Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
A problem cats have is they let their homeboys choose their women for them. "Aw man you better get at her! She's mad fine." You're not really a man if you can't think for yourself. Your homeboys can be the same ones running you right into a pothole by hyping you up to take on a woman that isn't really right for you.

Looks are cool and everything, but a woman that is decent looking but gives you an ultra smooth ride is way better than a turbulent journey with some fine woman. Looks don't last forever, but you will have to end up dealing with the personality that is attached to the woman.

A lot of times, we may overlook a cool woman for us because our homeboys ain't doing backflips over her compared to this other girl. She may be the 7 while your boys are egging you on to go chase that 9.

Man, you have to overcome that and be your own man. A woman that gives you a relaxing conversation, has your back and all of that is worth way more than some woman who looks at you like a circus monkey. The problem with a lot of these fine women is that they start developing a certain mentality. They become corrupted by the simps hovering around them. They are surrounded by men who let her treat them any way she wants... they never correct her on her out of line behavior and start catering to her every whim. These women really start getting this entitlement complex and look at men as interchangeable.

The type of woman you want is NOT the woman who looks at you as replaceable, but rather looks at you as a sort of a one in lifetime blessing. With women, you cannot EARN their loyalty. They just have to have that moral trait in them and look upon you with enough respect that she doesn't want to lose you. With most super fine women, they constantly have all these dudes hitting them up, so when they deal with you, she may like you, but a lot of times, unless you just really start hard-checking her and she accepts it, she's going to bring a lot of nonsense to the table. She might be trying to text other guys while with you or try to put you on her 'roster.' She will come in with the intention of trying to make you her little circus monkey. In other words, she will be expecting you to entertain her or put on some show for her or else she will move on. Now if you are a simp type dude, you will give right in to that manipulation and try to work harder to entertain her and keep her attention, but no matter how hard you try, she will give you that cold disinterest and move on to another guy.

There is a difference between a woman who likes you and who really connects with you..
A woman that likes you might make nominal efforts to get around you, but she expects you to entertain her. She may still talk with other dudes. She won't answer your texts or calls promptly.

A woman that has a connection with you:
She doesn't want you to leave. She hangs on to your every word. She asks you questions about you and really wants to delve into your mentality. She doesn't do anything that she thinks might offend you because she doesn't want to lose you.

You have to start looking for women in the latter category. There are a lot of women that like you, but you want one that connects with you... or in other words, likes you on a whole different level.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Morning gem...
I just wanna say at times when you think to yourself. "Hmmm... I wonder how my ex is doing? Maybe I should hit her up." You probably shouldn't.

I'm going to break you cats off another bar of this realism. When you go about choosing women, you have to pick amongst the ones that CHOOSE YOU FIRST. In other words, she's shown definite interest in you without you having to do anything to impress her. For the most part, a woman likes you without you even speaking to her. Once you've past the bar of the 'unspoken like,' then you must make sure you only increase her desire and not decrease it.

The KEY knowledge you need to have in your mind when dealing with women is her behavior matters most. She must treat you like the man that is above her. If not, you will always be frustrated with her, chasing her around, etc. A woman that is truly about you WILL find the way to make time for you. She WILL respond to you promptly. She will be respectful to you because she doesn't want to lose you.

Where a lot of guys lose is they want to choose the woman instead of having her choose him first. They go out and start to deal with some woman they like, but she doesn't necessarily like him. In that scenario, she has the advantage. You like her more than she likes you, and then you start working to get in her graces and try to make her like you. Just based off of that small information, how can you be considered the boss when you're the one doing the working? Like I said before, it requires emotional discipline. You will come across many women that you really like, but you have to learn to dismiss them if they don't really like you... otherwise you will put yourself in a losing position where you are trying to impress the woman and get in her graces... and you will end up never impressing her because women want BOSSES, not BUTLERS. When you start working for a woman, to impress her or start doing her all of these favors, when you become a common butler to her. You will never get the respect of a boss by doing such. Control your likes and refuse to deal with women that you like more than they like you. It's difficult, but once you get into a habit of doing it, it will save you a ton of trouble.

This has pretty much always been my mantra. I like whoever likes me. It makes things sooooo much simpler. I fukking hate chasing women. It's a delicate balance because a chick that is too thirsty is a turnoff. I like ones who make it clear they have an interest but are confident enough to back off and let me pursue at that point.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Yeah, it's funny because I noticed you liked my post a week or so ago and so I was wondering "wow, he's reading back a few pages" but you're just now commenting on my post so were you in denial until now? It's funny man, because it's not the feeling of hate but instead the feeling of exhausted love, but yeah man. Do your thing.

