Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


All Star
May 19, 2012
still reading but...


finished reading... that was foul and you put up with a LOT. :whew:

well at least its over. chicks can be shady​

Yeah, it was a lot of shiit. I couldn't see through the lies and deceit. I even gave her an opportunity to come clean. I asked her if it was another dude and she told me no. She told me this on Tuesday and on Friday. I asked her if she lost interest and she told me no. And when I confronted her about it yesterday, after I found everything out, she pulled a 360. Said she lost interest. Kept blaming me. Said I took too long. I took too damn long. Uhh, no shyt. She couldn't see why I took to long. I'm guessing she was torn between the both of us. But she couldn't cut me off. And she was going to keep me on the back burner because when shyt hit the fan with ol boy, she'd come crawling back. But i found out. dude was buying her all kinds of shyt and finally cuffed her.

I ended it with telling her to ask her dude to check his inbox :steviej: I really wanted to do it, send him pics of us and text messages, but I said nah, I don't get down like that. :mjpls:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Carné Asada;3915461 said:
Here we go, the final acts:

Now we're in March. Her birthday was the first weekend of march and she celebrates it out of town with "her girls". I wasn't invited because it was "girls only". She sends me a text Saturday night telling me how she wants me. We continue to see each other once a week. I'm making an effort to see her more but she was always busy. But still, when we're together, things seemed good. We hold hands in public, we still have them heart to heart talks, and so on. One night, after dinner, we're talking about other options. She asked if I was seeing anyone. I told her no. I ask if she would get mad if I was seeing someone else, and she said she would be livid. I told her the same. Especially after our talk at the wedding. We were too deep into this to have our options open. One Sunday, she texts me that her Sister bought her tickets to that Odessa horse show. I told her have fun and take pictures. She never did. We hang out another night, have dinner, and take our first picture together. She sends it to her friends and I'm thinking she's finally coming around. The bad gut feeling was still there, though but I tried to ignore it. So I'm ready to pop the commitment question and all of a sudden, she brings up how her ex beat her. It ruined the moment so I refrained. Suddenly that gut feeling is more prevalent than before. I'm thinking she's just scared so I'm going to try and fix this. She's been traumatized but I couldn't back off. Mid March, I call her one Sunday, she doesn't pick up. She text me the next day saying how Mondays suck but doesn't say anything about not picking up the night before. Whatever. So 3 weeks ago, she comes over on a Friday. She initially wanted me to go over there because her sister was staying at her parent's house and no one was there to take care of her dog. But instead, she comes over to my place and brings her dog. We go out to dinner, and she's still talking about us. About traveling, meeting her parents, and I bring up how things seem different with us. Actually, I've been bringing up how she's changed but she plays it off like she hasn't changed. We get back, we have sex, and her dog sneaks in the room and is chillin'. She says something like: he never likes to watch us doing this. That was the first time I met her dog. So I say, "Oh Really?" She said, you know what I mean. I let it go, because I was tired. Next morning, we grab something to eat and she's saying how she loves my neighborhood. Holding hands in public, the whole 9

Now, here's the juicy parts:

I call her again on a Sunday and she doesn't pick up. Now I'm pissed. She texts me back the next morning and I ignore it. She texts me the next day, asking if everything is ok. I respond that a lot on my mind and we'll talk later. After a few days, I hit her up asking what's up. I told her I had a rough week and that I'm cool. I wasn't. I wanted to see to talk to her about "things". She had a hectic weekend she was going to "squeeze me" in on Sunday. I told her I was going to the Dodger game on Sunday. She responds "Oh wow, really? Are you going with your friends?". I thought she was mad I didn't invite. Game over, I text her I'm on my way home and she said she was with her fam and will text me later. 9:30pm rolls around and she tells me she's finally at her parents house. I ask her if she still needs to go home. She says yes, she needs to take her sister home. 10:00 rolls around and I had enough. I text her to forget it and Im going to sleep. She responds calling me rude and good night. Last Monday I get on FB and start looking her up. I find her friend. Low and behold, they were all at the dodger game. While i was there as well. Keep in mind I hadn't seen her for 2 weeks. So I text her on Monday telling her that things seem like we're going in opposite directions. She agrees. I asked her if we can talk face to face. She tried to put it off until Wednesday or Friday. I said bullshiit, we need to do this sooner. So we agreed on Tuesday. We agreed for 2pm. I text her at 1, she responds that she is with her sister and sends me a pic of her sister. WTF? So she said she will text me when they are done. 5 rolls around. She said her cousin wants to work out so she will just come over around 8. I had enough. I texted her it was over. I couldn't deal with this shyt no more. I tried to be a man and do it face to face but she was avoiding me. She doesn't put up a fight. She said she realizes she was distant and she understands why I wanted to end it. I'm in shock but fukk it, it's done. I still think she was scared to get serious. But she kept on saying that I took to long to make her my GF. I told her I couldn't, that hunch was still there and I was busy tyring to fix it. She was always telling me i had commitment issues but I told her nah. I never found a woman worthy. I live my life with no regrets.

