I do think it is important to realize how much communication in the last 15 years has changed, and rewired everyone. Certain norms always apply, but a lot has just been scrambled. Hard to decipher the person from their digital double.
I read this and probably already quoted it here months ago, but a central piece of communication, call vs. text, the quote was something like
"People used to HAVE a feeling and make a phone call, based on that feeling", for example watching a movie, and calling someone to tell them or talk about it, or whatever
now, it's WANT a feeling, text someone, and you get that validation in small form. Like a quick dopamine drip, and I think that probably explains some of the texts that everyone male or female gets sometimes. HEY, WYD, HOW R U, and then they go silent, because they got that fix. For example, wanting the feeling of connection or validation, and so you text someone some low stakes shyt, and see if they respond. Once they do, the want has been filled.