Miles Davis - Something I dreamed last night - YouTube
LOL. It's hella hard to keep up with this thread. So sometimes I'll read a post and not get around to replying to it until a week later.

Mr Hate Coffee

Apr 30, 2012
Aight brehs sorry for the Monday morning bombing of the thread but this shyt is therapeutic and I need to put it down somewhere.

So I been thinking about my last relationship for awhile and here's what I've realized. Maybe others can learn from it.

The mistakes I made before the relationship:
-The first restaurant I took her out to eat at was Ruby Tuesday. She responds to my courtesy with "I usually go to swankier spots than this." RED FLAG. Should've bailed then.

-She arrived three hours late to a homemade dinner I made with no phone call. I should have deaded it then. But I gave her a pass like a simp. Had me sitting at the dinner table lookin like one of the ladies in Waiting to Exhale

-She constantly was making me open car doors for her like a butler. (This eventually got deaded)

-I was still in love with my ex but got into a relationship anyway like :manny:, what's the worst that can happen.

The mistakes I made during the relationship:
-She was generally a terrible listener. Our conversations were terrible. I let it slide on some "Oh that's how relationships are supposed to be. Men don't talk to their women." No, this is false.

-She snapped on me in front of her friend. (Never take this kind of disrespect. It was dealt with when the friend left but the fact it happened is a no-no)

-She had a SUPREME princess complex and wanted to be spoiled. As a result she never paid for anything.

-I told her I believed in reciprocity and she laughed. :merchant:

Mistakes I'm making now (after the relationship):

-I look at the past with rose colored glasses and prop her up to crazy levels. ("Oh she was a model, she was light skinned, she had natural hair, plus she liked to go to church. It's wasn't THAT bad. We could've worked it out!")

Lessons Learned:

Honestly the biggest lesson I learned is not to enter a relationship unless the person truly fits what YOU want. Don't make exceptions to your principles. And save yourself some time and do NOT ignore red flags when you see them early. Also, if you still got baggage don't enter another relationship. It's not fair to you or the other person involved.

:ahh: Glad i got that off my chest. now I can go to work.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It's easy to deal with women because we want a trophy woman... aka she is very fine, which causes us to overlook a lot of necessary traits. That's how a lot of us get caught up.


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
lol @ that car door shyt . that's funny.

man the girl you were dating mrhatecoffee i'd never date a girl like that, such a turn off

i'll hold open a door but not gonna open the car door unless its like a honeymoon or some shyt
the fact she never payed for anything smh

you was caught up hard lol


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
We never talk about this much, but let me drop some jewels for the fellas who already have kids.

Never stay with a woman because you have a kid with her. You have to constantly ask yourself "If we didn't have a kid, would I tolerate this behavior? Would I be happy? Would I have any reason to stay with her?"

There are women out there that will trap you with a kid, especially if you are a good man. If you exhibit the type of character that demonstrates that you are family orientated, and will stay for the sake of the kid, she will take advantage of you.

I'm not saying to not be family orientated. But what I am saying is to come to terms with the reality that you can be a good parent, role model, and provide a family atmosphere to your child without staying with the woman.

Don't become a prisoner to a relationship because you have a child with a woman and you want to do the right thing. You will be depriving yourself of the relationship you are supposed to have, and it will ultimately affect your relationship with your child. You have to be happy in all aspects of your life. Sacrifice is senseless, if you don't get anything from it.

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
@George Gooney

I was merely speculating on what you had posted, no need for the ad-hominem. I cannot take you seriously anymore, welcome to my ignore list.

Let me explain something to you negroes! I only come at you ruthlessly if I feel you're disrespecting me! As a man, you telling me that "I already lost" implies you know my life and my experiences and that you're in a situation to school me as a man. WATCH YOUR TONE you could've framed your statement a lot differently and I would've came at you accordingly but you wanted to puff up your chest and try to flex on another grown man which I don't allow. I don't let women or other men disrespect me which is why I dealt with you in that manner. Notice I never have any problems with the other brothers in this thread like @His_Excellence_Reincar neither brother @kevm3! Only you new disrespectful negroes who clearly don't operate by a manlike code of honor and respect. So for future reference just know that i'm a man and i'm not for the Bull. This goes for you and the Pedophile negro that dapped your post. WATCH YOUR TONE
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I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
been there had a blast, resorts are mostly filled with Argentinians, brazillians, and few cdns and americans

get some mamajuana
do the safari excursion

Yeah I plan to have mad fun and go on at least four excursions while I'm there.