The Final act:

Friday rolls around, I text her that I'm still shocked this happened but to tell me the truth. I understand its over but I would like to know to get that closure. She responds that she's equally shocked. And tells me how she cares for me and that I just took too long. I asked her if she lost interest and she said no. She was just frustrated that I waited so long. I just couldn't because of the hunch. And I expected her to come around after the wedding (when we became exclusive). She acknowledged that I started to take her more serious after the wedding. I told her I had so much to say so she asked if she would like to talk in person. I said yes. So she promised to come over on Saturday. Saturday rolls around, I text her around 5 and she says she looking to be by here around 8. She texts me at 7 and tells me her sister wants to take her parents out to dinner. Here we go again. She's backing off. She plans on heading over after dinner. 10 rolls around, nada. She finally texts me around 11:30 that she's mad that she got home so late. She eventually flakes (obviously) and tells me she will be by on Sunday. So I'm pissed.

Sunday. I wake up and get on the computer. I start clicking and I come across this dude's instagram. There they were. She's had a boyfriend these past few weeks. bytch was living a double life. She's been messing with this dude since January. Feeding me lies (check all of the bolded). Yep, she was doing all of this stuff with dude. He was there celebrating her birthday and texting me at the same time. No more morning sex? She was on her way to another dude's house. After I hit it the night before. That hunch, was always right. But I was looking in the wrong places. Biitch was a lying snake this entire time. :whoa:

And she wonders why I took so long? If I were committed to her, I would have been fukked.

Been there breh sorry

Fd up thing once her ex hits her again or cheats she will try and hit you up

I always say if you want to know how a chick is look at her twitter and instagram

Don't even let her know you know it though

Oh reincar I'm tired just going to bed early

Checks instagram popping bottles at the club

sent from royalty via tapatalk


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Carné Asada;3915461 said:
And she wonders why I took so long? If I were committed to her, I would have been fukked.

my man, I ended up reading all of that lol. it was a lot, but I understand what happened. yes, she was leading a double life and lying to you about this reappearing ex for a long time. and that closure you were looking for? it should only be about you shutting the door on her punk ass. you dont even owe her the opportunity to say any more. reincar is right about that, cut the exes off dead. you opening any conversation up with her again is only giving her a chance to lie to your face more. she did it before, why would she stop now? dont expect decency from a chick who played you dirty. dont do it :whoa:

lesson learned, sooner or later we all take an L. :manny:

the most important thing here is this: never make her your priority, if she isnt making you hers.

she was flaking on calls, being distant, and cancelling things with you. yet, you were going in tryin to make it a normal, decent relationship. instead of her being real, and doing the same, she played games and was hollering at dude on the side. you can look at a womans worth in your eyes by what she does with her time.

you cant trust em until they earn that. if shes not picking up her phone, and wants to text all day - fukk that. dont take her serious. if her "phone isnt working right" fukk that too. if she cant even be decent about you hitting her up for the weekends and making plans with her - then fukk all that.

its about making comparisons from now on. is she putting the same effort in as you? are you both giving it a fair try? if youre not personally smelling foul, then why should you put up with her improper odors? are you also constantly changing plans and cancelling shyt on her? youre making calls and texts to her, so why wasnt she doing the same for you?

