Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


fukk u weeaboo
May 3, 2012
Not Japan

:ohmy: He went down this?

May 4, 2012
"One thing to keep in mind about the Trojan Horse analogy.

The Trojans were fooled into fukking themselves because the Greeks did something the Trojans never thought they would do, they used the Trojans' love of the gods against them. See, the Trojans assumed that using things as important and sacred as religious elements were off limits. Using a sacrifice to the gods as a means of infilitration? No, who would ever do such a thing? Well the Greeks fought dirty in this case, but the fact remains. . . they won.

What's the comparison you may ask?

Well everyone here on one level or another KNOWS women are absolutly willing to fight dirty to win. Men are too of course, but I maintain that men on average are far more likely to fight "honorably" as men for the last few decades have clearly done. The problem is fighting honorably against someone who has no honor is a losing prospect. Women will not hesitate to use things against men that we would ordinarily consider off limits. You want examples? Kids as ammo in divorces just for starters. A woman feels wronged by a man and she will go directly to the thing he loves most and destroy it, be it a car, an heirloom, his computer or game console, whatever the case may be.

Keep an eye out for that Trojan horse fellas, and if you see or hear any sympathies or niceness from the beseigers, feel very free to look a gift horse in the mouth."


Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Why do I seem to run my mouth when talking to random females that I don't care about? It's almost like I automatically friend zone them and express my true feelings about things like women or life orrrr etc.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
One of the best things about removing your focus from going after women and just handling business, staying true to your principles, improving your relationship with Jesus, and just enjoying life is that when you do so, you start actually doing something POWERFUL. You start being yourself.

When you start actively pursuing women, you put yourself in a position where you have this desire to 'catch' a woman, and thus it becomes a sort of game in which you have to catch the woman to win and if you don't catch her, you fail. This starts to create a mindset in which you start going out of character in order to win that woman over. In other words, you start coming up with techniques and doing different things that are not of your natural character in order to draw and keep her attention. In other words, you start playing a role-- which is being something other than you. When you are being someone other than yourself, you are catching women with a false personality. They are attracted to this role you are projecting for they can only be attracted to what you put out there. And like all forms of acting, you will eventually become tired of projecting a role and will revert back to your natural self.

When you get tired of projecting that role and revert back to your normal personality, that woman you caught will sense that you have somehow 'become different', and she will lose her attraction to you. On the other hand, if she was attracted to you in your natural state and the way you handle your endeavors without having to think twice, then it will be much harder to lose her because you will end up being you more than anything else and that was what attracted her. In other words, the relationship will become 'effortless' and much more enjoyable. This is why a lot of times those women you aren't attracted to are the ones you can't shake. You are always yourself around them and they are attracted to the real you, and since you don't find them that attractive, you feel no need to play any role to catch them. Thus, you are always bringing to them something they are deeply attracted to. When it is said and done, it really pays to be yourself.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
That older Puerto Rican woman is thirsty.


That's the 3rd time she's asked me when we can meet. She told me a friend died so I told her that she still has her family and every new day we get is a chance to be better. Didn't really expect her to ask me out again.


I went to HS with this one so I cut her face out mostly just in case someone knows her and decides to rat. She keeps saying I'm interesting but I don't remember the last interesting thing I said :yeshrug: I know the reason though I'm not oblivious just very apathetic

I have been pretty non-committal to all the women hitting on me lately. This woman at Sports Authority was trying to flirt with me and I just didn't feel like going through the motions even though she was cute. I didn't want another person texting me or calling me or sending me messages on facebook. It's kind of hard to explain...I was with my girl for 5 and a half years and I just kind of like the freedom now.

I'm not about to lower my standards especially when women flirt with me pretty regularly. But I am starting to feel like I'm waiting on a unicorn to come around. I feel like if I can't have exactly what it is I want then I'd rather be alone and just have "friends". Looking at the women my friends from HS ended up with or how women I used to have crushes on turned out just has me feeling like I'm not missing much.

You are doing the right thing in not lowering your standards. Never get in a relationship or do anything for that matter 'just cuz everyone else is doing it.' If you can't tolerate the woman or have no real attraction to her, it's way better off not dealing with her than making some move and being tethered to her for 18 years because you impregnated her... just 'cuz'. Sometimes a man will feel lonely, but when he sees what other men who don't like their relationship are dealing with, he breathes a huge sigh of relief.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I just posted this in the other thread.....

Stories here are hilarious but let me just say one thing to dudes: If you ain't feeling a chick, you just ain't feeling her.

