I want to bring up something, a strong theme with this thread mentality is never let her be your priority, never let the women have the power, never be inferior to her, never be under her control, etc, etc...
Just where do you draw this line for something like marriage, of if you're not into marriage then a live of living together with her til death. Because if you're willing to settle for a marriage type deal you have to let her become her priority, you two are one now, then you have kids and you better let the kids who are a symbol of your marriage be your priority, so what I'm saying is it's impossible to have marriage without letting your wife be your priority, you have to be there for her and her be there for you.
I'm not married and don't plan to marry for a while so maybe i'm wrong about this so let me know, having second thoughts on marriage and would maybe rather just live together without the government interfering with the relationship.
When you're married, you carry the same traits over that hooked her in the first place. She is your wife and you protect and ensure she is alright, but you don't let her belittle you or call the shots. When you let a woman run over you, that's when trouble ensues. Your wife is a higher priority than the average woman because if you're smart, you would have did your due diligence and saw that your woman had the necessary traits to grind it out with you over the long-term. She won't be someone that is disrespecting you, but is rather helping you build something up. The cat that has problems with women is the cat that's married to the booty or breasts. If you want things to be smooth, you'll be married to her spirit and her brain. Even when you get married, you still should have some hobbies you do that don't involve you sitting around cuddled up around your wife all day, whether it be hunting, watching sporting events, teaching your boys how to play football, or something along those lines.