Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
[ame=]UGK - 3 In Da Mornin' - ( TRACK # 6 ) - YouTube[/ame]


Jun 28, 2012
Even worse. :yawn:

Woaaahweee them Latinas :whew: they probably had all kinda down there. Why you feeling Asians now?

I've had experience with many types of women to this point. A woman is a woman to me. I've gotten better at spotting a woman that's worth my time. Like I said, I wasn't ever really that into Asian women early on, but they have always shown signs of being into me since grade school. Recently, I've run into some that had me rethinking life decisions, because they were showing interest too. So I've been keeping my eye out more to their signals when I'm interacting with them. I see that they usually are good family oriented women, and in the end that's what I want. Now, you can find that in any race, so if I wife up a Black woman, Asian woman, or Latina woman, so be it. In my area it's pretty much get with who you can get with. Sausage fest, pretty much 49/51 male to female ratio. When a woman is giving you signals, you have to make that move, because somebody else will be in her ear soon.

Yeah, those Latinas in FLA.... having dudes breaking their necks.


May 2, 2012
:demonic: there should be a neutering process amongst people that can't control themselves.


Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Now me, I'm never going to speak out against marriage. I'm going to speak out against the fact that people aren't living in a fashion worthy of marriage. When done right, marriage is a beautiful thing. This is why I stress the importance of integrity and doing what you say you are going to do. That is the only way marriage or any sort of long-term commitment will work.

I can't speak out against marriage or long-term relationships because I know that when they are working right, they are way more beautiful than living that 'playa' lifestyle. The reason many men choose to engage in the playa lifestyle in this day and age is because they don't feel like they can trust the woman they have come across. You might get a whole bunch of sex with different women, but what you also get are a whole bunch of worries on your mind. Is she pregnant? Will she pass me any stds? Any jealous husbands on the horizon? Does she even honestly have any love for me or is this just us quickly satisfying the lusts of our flesh?

When relationships are DONE RIGHT, you have a partner who is there for you thick and thin, who you are also building a true FAMILY with. Family is way, way more important than some weak ego-pumping you get from smashing a whole bunch of women. Family traditions, family lineage, all of that is disappearing because of the utter nonsense we are engaging in this day and age. Kids being able to always have access to their fathers, to see their grandparents, etc... Kids are being robbed with this utter nonsense we are engaging in this day and age. We have to turn the tide.

Relationships have to be built on trustworthiness and respect. If that's not there, then there simply is no relationship. Love is a sort of fickle seed that has requirements to actually be able to grow. The soil has to be fertile with trustworthiness and watered with respect. As a man, you have to be the leader and you have to embody both of these things FIRST. We cannot sit around and wait for women to do it. That's the burden of leadership. We also have to stress the importance of these two factors in our dealings with women. In other words, we have to be TEACHERS.

This is the depth of 'manhood'. Having a johnson swinging between your legs doesn't qualify you as being a man. In many of the older societies, you had 'rites of manhood', or in other words, tests that a boy had to pass in order to be respected as a man in society. Manhood wasn't a title just handed out liberally. It was something that had to be earned. Men also taught men how to act in a fashion that was constructive to the overall society.

This is why this thread is important. Just because you were born male doesn't mean anything. You have to continually study manhood and to embrace it in your life. This is why I am emphasizing to think BIGGER than merely catching women. God has given you the task of being the architect for you and yours... What sort of residence will you build for your future family? One that will collapse or one that is able to stand strong through turbulent times?


:ohlawd: my god, you snapped and preaching MLK sermons.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This is the kind of twisted ideology that comes from these feminists and their sympathizers
If You Want a More Thoughtful Boyfriend, Try Pegging Him
If You Want a More Thoughtful Boyfriend, Try Pegging Him
Hugo Schwyzer
Want to make straight men better in bed — and better feminist allies? The path may be simple: fukk them up the ass. According to one brand new book, the path to making men more compassionate, appreciative and playful may be straight through their butts.
In The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure: Erotic Exploration for Men and Their Partners, Charlie Glickman and Aislinn Emirzian make the case that straight "men who get into anal penetration are among the most secure in their masculinity: because they've examined themselves, faced their fears." Despite the title of the book, the authors make the case that the payoff for prostate play — specifically by a woman using a dildo or other toy — isn't just pleasure. It's liberation from the masculine straitjacket, with happy consequences that extend well outside the bedroom.

In a deeply misogynistic culture, there are few greater fears with which men are raised than the fear of being labeled as someone who acts like a woman, allowing himself to be penetrated. There's a reason why insults like "p*ssy" and "c*nt," when thrown at men, are so much more inflammatory than "dikk" or "prick." Reducing a man to what he already possesses is mildly insulting at best. Calling him a female body part that men penetrate with their penises: fighting words. (Never mind that many women never have heterosexual vaginal or anal intercourse; our cultural myths suggest that all do, or at least should.) In his Myth of the Modern Homosexual, historian and cultural theorist Rictor Norton explains that the term "a$$hole" developed as a homophobic (and thus woman-hating) slur; while women and men both have rectums, a man who is anally penetrated has lost his manhood, and thus become feminized. Norton implies that this is why we don't often call women a$$holes: the word has no particular power to wound someone who isn't anxious about preserving masculine status.

