Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
On another note @Turbulent and others, how many of these broads do you throw in the bushes? I swear I've thrown 2 already and am about to throw this third that I met Wednesday in the bushes as well for not responding to my text. It seems like I'm throwing more in the bushes than I really should. And my conversation game and jokes are a1, but when it comes to texting it seems like they expect something from me.

You aint gotta throw em in the bushes breh.....just some of these dudes in here be ruthless:heh:

I would agree to fall back on her though and stop heavily pursuing her. You cant make it seem like you are on her time. She needs to feel like she's on your time and like @kevm3 said, your time is valuable.

My advice is do not text her/call her or anything until she calls/texts you first at this moment. You've already asked her out, you've laid out what you want, and until she responds to that......silence.
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International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
1. STOP TEXTING, when you get a number from a lady, avoid texting by all means necessary, texting is for people who know each other other already, not those trying to get to know each other.Calling will help you gauge the person's interest, plus it gets you in her ear and you get her full attention so you can spit your game. I know our society is messed up, our communication skills aren't up to par. Facebook, twitter, Instagram, blogs, forums its all text, people are losing the art of fine conversation and face to face communication. Men aren't confident to talk to a lady on the phone, I used to have same problems but I practised on female friends. Women love talking brehs. Leave texting alone till you know each other.

2. The average Lady won't directly reject you, she will stop texting you back, flake on you etc. She hopes you can get the point that she ain't interested so you can move on or enter the friend zone.

3. Every lady has loads of guys after her too, even that ugly asss Precious looking girl has guys after her. Never expect yourself to be the only guy after her. Dont be bummed out when you find out she talking to other guys, she is not your lady yet and you should be talking to more than one girl too. Take it as friendly competition to see whose game is tighter.This is the main reason I said avoid texting by all means necessary, if text her, she gonna respond to you late because she got hundreds of other texts to respond to first. Calling makes her give you her full attention and be on her mind. While them other guys text her & wait for her to reply their texts, while you are in her ear spitting that hot fire game.CALL HER

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
You aint gotta throw em in the bushes breh.....just some of these dudes in here be ruthless:heh:

I would agree to fall back on her though and stop heavily pursuing her. You cant make it seem like you are on her time. She needs to feel like she's on your time and like @kevm3 said, your time is valuable.

My advice is do not text her/call her or anything until she calls/texts you first at this moment. You've already asked her out, you've laid out what you want, and until she responds to that......silence.

Yeah good point, I guess I'll occupy myself. Crazy I go through wanting to be in a relationship, for some odd reason and then I see couples fighting and I'm like wow I'm glad I don't have to deal with that arguing shyt; it's a headache or at least it seems like it is.

Also with this thread, do you guys feel like we have an upper hand on your average man or do you feel as if it handicaps us because most women will be expecting us to put up with their bad behavior and with the knowledge being given in this thread we know not to fall for society's standards when they say to allow it and be fine with bad behavior and such?
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
You need to kick that pedestal of women out of your mind. The more I deal with them, the more I learn that the only thing most women bring to the table is their looks... and when you finally start getting your emotions under control, you stop putting those looks on a pedestal. When you accept reality and learn how cold a woman can be and how quickly they can jump from one man to another, then you start to realize that what you have been chasing all along is fool's gold. You have put this unduly high value due on women due to societal conditioning or your emotions being out of control.

The key is to lower the priority you have for women. Never make them the number 1 priority in your life and be willing to accept any women you are with leaving you. If you make a woman the number 1 priority in your life, then that makes her bigger than you and you are headed for disaster. If you cannot ever imagine yourself leaving that woman, then you are putting yourself in a position of desperation. She has become your drug addiction, and like a drug addict, you are at her mercy and will do anything to keep her around. This makes you weak. When you are weak, you will be devoured by a woman.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
Also with this thread, do you guys feel like we have an upper hand on your average man or do you feel as if it handicaps us because most women will be expecting us to put up with their bad behavior and with the knowledge being given in this thread we know not to fall for society's standards when they say to allow it and be fine with bad behavior and such?

Only the guys who apply what they learn which is a small percentage, majority of people will read but wont apply.