Originally I intended to go to Cape Verde but it was fully booked up which was a major disappointment. I've actually been to DR North Coast before on my honeymoon so it wasn't my first choice, but cuba was too expensive and there weren't that many good alternatives.

The good thing about travelling by yourself is you get to do whatever you want, when you want and don't have to answer to anybody. I wouldn't even do those 'singles' breaks. It may get a lil lonely at times, but that's just how it is. It's my first proper holiday by myself so I look forward to seeing how things pan out.

where did you book the trip from breh? In need of a vacau badly but need a good price :sadcam:

Through Thomas Cook, but just do a search because you can get some good deals between now and the start of summer.

lucky b*stard @DaRealness is gonna be getting dominican p*ssy every day in his face :sadcam:

You know what, breh, not too long ago I would have thought the same thing, but I'm mainly just trying to rejuvenate and work on myself. Don't get me wrong, if I meet a fly hotel worker or a local, I won't say no....but I'm not gonna go out my way for it. This is strictly 'me time' without any distractions. If anything happens though, you know I'll keep this thread updated. :hula:

breh your gonna have a blast trust me when i went to dominican i was living it up

the women workers at the resort as well:damn:

edits out the gawds face


Indeed. Last time I was there, there was this BAD ASS chick who served as a waitress in the main hall. If the equivalent gave me some play, then....:lawd: :takedat: :smugdraper:
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Apr 30, 2012
Haven't participated in this thread in a while, but a few things have developed over the past couple of months that have brought things to light once again.

Now a lot of you cats in here are in your late teens to early 20's and there are a couple of things you need to realize before you end up like many people my age. @kevm3 already pointed out financial freedom and I won't touch up on that too much. I think something that is important to realize is that you don't NEED expensive nice looking clothes to leave a good impression, but dressing nice does help. Think about the difference and understand that nice looking threads don't necessarily have to be expensive. Another thing about financial freedom is to set a goal for yourself. Start out by calculating how much your monthly expenses are and dump it into a savings that up to at least a year's worth and then start to look into letting that money work for you whether it be interest gained or financial ventures. I would say 20K in savings is a good number to start at.

As far as women are concerned? I don't have much new to add, but one of my friends is about to get a break into the industry and the old birds are starting to chirp at him now. It's kinda hilarious how the cycle works, but I was on the phone with him for 2 hours the other day and reminded him to stay focused. He has been busting his ass for 6+ years and the old birds never chirped, a little buzz and now the text messages and ringtones are popping off. It's so depressing in fact that a model/actress requested me on Facebook just because of our close friendship...the agenda is clear and evident.

You guys are going to have a whole lot of temptations in your mid 20's, make sure you think wisely about what you are getting yourself into. I recently had to cut someone off completely because I just noticed that the direction of both our lives since the high school days has spread way far apart. Can it change in the future? Possibly, but highly unlikely.

These are tough decisions to make for everyone, but don't fall into the trap that many fall into thinking that you can help change someone change their life around. People generally change when they are ready to do so. You can push a little and try to see how you can help, but there comes a time in where you and the partner must realize that you are not seeing eye to eye and might be best to cut it off. Don't look at it from the point of not being loyal or sticking it out, rather setting each other free to avoid the aggravation down the line. They might not realize it at that time, but you are probably doing them a favor.
The bolded has come to full light, its clear she wants in the circle and is now "friends" with everyone in the family and the inner circle. She knows we are all the creative type with active minds putting things together. Why is this important? Because its a clear reminder that you need to focus on your goals before anything else. This is a bad broad brehs, a female who would have never added/talked or even glanced at any of us before one of us started making moves. Now that the names are moving up ladder? She texts frequently, she sends ME messages and I haven't even met her face to face yet :wtf:

My brehs I didn't even know how to pronounce her name and asked my friend who the fukk that was when she requested me :manny:

She is dying to get into that inner circle and a power move to gain whatever leverage she can solely based on her looks. Its a rough cycle out there, but we all see the game and recognize whats going on. Two of my boys out in Cali had contacted with her previously, but its a whole different ball game now. All because some recognition is being thrown around. Its hilarious how someone is so much more attractive/interesting to these females once a buzz is spreading.

This is viewing a relationship in terms of what you can potentially gain and worry about the rest later on. So many women in this country do this and we slip because it is in our nature to take care of them, its what we were taught growing up and see the continuation of that message with movies and other forms of media.
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