Glickman and Emirzian acknowledge that this myth is persistent: "The idea that penetration is an act of dominance is almost certainly tied in to sexism and the notion that the woman's role is inferior. Plenty of men have absorbed these ideas at a subconscious level. Even if a man doesn't think it is an act of dominance when he penetrates his (male or female) partner, he may still hesitate to switch roles because he is afraid that it will mean losing his masculinity if he takes a turn catching instead of pitching." Women absorb these ideas as well. "Quite a few women discover that they've absorbed judgments about how men, especially their partners, should behave," the authors point out. In other words, your guy may want you to do him in the ass — but you may have to contend with your own doubts. Does it mean he's secretly gay? Or worse: can I still be attracted to him — or respect his masculinity — after I've pegged him?

As real as these anxieties and stereotypes are, they're eroding fast – "more and more male–female pairs are discovering prostate play and having a grand time doing it," Glickman and Emirzian write. One obvious question is demographic – who's making this "discovery," younger or older couples? In an email interview, Glickman told me that "more younger men are curious about it than in previous years, perhaps because of less homophobia and perhaps because there's more discussion of male sexual pleasure, rather than performance. But other younger men often have more resistance because they haven't yet shed their ideas around masculinity." In general, men are probably "more willing to explore (prostate) pleasure at 50 than they might have been at 25. Older men generally have more experience with ‘don't believe everything you think' so although they're more likely to have hurdles to overcome, they have more practice with it."

The payoff for clearing those hurdles, Glickman says, is nothing less than the radical transformation of heterosexual sex. In 2011, Glickman wrote a column entitled "How Pegging Can Save the World," arguing that no other erotic experience a man can undergo can create greater empathy with women than being penetrated by his partner. "For men who have never been on the receiving side of penetration, sex is something that happens outside the body. And when sex is external to your body, it can be easier to do when you have a headache or you're not quite in the mood. A lot of men discover than when sex is about catching rather than pitching, their mood, their emotions, and their connection to a partner can often have a bigger influence on what they want to do and how it feels." Men, Glickman and Emirzian suggest optimistically, will be a lot less likely to rush foreplay once they've experienced how long it takes to relax sufficiently in order to comfortably take a dildo (or other sex toy) in the ass.

For women, Glickman and Emirzian write, the experience of pegging a man can be equally revelatory, suggesting that "many women who use strap-on dildos discover how much work, responsibility, and (sometimes) power can be part of fukking someone." It's intellectually reckless to impose political meanings onto private acts, but it seems telling that in an "End of Men" era where exhausted and stressed-out women already are shouldering so much more "work" and "responsibility" than ever before, those burdens are extended — in a novel way — to the bedroom as well.

"There's a common myth that anal sex only hurts the receiver," they say; it's too often assumed (especially when it's a man doing the penetrating) that he's taking pleasure in causing discomfort, while the "bottom" (usually a woman) gets pleasure only out of making her guy happy. "We suspect this is also why some straight guys may fear that their female partners want to penetrate them not for mutual pleasure, but as some kind of passive-aggressive payback." That's just not true, Glickman and Emirzian insist, and the sooner men get over their anxiety and guilt, the more fun they and their partners will have. And maybe, just maybe, we can peg our way right out of sexism itself.

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
brehs i just want to say (and maybe this is for me more than it is for you guys)

please RESPECT yourself first and foremost when it comes to these heauxs. respect your time and your standards.

too many times i find myself making exceptions for bishes who obviously dont respect my time.

like reincar said, bytches be by their phone 24/7. Dont buy that "oh i didn't see the text" bs​

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
I've had experience with many types of women to this point. A woman is a woman to me. I've gotten better at spotting a woman that's worth my time. Like I said, I wasn't ever really that into Asian women early on, but they have always shown signs of being into me since grade school. Recently, I've run into some that had me rethinking life decisions, because they were showing interest too. So I've been keeping my eye out more to their signals when I'm interacting with them. I see that they usually are good family oriented women, and in the end that's what I want. Now, you can find that in any race, so if I wife up a Black woman, Asian woman, or Latina woman, so be it. In my area it's pretty much get with who you can get with. Sausage fest, pretty much 49/51 male to female ratio. When a woman is giving you signals, you have to make that move, because somebody else will be in her ear soon.

Yeah, those Latinas in FLA.... having dudes breaking their necks.

So you want a girlfriend?

I can imagine, I wanna visit Cuba whenever possible

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
The swagless fakkit has no etiquette! Look how he up in this thread trynna drop "jewels" yet has no roster and is sweating Asian bytches :heh::heh::heh:

Trying to drop jewels? I gave you advice, someone claimed it to be a jewel, you got defensive like a bytch, then you acted like a bytch, as you are now. And you would of kept your mouth shut if he hadn't said anything, and now I know what kinda nikka you are. A loud mouth attention whoring nikka, which explains why you live in LA. As for having no roster, naw I don't, but it's looking like I'm about to get one quickly. :youngsabo:

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Btw this is the second time you've come at me on some fukk nikka wave, and I dunno if it's you hanging out with too many bytches and that's got you acting like one, or you're just highly insecure, idk whatever it may be, but you need to take a step back, reevaluate yourself and work that out, cause you're making yourself look like a dikkhead in this thread.