then she had the nerve to say you were taking too long. in that case, she should have just ended it instead of lying out the side of her mouth. she was there talking about meeting her parents and stuff with you, but fukking another man in the meantime. :leostare:

always compare. you aint supposed to be fukking with a flakey, lying ass, dirty chick anyways. never judge her by just her looks or convo game at the beginning, because most girls can do that very well. its everything else that matters in the long run. but you made it out of that bullshyt, and you see clearer now. props, and always look from now on to make sure someone is more on your level. peace.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Carné Asada;3916323 said:
Yeah, it was a lot of shiit. I couldn't see through the lies and deceit. I even gave her an opportunity to come clean. I asked her if it was another dude and she told me no. She told me this on Tuesday and on Friday. I asked her if she lost interest and she told me no. And when I confronted her about it yesterday, after I found everything out, she pulled a 360. Said she lost interest. Kept blaming me. Said I took too long. I took too damn long. Uhh, no shyt. She couldn't see why I took to long. I'm guessing she was torn between the both of us. But she couldn't cut me off. And she was going to keep me on the back burner because when shyt hit the fan with ol boy, she'd come crawling back. But i found out. dude was buying her all kinds of shyt and finally cuffed her.

I ended it with telling her to ask her dude to check his inbox :steviej: I really wanted to do it, send him pics of us and text messages, but I said nah, I don't get down like that. :mjpls:

Through my experiences the best thing you can do is just leave and say nothing.

Don't let them know that you know she played you

I remember te first time I was played cheated on. I was livid, angry, called her out, showed the proof and she'd come up with a bs story.

Second time I found out I was being cheated on, I said nothing. Acted Like everything was okay and just left the relationship.

sent from royalty via tapatalk


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
ok i need some feedback.

im writing out a list (excel spreadsheet) of my exes and all their negative traits and the impact it would have had in the longterm. That way when I miss them I can refer to the list and be reminded why it wouldn't have worked.

Do you guys think this is healthy? im trying to use logic to deal with matters of the heart. im not listing positives because i already do enough of that in my head. im having a problem remembering the stress these women caused me and that's making me reminisce, have regret, etc.


its good that you listed the cons down for each of them. it gives you a real good idea of what ya didnt like. next time youre most likely to call a flag on the play earlier. you will see things that you might not have paid much attention to before .

but now forget about them. put them out your mind completely. its time to move on. either go out and get something new, or just find other things to do with your time. do everything that you enjoy doing and work on self improvement. you can up the time you put in working out, reading, going to new places, getting a new hobby or finding a new interest. :boss:

you can bet that theyve moved on, and on top of that there really is no going back now. so the best thing to do would be to place all your free time and energy into other things :smugdraper:

Blown Moon

All Star
Jul 14, 2012
When she's going crazy and moaning super loud, pull out. If she doesn't grab it and put it back in immediately, she's faking.


All Star
May 19, 2012
Been there breh sorry

Fd up thing once her ex hits her again or cheats she will try and hit you up

I always say if you want to know how a chick is look at her twitter and instagram

Don't even let her know you know it though

Oh reincar I'm tired just going to bed early

Checks instagram popping bottles at the club

sent from royalty via tapatalk

My dude, it was never about her ex. Her ex was a decoy. This chick was good at what she does. Her ex was there for me to focus on the ex and not realize I was sharing her all along. And her ex would have been the escape route when the time came to cut me off. It was all a decoy. If she started acting up without the mention of her ex, I would of focused in on the issue and found out sooner. She was good at this shyt. :demonic:

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
Through my experiences the best thing you can do is just leave and say nothing.

Don't let them know that you know she played you

I remember te first time I was played cheated on. I was livid, angry, called her out, showed the proof and she'd come up with a bs story.

Second time I found out I was being cheated on, I said nothing. Acted Like everything was okay and just left the relationship.

sent from royalty via tapatalk
i feel you. i usually take the second approach. but sometimes i feel like these hoes need to learn their lesson.

this columbian chick was lying so hard to me and doing disrespectful shyt like texting other dudes while sitting next to me. so I just stopped talking to her. didn't even let her know why. but then I heard from a mutual friend that she tried to clown me indirectly on some "guys that work at [my company] are dumb and lonely" shyt I was livid. I wanted to hit her with the :ufdup:


