Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Feb 12, 2015
Had a pretty funny exchange with a girl yesterday, lives in my neighborhood, goes to law school. Saw her at a trendy taco spot by my house, then saw her the next day at a trendy bakery, then saw her again, walking in the area. I finally stopped her and said "Hey were you a the taco spot last night"

and we had a quick back and forth about that and whatever else, she's from LA. I was in a hurry and said I would talk to you longer, but lets have coffee tomorrow

She got that funny look, where she wasn't uncomfortable with me, but had like that Gen Z anxiety rambling. She says something like "well I have a situation....uhhh relationship...uhh I am kinda like in a situation.....and I don't want to mislead you..." and I was like don't worry about it, but what if we just get coffee? how many people do you even know in the city?

Somehow that turned into me saying, so if we meet up and hang out and talk, it's ok, but if we plan it, like exchange numbers, it's not? So, meet me without the texting. And she's like you're trying to find a loophole. And I was like you want to see me again, but we can't plan it. So I'll see you around. And the next day we ran into each other again, and we are both smiling and laughing.
I'm doomed when I go back out in this market. That was the most harmless, non-intrusive way of acknowledging that we have a "physical" attraction with one another and let's explore if we have any connection beyond it and the girl thinks talking to somebody in an organized way is off putting....... women reading too many fantasy novels of "instantaneous sparks" being formed... :francis:


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I'm doomed when I go back out in this market. That was the most harmless, non-intrusive way of acknowledging that we have a "physical" attraction with one another and let's explore if we have any connection beyond it and the girl thinks talking to somebody in an organized way is off putting....... women reading too many fantasy novels of "instantaneous sparks" being formed... :francis:

There's def. some instant sparks. I think that's why she's hesitant. My read is she does have someone back home, in some capacity. The not giving a number/no plan is some kind of intellectual plausible deniability. Which is cool. I think I said straight up I was attracted to her.

something like you're obviously really attractive to me....but I don't think things are going to get out of hand having coffee.

I saw her today and she was really open, just walked right up to me, smiling. Some of these girls are like maybe 26 years old. They have very dramatic versions of 'cheating' and 'talking' to people. Also, always appreciate your insights, and also check what you have to say.


Oct 22, 2015
That be at least an 8 or higher thing is gospel, men.

2023 I was 300 pounds, overweight, depressed, and in a toxic relationship where my good qualities were sapped out before I was discarded. I was down bad.

I got serious about getting my money right, got a decent car a few pay checks into my new job, muscled up and now weigh 215 pounds, and the same personality I always had remains - just inside the a new body with new ambitions and confidence.

My girl and I didn't make it. She ghosted me a few months after I got my new job, and it was the greatest pain I ever felt in life. I was finally getting it together, but it was too late.

but in spite of the immense emotional trauma, I worked out every day, showed up to work (used sick days when the mental anguish was too much but still got paid), travelled, got into content creation, and refused to be a victim.

August last year while promoting my wine reviews (part of my content), I noticed a woman who kept commenting and laughing at my stuff. I added her, slid in her DMs, and said "Thanks for the add. You're super funny and pretty."

I'd come a long way, but I still had the trauma which impacted my confidence to believe anything would come out of it. But the craziest thing happened...she replied....

"You're quite handsome yourself :whew: I'm a little weird but hopefully you get used to my speed."

We continued chatting the rest of that weekend. She booked a flight to come see me 3 weeks later, and we made things official in November.

I healed from my father not being around and accepted his sincere efforts to build with me. Flew out to reconnect with him and met my brothers for the first time.

All because I elevated to an "8 or above" like Ahadi just suggested.

My EX continued to follow me on social media and eventually reached out. Said she was in disbelief that I was the same man she was with, that she feels we would have worked out if I was this person all along, and claims she believes fully her physical health decline is connected to how deeply she misses me. I'll always love her, wish her well, and be thankful for the lessons, even if the love was never what I needed it to be in order for me to be my best self.

I'm on some new shyt now though, so I can't go back to that. This past Valentine's Day Weekend:


I finally found someone who truly sees me, loves me, appreciates me and encourages me.

And all I had to do was see, love, appreciate, and encourage myself first. And slide in the DMs real quick :pachaha:

Believe in yourself breh. Women can be our best ally or worst enemy. Know yourself so you have the wisdom and discernment to look beyond the ass and titties to see the truth.

13 years ago, I was a lost kid in the early pages of this thread looking for answers. Painful 14 years of lessons letter, I hope I can provide you guys some answers too, or at least some hope :salute:

Just make sure ya'll thank my EX for unintentionally turning me into the man I am today :russ:

:salute:congrats brother yall look good together.
May 1, 2012
So I got this 27 year old chick at work that for the last two weeks has been talking to me a lot, asking me to go on EVERY break with her and we generally have a good time talking to each other. We joke around and roast each other and also talk about life and psychology and sexuality.

Context that might be worth considering:

-We know a lot of the same people outside of work but were never really friends until recently

-shes not really my type physically but she has a cute face (asian/white mix) (I've playfully told her she's not my type physically and joked that she needs to eat something and gain some weight)

-I've seen her onlyfans page from back in the day and I know she's a freak

-i was smashing her previous roommate and her roommate told her everything about me and it was after this that she started talking to me more (they are no longer roommates because the roommate moved away)

Anyway we go on break today and we talking our usual shyt, in our usual spot and she sits down right next to me, our knees touching. She's eating a snack and has some of it on her lip and I reach over and wipe it off her lip and she doesn't even flinch at this. :jbhmm:Later on in the convo we somehow get on the subject of panties she's wearing and we talk about that. I put my hand on her knee and she doesn't say shyt about it, nor does she attempt to move my hand or her knee away

We about to head back in and I stand up and help her up and when I do, I go to kiss her and she backs up saying "no way, uh uhhh" but she's smiling and laughing at the same time and I end up laughing too.

She tells me "nice try, I gotta give you props for going for it" and I say "well how else am I gonna know unless I try right?". She laughs and says she's not gonna be "sloppy 3rds" and we both laugh about this shyt all the way into work.

After my shift is done I leave and im on the sidewalk checking my phone and she comes up to me and playfully kicks my leg, smiles and tells me that she thought I had left already and we talk a little more about our schedules for the upcoming week and everything is all cool and I tell her I'll see her later and she goes back in to work

So the thing I'm wondering is if I had completely misread the signs or if it just wasn't the right time or what? :patrice: Should I even try again or really just keep it as platonic friends? Physically she really not my type but her face is definitely cute and on some level I wanna smash her just to know that I could. Not really sure why she'd wanna come talk to me and ask me to hang out every break if she didn't have some sort of interest. :yeshrug:Maybe it hurt my chances by letting her know I'm actively smashing multiple chicks? No clue brehs but I am happy with myself for shooting my shot even if it means rejection :blessed:

@re'up @Ohene @trap101-ETHout-Allegri-In