If you apply the knowledge we will definitely have an upper hand, you wont accept a female flaking on you, you wont jump through hoops to impress her, you wont accept her disrespect and check her for it. These are the qualities these women lust for in thugs/badboys. These thugs/badboys dont tolerate their BS and check them for it, but they also know how to give special treats to these women when they are behaving :inlove:

A note for the nice guys or guys who been played by women, who are watching these thugs/badboy and thinking of copying their behaviour to acquire success with women. Leave that alone, learn to be a man,a man who doesn't tolerate disrespect and is confident. A good example of man Im talking about it is the character of James Bond


May 6, 2012
Basically set standards, and then abide by them. The funny thing is when I approach women, generally they usually turn into nothing, probably because I don't pursue it or they're just giving me their number because they'll feel bad saying no. Why don't you approach chicks on the regular? And why do you feel like most of these chicks should be throne in the bushes?
lol, cause i see all of them wearing headphones, big sunglasses etc. I don't know, keeping it real maybe it's a slight fear. but they just don't give me the desire to approach. i approach once in a blue moon though when i'm really feeling the chick and i feel like she's giving me a vibe. i'm just really not focused on approaching. Oddly enough, stranger girls actually approach me (also once in a blue moon). And i do the same thing as you, when i'm talking to a chick i usually don't chase (sometimes i do and it usually backfires on me) but when i don't, things just flow and they actually end up asking me for my number/facebook, and they pursue contacting me. You go after the ones who want to be in your cypher and it's a beautiful thing because she'll cooperate much more.

for the bushes, it's not that they should all be thrown in the bushes. People are human. they'll either act right or fukk up (and the same goes for me). When i decide they have fukk up from my perspective, i throw them in the bushes until they make things right. some of them don't care and never make things right so they remain there forever. but it's just a way of saying, they're in the bushes until they're not. And they're out of the bushes until they are. but the bigger their fukk up is, the more they'll have to do to make things right. and i don't even say it like a powertrip thing for me. it's just a feeling that you get when you know they're really acting in good faith and you know things are right again. what's right or wrong for you totally depends on your code.


May 6, 2012
Like this quote, feel the same way. Had an applicable situation to this line of conversation, in the last few weeks. Texted a girl if she wanted to do something over the weekend, more specific then that but that was the general text, she gave me the run around a day later, I sent one more text just acknowledging hers, I don't want someone thinking I'm being too petty or offended by their texts or lack ther of....don't text her, or hear from her since.

Then she wants something from me last weekend, and I'm like cool, but she goes all into a whole flirting scenario which I didn't really respond to, I wanted to say 'all thats unnecessary, I'll conduct myself professionally, you do the same, no need to try to manipulate me'. It's hard to tell if people think they are smarter then everyone else, or if they are all just 'intellectually limited' and think everyone is the same.
exactly. it's like you never truly know why people do stuff. Even if she tells you she could be lying or in denial. if you could read her mind, you wouldn't need a code.

all you can do is take their behavior for what it is and apply your code. then it's up to get out of the proverbial bushes. it's like in a way you just put them on timeout until they get their mind right. Some of them just stay on time out indefinitely.


All green everything
May 6, 2012
I personally think that one d!ck game have to be on point. If you satisfy her before she go out to the world: Work, school and gym, the less likely she will cheat on you. Eat that p*ssy well until she cums on your mouth multiple times than proceed with your d!ck game and make sure she cums while you be giving her cock. Sex is like 80% to complement a relationship. Make sure you don't be putting work in with a soft erection. If you lacking sexually get some zync and L Argine.


May 2, 2012
Female logic: "Last year was the first year of my life that I ever felt even mildly attractive, and it was the first year I was away from my super strict family. Also, I have a high sex drive. Because of this, I slept with around 8 people last year. I'm not ashamed of it and I needed to get it out of my system. This year I have different interests and needs."
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
A female messaged me first on Okcupid, we messaged each other back and forth like 2 or 3 times.

I sent the last message and fukked around and made an irrational decision. Got in this horny, anxious ol "well she messaged me first" haze and sent her my number in the next message :sadcam: