mindset and the LebRon mindset a valuable mindset.
I used to have the mindset of the undersized tweener who will probably be undrafted entering the draft, jsut grateful to get a opportunity to work out for a team, just grateful a team no matter the quality would give me a chance.
Yes that's right team = a broad. I was grateful that even the charlotte bobcats, or toronto raptors would give me a workout (date). I was grateful to even be considered on their roster (of men). When they could squeeze me in for a workout (date), i would drop everything and be there.
Even if I was treated like garbage, I'd put on a smile because I got a opportunity that many wanted, even when hit with the thanks for coming, but we have better options if they don't work out we know your number (friendzoned). I was still grateful for the workout and opportunity (hey look a fine broad went out to dinner with me)

Now let's flip this breh, do you think lebron James back in 2003, was grateful to be given a workout? do you think he went to work out for the number 20, 28th and 29th teams who had draft picks?* Nah he declined because he knew his self worth, he knew he was going number 1. He knew he held the cards, do you think he thanked cleveland for the opportunity of working him out and drafting him?
Do you think he was grateful towards them? do you think he tolerated being treated like garbage (more on this later)?* Nope, he knew he was the man, he knew this was his team, he knew he held the value, hes the one who had cleveland submitted to him not the other way. The Lebron james mindset brehs.

Even after 7 years, of worshipping their king, lebron kept his options open, he was Never to scared to leave and voiced his disagreements when needed. He led, and expected the city and team (women) to submit to him which they did, but even then he kept his options open, he never truely committed and invested 100%.* Notice these traits breh, even if you have a great broad, who submits, worships the ground you work on, always keep your options open, never fully trust
you never know when she might be disloyal,or get to comfortable and just sit back and not do anything even when you drop pointers to improve.
Lebron James Mindset, finally he became a free agent and as man especially single man every day is July 1st out there and you are now a unrestricted free agent.
A free agent who just happaned to average 30 ppg last year. We have to start viewing ourselves as lebron james
*do you think lebron felt grateful that miami offered him a contract and signed him (so why should we feel grateful because a woman is beautiful and is given us the time of day)?
No, Lebron was the prize every team wanted him, he had skills and traits that only a select few have.
He had offers left and right and did not commit right away even though he knew what direction he was going in, he sat back and then made his decision.
Even until the last moment he still had his suitors waiting (never show your cards to a woman that you are totally invested in her by cutting off other broads till you are fully committed to one and even then)
(who knows i may return to cleveland one day :troll:)
As faithful, confident, hard working men of values, we are the LeBrons in this market, we have the skills and traits and wisdom that only a few have, so why are we chasing?
Why are you begging and grovelling for the charlotte bobcats, toronto raptors, low quality type teams(women) to give you a chance?
These teams offer nothing, you won't win, its a poisonous environment. Yeah the uniform (looks) are shiny,but you have options why settle?
Many men out there have the tweener undrafted scrub mindset out there twittering for a workout, grovelling and begging for a chance. View yourself as valuable and stop chasing.
Have the lebron james mindset, be courted in your free agency, never be so quick to sign on the dotted line (committment), even if you do committ to one team (a broad), if she is not giving you all the things you want you have the option to leave and know that you still be courted because you have a skillset that only a few have.
He may not have the best jumper, may not be the best free throw shooter, or 3 point shooter. Or have the smoothest shot, or be the best dunker, but he is the king.* You may not be a tyson beckford type cat, you may be balding, you may be skinny, you may not even have a car, but if you believe in yourself and value yourself and remain confident the world is yours brehs.

The Lebron James Mindset breh

sent from royalty via tapatalk


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City

Also to those that may want to step your financial game up you should check out the author David Ramsey. His book "Total Money Makeover" is a step in the right direction of getting your dough where you would like it. I've been following the principles, and although they aren't easy (for instance I moved out of my dope apartment by myself to room with 2 other dudes, one of which is a PIG :snoop: ) I've definitely have seen improvement in my finances.....which I use Credit Karma and Mint to keep track of, 2 great apps that help you monitor your credit and finances also.

