Man, there are some heated discussions on this board about gender politics. I like it, but some people get really salty when you even suggest that people try and avoid things like marriage, reject feminism, or treat women equally, like men.
Anyway, this question is something that I pose to you guys: How do you try and reestablish contact with a girl from many years ago? I've done it successfully a couple of times in the past and I think that I can contribute. I usually wait until they post something on Facebook that gets lots of attention, privately messaging them with something along the lines of, "Hey, I see you're having fun lately, [name]. How ya been?" Something kinda bland, but still enough to get a response.
Any answers and criticism are welcome.
if you dont agree with the whole marriage, kids, picket fence your a misognyst, your bitter, your jaded etc. etc.
TO reestablish contact, add to facebook, if already added then just wait till they post something a new pic anything and just comment and bring out the hey how are you doing, then want to get coffee or something to catch up?
so basically what your doing. When I had facebook I had a bunch of girls from hs on my page, id just hit them up like hey i see your working at say the mall ill be there for lunch want to catch up? just ish like that