You see, this is the one thing I cannot stand. You don't ask a complete stranger to take a book out for you from the library and I would never do that for anybody, cos for all you know they could move to another part of the country the following day then you have to pick up the fine.
That chick was scoping you out for a little while, cos I don't believe for one minute she just suddenly sprung up the very second she saw you and asked for this favour. I know that snide look you're talking about and when I see it, I immediately know they're on some bullshyt and coming with an ulterior motive. A lot of them try to suss you within a few seconds and can pick up on your energy/aura and quicjly decide in their minds whether to test you or keep it moving. That scenario may sound trivial, but you'd be surprised what the factors behind it are.
I wouldn't even make up any excuses, I'd just be like "nah, sorry can't help you" and keep it moving.
Wow thanks for bringing that up breh......I couldn't put my finger on a particular thing but that is something i DID NOT think about until you mentioned it........Your right I could have been left with a debt for a book I did not even use. Good thing I rejected her anyway but that didn't even cross my mind....
And as for the look they give when they scope you out for a while, this broad must have been fast. There is door that holds a small study room towards the corner of the back of the library next to the books and I peeked in there when I was looking for space to sit down with my laptop.
When I saw it was full this was when I started walking back towards the front and saw her........I only walked to look in that small room like 1 minute.....I mean these are the same women who talk about "MEN being thirsty" and then they do nonsense like this. Who are the ones who are thirsty now?
I think she thought she caught me when I said "What...." after she made that awkward pause and gave that snide I was gonna please her. When she said thank you at the end I didn't even bother saying your welcome or mind is blank but i think i just made a small grunt or "mhm" sound or something
Not gonna start cheesing and go into some "Im so sorry" statement. I have to say when I got to that "What....' part deep inside I was getting really pissed off but I held it in and handled it well.
It reminds me of the girl I described in here about a week or two ago in the same study room(a different girl) whose "male friend". Seemed like a cool dude not even a lame or anything just a regular dude...A class was coming up quick like in 10 or 15 minutes and he forget to do something and he asked this girl that I could tell from the conversation they are in contact with each other.......about if she can print some copies for him because he forgot his ID....
And of course the female entitlement comes into play, and starts pretty much giving excuses as for WHY she won't do it and if he can do it himself or ask someone else........When I would guarantee any amount of money he always helps her out. Eventually when he left she was asking the girls around her if she was too mean because he is her friend and how she feels bad....
But as I am sure you know already when I say "feel bad" its the type of thing like when in high school if a weaker dude is getting picked on they go into some "aww y u being mad mean to him" or "awww he's so cute" for a dude embarrassing himself in a simpish way.......
In short......basically I mean they did it that mocking joking way alot of these women love to do.........not even in a remorseful way.
In the case of that other girl, still think I handled it well but like you said I think I should have gone went step further and shut it down quicker next time.....
But damn that shyt makes my blood boil "Let me ask this skinny guy walking to do a favor for me for nothing in return". I don't condone domestic violence but mayneeeeeeeeeee