All Star
May 19, 2012
my man, I ended up reading all of that lol. it was a lot, but I understand what happened. yes, she was leading a double life and lying to you about this reappearing ex for a long time. and that closure you were looking for? it should only be about you shutting the door on her punk ass. you dont even owe her the opportunity to say any more. reincar is right about that, cut the exes off dead. you opening any conversation up with her again is only giving her a chance to lie to your face more. she did it before, why would she stop now? dont expect decency from a chick who played you dirty. dont do it :whoa:

lesson learned, sooner or later we all take an L. :manny:

the most important thing here is this: never make her your priority, if she isnt making you hers.

she was flaking on calls, being distant, and cancelling things with you. yet, you were going in tryin to make it a normal, decent relationship. instead of her being real, and doing the same, she played games and was hollering at dude on the side. you can look at a womans worth in your eyes by what she does with her time.

you cant trust em until they earn that. if shes not picking up her phone, and wants to text all day - fukk that. dont take her serious. if her "phone isnt working right" fukk that too. if she cant even be decent about you hitting her up for the weekends and making plans with her - then fukk all that.

its about making comparisons from now on. is she putting the same effort in as you? are you both giving it a fair try? if youre not personally smelling foul, then why should you put up with her improper odors? are you also constantly changing plans and cancelling shyt on her? youre making calls and texts to her, so why wasnt she doing the same for you?

then she had the nerve to say you were taking too long. in that case, she should have just ended it instead of lying out the side of her mouth. she was there talking about meeting her parents and stuff with you, but fukking another man in the meantime. :leostare:

always compare. you aint supposed to be fukking with a flakey, lying ass, dirty chick anyways. never judge her by just her looks or convo game at the beginning, because most girls can do that very well. its everything else that matters in the long run. but you made it out of that bullshyt, and you see clearer now. props, and always look from now on to make sure someone is more on your level. peace.

L taken, I'm moving on. I needed that closure and I'm glad I did. I know if I never sought that, she would have hit me up on a random friday or saturday night and I would have let her come over and hit. And she would have charmed me and lied to me about how scared she is because her ex beat her and cheated and for me to give her a second chance.

The door is closed, nails in the coffin, buried 12 feet deep.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Carné Asada;3916994 said:
L taken, I'm moving on. I needed that closure and I'm glad I did. I know if I never sought that, she would have hit me up on a random friday or saturday night and I would have let her come over and hit. And she would have charmed me and lied to me about how scared she is because her ex beat her and cheated and for me to give her a second chance.

The door is closed, nails in the coffin, buried 12 feet deep.

good to hear.

as for closure, Ill tell you, its great to be able to shut a woman out as soon as shes shown that shes fake. it works out best for you in the long run. she never has to admit it and tell you. its just somethin youll see, and use it to move on.

when they try to come back and creep, but you got other things going on :smugfavre:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I once pinned for a girl I dated for only 2 months for like almost a year :snoop:

You want to know what made me stop and take her off some magical pedastal. I I asked her if she ever thought about me thought about us and she said no.

So why the hell was i wasting a iota thinking about her.?

It was cold when she told me that but literally every day after that less and less till I fully stopped ever thinking of her.

So yes men more than likely your ex is on dating site with 100 messages in her inbox, or out at a club, or sucking some dikk.

I'm happy I had to go through that, because now when it's over, I don't even think of exes

Like what crossbones forget the list writing negative thoughts about them to kill your thoughts of them.

Just forget em

sent from royalty via tapatalk

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Never tell a woman you want to see her more than once a week.

In MY OPINION, it puts the ball in her court and makes you seem more thirsty for her (even if you aren't and just feel like it's something you should say).

Just consider that she has a life too and perhaps, fitting you in once a week is all she can afford. If she likes you a lot, she will make more way for you and ask YOU to see her more often.

I know... because i'm going through that RIGHT NOW! I made sure i created a strong enough impression and make our time together so damn enjoyable, she wants to see me more - she actually mentioned this to me last weekend after several drinks - never mentioned it (if anything, she says i don't try enough. LOL. But i like to have my own time during the week to take care of errands, happy hour with the guys, work out, etc.).

Thing is that, this girl is a true sweet heart (for the most part, her drunkard moments/comments are questionable, but its just jokes and i fukk with her just as much if not moreso)... but you just really got to treat them all the same.

God speed and good luck with her.

She seems like a keeper.