It's alright to have 'off days' when you're just not in the mood or you have things on your mind and don't feel like talking. If some chick who expects you to be psychic gets mad cos you're not responding to her the way she feels you should, don't sweat it. You ain't gonna be attracted to everybody and you're not under obligation to respond to a broad. Just be polite and KIM, because that's what they would do. Sometimes a broad is simply unnattractive, has a bad aura, a suspicious vibe, ulterior motive etc.

Society just conditions people to believe that just cos a man isn't feeling a particular chick who approaches him, then something's 'wrong' with him, yet women turn dudes down all day everyday.

Personally, I'd rather a woman who would just initiate convo and be more direct with me. That doesn't make her thirsty at all. If I'm feeling her, great. If not, thanks but no thanks. All that "accidently" spilling juice on your shirt or "are you so-and-so's cousin?" or staring and not saying anything to me is just bullshyt and I find it annoying. My sister has friends in their late 30s and early 40s who still do shyt like that and I can't stand them broads. Come correct or don't bother coming at all.

....because there's still this undertone of placing puzzy on a pedestal and dudes really need to revolutionise their way of thinking if things are ever gonna get better.

I like what Oye is saying about not lowering your standards, because I've seen dudes get railroaded into relationships and staggeringly even marriage just because of pressure and the people around them - especially those from foreign cultures. Sometimes, a direct "NO!" is what it will have to take for someone to get the message.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Some mistakes that I made during my marriage. Learn from them brehs.

1. If pleasing your wife requires you to be miserable or do something you don't like, do not do it. It is not worth. You will hear people, especially married people, tell you that it's all about sacrifice, but it's more significant than that. The first time you bend, she will continue to bend you back until you either snap (and become her bytch) or bounce back really hard (in which will cause drama in your household). Be firm with a woman. Tell her "yes" or "no". No maybes, we will see. If you are undecided, you tell her either "I will give you an answer on such and such date" or "I will give you an answer once I have all of the facts".

2. Don't listen to other married people, especially men. Most of them are the biggest simps. The reason being is that because they live with their wives, they've been domesticated. Let me explain. Imagine having to argue with a woman everyday, over simple stuff or stuff you shouldn't have to argue about, like your freedom. Women don't lose arguments. They can go for days or months. These men eventually get tired of arguing and give in to the woman's demands. They become more concerned with keeping the peace than being genuinely happy. Their happiness is now whenever their wife isn't complaining. So the advice they would give you may be beneficial in keeping your wife from complaining, but they can't give you advice on how to maintain a balance or happiness in a relationship. And those who can, they're either divorced or found a woman who submitted. Sad to say, you'll see this is domestic violence relationships. Women with violent husbands are less likely to start arguments and fight for what they want.

3. Keep her consistent. Sex, cooking, cleaning, looking good, keeping a job... none of this should stop. Remind your woman that you don't provide security, you provide incentive. Security means "no matter what", incentive means "only if". I'll only remain with you if you continue to sex me, cook, clean, look good, and stay employed. My love, time, and dedication is not a right, it is a privilege. Gotta keep these women on their toes. Dudes that provide security are the ones that get screwed. THink about it like this. If you were a teacher, you don't give all of your students an A right? They have to earn that A. If the students knew that they would get an A regardless, why would they bother to do the work or show up to class for that matter? Let that be your mindset with these women. Everything you do for her is a privilege, not an entitlement.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Why do I seem to run my mouth when talking to random females that I don't care about? It's almost like I automatically friend zone them and express my true feelings about things like women or life orrrr etc.

One of my biggest flaws was getting too comfortable and expressing things that should have been kept to myself. You have to have somewhat of an air of mystery when dealing with people, because familiarity breeds contempt and a lot of people will try and exploit what they feel is a weakness you possess. When sharks sniff blood, what's the first thing they do? T

There has to be at least one or two things about yourself only you and the creator knows.


All green everything
May 6, 2012
I think now that I'm sobered up, I've come to realize that like someone said in here if you focus on yourself they will come and the last few days have proven this. From a girl staring hard while I'm dw my hw to another one coming and sitting by me in class when there were plenty other seats open and she had a spot last time we were in class. And remember fellas if they choose up then they choose up but if they don't then fukk it, don't sweat these broads. Like wiz khalifa said "you can chase me, ima chase this cheese"

But that doesn't apply to ugly folks.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Sometimes i women can be so dumb, how many stories do you hear of cheating men, or bad boys changing their ways and settling down :snoop:

I always chuckle whsn chicks near 30 bring out the im tired of the club scene line, oh you really thought you would find someone decent in the club?

Abytime a chick tells you shes ready to settle down she had her fun run.

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