I just checked that book out. its pretty good fam. in chapter two he had a good lesson being, "dont lend money to friends and family. if you want to help them out, just GIVE them the money. if not, then dont give them anything." he said that the lending of money makes you the master, and them, the servant. it creates a bad dynamic that can shake up any relationship.

the best thing to do is give them the money, and maybe later they will look out for you and help when you need it. or dont even fukk with it and dont give them shyt. but one thing for sure, is that you dont lend it. it hurts a close relationship no matter what you do.

Id say the same with women. if you help out, dont expect her to come back and pay you square. she may or she may not. you have to be ready for that possibility should you ever chose to help her.


May 6, 2012
women have no code. their minds and feelings are fickle. Do not expect them to "do the right thing". Do not appeal to their reason or compassion. The only way to guide them is to use incentives and consequences. And even then don't necessarily expect them to act rationally. Don't fall for their sweet speeches. They are sincere while they say it. except that the next day she's someone else.

If a woman tells you she's not like other chicks, expect her to be like other chicks. (first clue is that all other chicks say that). Matter of fact, if a girl told me she's like most women, i'd probably pay more attention.

if a chick tells you she tells it straight and direct, don't necessarily believe it. watch how she really is instead.

Love a chick like she loves you and you will automatically lose. Love her like a man should.

this might be my last post in a while, i don't know, will probably still lurk. great thread!


Apr 18, 2013
Aw man, I posted a good philosophical post earlier before the system reset.:beli:

Anyway I just saw the funniest and saddest thing on instagram:

So I'm killing time at work looking at cam'ron's photos straight :heh::heh::heh: at the shyt he has there and I come across a photo where hes all hugged up on two females; the caption says something like "me and uhh, cant remember" :heh:

So then there's comments to this photo where some dude is all mad and stuff putting on his cape while one of the girls from the photo, (a 7.5) comes on saying how cam just offered to buy food and shyt talking about hes a, "nice guy" :beli:

So me being one that had too much time on my hand, I go to her instagram page and see how shes 23 with a kid and got a boyfriend who's posting one of those instagram text photos talking about how dudes better not DM her, think about her, like her photos or even look at her because he will fukk them up :wtf:

Man I tell ya, these dudes have to stop putting on capes for these females jumping through hoops and going to jail for em while shes all hugged up on a celeb that doesn't even remember her name.

Fickle emotions man :hmm:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man, you will be cool as long as you don't ever seriously tie up too much emotions in a woman or take her too seriously. The problem is we all just happen to get bit by that emotional bug and seem to think that our game is above ordinary or that this woman is special and unlike other women, and we eventually end up in a twist and find out that she IS like other women.

I see these cuties that show me interest, but as much as I get hyped for fine women, I already know that while the faces may change, for the most part the story stays the same. I'm just having way more fun working on different aspects of my life and actually learning things. There are so many places to go and things to do than to have your mind tethered to what some woman is or isn't doing.


Apr 18, 2013
Thoughts of Reincar Pt 2.
Never say I love you first or at all if you can.
But But Reincar, I love her, your just bitter and jaded and don’t know what your talking about :childplease:
I have uttered these words in the past and let me tell you the moment it flows out of your lips you have lost some of the power you once held.
Long ago when I was a young simp I was dating a broad. This is when I thought I knew it all, thought I had everything figured out with women and was winning.
Anyways after a few months she drops them thangs on me how she loves me, and if I love her…..i was like :woah:, anyways we continue canoodling and cavorting, ever day she would tell me how she loves me,* every time she uttered them words my armor seemed to peel off a little more, and then finally after a glorious weekend together she asks me again and I said yes I love you :snoop:.
This was the beginning of the end, anytime I did not want to do something she wanted but “I thought you loved me”, she knew me uttering those words was like Samson getting his hair cut, I was powerless, I was a simp now, my emotions were in a whirlwind. Everything changed once I uttered those words.* I vowed to myself when we broke up that I would never utter those words again……
Then I ended up muttering to a few more women after her like my ex fiancé and a few other broads I dated for a decent amount of time :snoop:, I stared to notice a trend they would always drop that I love you first and try to get me to drop it, I would always hold out but once I did the power was shifted, the “but I thought you loved me” would always be dropped. I remember when a broad was dumping me and she dropped the “but I still love you though” on me, then a week later like a little simp I contact her again letting her know that I love her and she told me thanks, but her feelings changed and she loves someone else now some dude she just met. That crushing defeat on the battlefield opened my eyes to this word called love.****
Even the chick I was in love with more than anyone I ever dated in my life, I never uttered the L word to her at once, she would always be like Reincar do you love me?* And I would be like not yet, even though the feelings I felt for her was more than any chick I ever messed with.* *I remember when we went to the waterfront and just chilled and she looked in my eyes and told me that she loves me and I make her so happy and she’s never felt this way about anyone before, and I just said smiled and said thanks. She would always ask me do you care about me, do you love me?* Back in the day I would have said yes with all my heart etc., instead I would say I’m here aren’t I?* actions not words.
*Let me tell you something brehs this was the best relationship I ever had, she would cook for me, drive nearly a hour just to see me. When I was in my first car accident years ago, she left work early to go and drive me home a good 1.5 hrs.* The only reason we broke up is because I went back to church, and our lifestyles no longer meshed.
Women love hearing I love you from a guy, it gives them a sense of security, a sense of power, the mysterious man* is no longer, the door has been open, the fish has latched unto the bait.
So yes men go right ahead and love, just never utter those words if you can.

sent from royalty via tapatalk

:dwillhuh: whats up with all of the asterisks breh?

anyway at the bolded, imma refer you to Woody Allen in that "80% of life is showing up" :smugfavre:


Apr 18, 2013
Man, you will be cool as long as you don't ever seriously tie up too much emotions in a woman or take her too seriously. The problem is we all just happen to get bit by that emotional bug and seem to think that our game is above ordinary or that this woman is special and unlike other women, and we eventually end up in a twist and find out that she IS like other women.

I see these cuties that show me interest, but as much as I get hyped for fine women, I already know that while the faces may change, for the most part the story stays the same. I'm just having way more fun working on different aspects of my life and actually learning things. There are so many places to go and things to do than to have your mind tethered to what some woman is or isn't doing.

I've only made it to page 400 with all of the stuff on my plate lately, but in terms of real life applications as they relate to this thread, its sooo crazy how I'm picking up on the craziness of some of these females and simps out here.

For instance, here in the Caribbean we just had a carnival and two friends of my family, (one cute chick around my age and an older one that is relatively attractive) came down. Now I've never ever been into carnival here, its just not my speed, but for some odd reason, they believe that since they're here, I need to drop everything I'm doing and come out with em, (with my family too).:comeon: Between, the gym, work, LSAT prep and my own leisure time, I cant be dealing with their nonsense. So every time they do see me, I get these little snide comments like, "oh since you've been antisocial ever since we got here you're just gonna have to make it up next year" :beli:.

Yeah, so I'm not even gonna explain how back asswards that is so I'll just let Bill Duke :ufdup: that.

On T.V. I saw a commercial for some show on the WE, (I think it stands for Women's Entertainment :what: ) that is purely about pregnant women dating men. :what: Of course they have that whole, "men need to man up" mentality. The funniest part is that during the commercial, a girl said how she doesn't need a man but wants one and in the next shot the simp is out buying her clothes while she's voguing in some store. :wtf:

I turned off the tv and read a book.


Apr 18, 2013
Just to deviate a bit...
One of the best gaming soundtracks of all time:

I really miss gaming when it was full of adventure. Way too many shooters nowadays.

To be honest there are still some amazing games in terms of adventure out now, (i.e. Assassin's Creed). In terms of overall though, too true.

Star Fox is still that game though :yeshrug: