Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
You definitely have to keep those emotions under check, your texts as well, and especially your secrets. A woman will definitely expose all and any weak stuff you came with and flip it on you or expose it when you break-up or when she's mad. It's amazing the extent to which this women that 'loved you so much' can just turn into a completely different person when she's mad.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Don’t date single mothers.**Not so much for the fact that they’re looking for Daddy, but that they already made one mistake, do you really want the possibility of giving them a second mistake?**You don’t want to pay for someone else’s mistake anyway.**Another thing, you already know what she’s most likely to do if she “accidentally” becomes pregnant.**

Of all of the single mothers I once dated (but will never touch again) I noticed a common thing, the father was a jerk 90% of the time, yet they try to teach their sons to be nice guys who “respect” women and put them on a pedestal.**And what do these boys become?**“Nice guys”, “friends”, guys who have heard “You’re like a brother to me” so many times they want to puke.**They should take a cue from Dad and realize that Mom liked jerks, she liked jerks so much that she let this jerk (who didn’t give a damn about her) impregnate her.**A man should realize that in order to get sex, he needs to be somewhat of a jerk to get it.**Being a nice guy simply means you’ll spend time in the bathroom with a copy of FHM while your phone is ringing with a call from your female “friend” asking you to help her move because her jerk of a boyfriend told her he was busy.
- Do not allow yourself to be a makeover project.**Ever wonder why makeover shows and fixer-uppers are so popular with women?**Because they are obsessed with changing things, especially men.**They think they can change you and make you better.**Forget about the arrogance, ego and sense of superiority it takes to drive this train of thought, just get away.**If you’re not what they want initially, then the logical thing would be to leave you and go somewhere else right?**Well, not with them!**Use it to your advantage.**Don’t change.**Keep them challenged.
What do you think the women’s movement became in the 1970’s and beyond?**It was a mass movement telling men that they needed to change all the while ignoring female accountability.

About 40 years ago, a few women were allowed to become so out of control with their mental illness and megalomania, that they declared men and maleness in general to be "broken" and called upon women in general to "fix" them. Of course, we all know that there is nothing women like more than fixing men, so millions of women enthusiastically signed on.

The problem was that these women didn't know jack shyt about what maleness was about or what men or men's world was really like - they simply declared men to be defective females and set about changing males into females, and coincidentally changing females into males.

Just like any marxists, no matter how many times their grand experiments failed, they blamed the victims of those experiments instead of their own stupid ideas.

They still don’t think they need to change.**It’s still all men’s fault.**

The reason why American (Western world) females are so angry is because they are stuck in a world where they are forced to do something they biologically do not want to do.*

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Another simp Exposed and embarrassed for the sake of a woman's enjoyment and entertainment....

Video: Embarrassing: Dominican Girl Puts Simp Boyfriend On Blast.. Shows Footage Of Grown Man In Tears Over Her All On FB!

I remember many years ago way before the internet, I was watching this show on TV where some dude was gonna leave a message on his chick's phone and his friend was like "nah, NEVER do that cos she'll just play the message to all her friends and laugh about it and make you look like a sucker". I was only a young kid at the time but I always remembered that gem for later on in life. This must have been around '91 or so. Nowadays, you do some shyt like this and you'll be a worldwide internet celeb within a few hours for all the wrong reasons.

If I've got something to say to a broad (and I'll never beg btw, not even my soon to be ex) I'm not sending any texts, e-mails, twitter or facebook messages....none of that. I'd criticise dude, but we've all made mistakes and sometimes you have to get burnt to learn the hard way. His ex chick's probably created a monster now, though.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The key to real success in dealing with women is mind control... The key is not in controlling HER mind, but it's in controlling YOUR mind. You really have to keep your thoughts in check. Jesus said a man is what he thinks... and it's true. You have to look at your mind as a garden and water the righteous thoughts and then weed out the negative thoughts.

When you start cultivating the proper thoughts, you will notice that what you think will have a huge effect on how you start interacting with women and others in general. Confidence itself comes from your thoughts. When you start getting your own thoughts under control, that's when you really will start getting successful with women.

You have to water and give plenty of sunshine to the right thoughts and when you see a negative thought, realize it's a weed and PULL it.

Thoughts that you continually repeat in your mind eventually crystalize into beliefs. It's just like how you listen to certain music, and it slowly, but surely changes your vibe. At first, you have to start repeating, "I AM fly. I AM worthy of any woman. I CAN catch and KEEP a high quality woman for myself. I will NOT settle for less. I have to go get her if I want her." in your mind. Do it every day and start feeling yourself and imagining yourself turning into the man you want to be and it will eventually become a thought that is ingrained in your mind. When you start having thoughts pop up like, "I can't do this. Will she like me? How can I impress her? I'm not worthy of her. I'm not on her level." You simply have to say, "Weed," and pull that thought from your mind. When you start having this mindset, you will really start formulating a confident mindset. A confident man is one that is supremely attractive to a woman. Even some of the ugliest guys get fine women simply because they have a deep-rooted confidence. Now, this doesn't mean that you need to be foolishly confident and start becoming arrogant, but always consider yourself WORTHY of dealing with any woman and NEVER settle for a woman you really don't want. It does her and you a disservice, one for her being with a man that doesn't really love and want her deeply and two, you will have regrets.

Now, This is the fly man credo. I want you cats to write this down and every day, look at it, and repeat each one 10 times.
1) I AM worthy of any woman.
2) I will never settle for less.
3) I'm getting better in everyway everyday.
4) I'm a go-getter. I got to go catch the right one for me. She's waiting for me. I got to get her.
5) If I lose one, there's another one right around the corner.
6) I will pull the weeds. Negativity has 'no thing on me.'
7) I got to keep my thoughts in check.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I remember many years ago way before the internet, I was watching this show on TV where some dude was gonna leave a message on his chick's phone and his friend was like "nah, NEVER do that cos she'll just play the message to all her friends and laugh about it and make you look like a sucker". I was only a young kid at the time but I always remembered that gem for later on in life. This must have been around '91 or so. Nowadays, you do some shyt like this and you'll be a worldwide internet celeb within a few hours for all the wrong reasons.

If I've got something to say to a broad (and I'll never beg btw, not even my soon to be ex) I'm not sending any texts, e-mails, twitter or facebook messages....none of that. I'd criticise dude, but we've all made mistakes and sometimes you have to get burnt to learn the hard way. His ex chick's probably created a monster now, though.


Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Social media really is the devil. I just had a chick who I'm just friends with bytch me out via text because I have never commented on her pics, and she saw me compliment another broad's pic.




Wow she is so arrogant that she thinks that she can insult you and get away with it. Blame the simps and (the lack of a strong) father figure for this shyt.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I got a question for all the married guys out there.

In terms of all the women you dated in your life, smashed etc., was your wife as say attractive as them?

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
I'm seeing this highly emotional female right now. Different ethnic backgrounds and just a different upbringing in general. She generally despises conflict and tension while I try to embrace it and use it as a learning tool, even though I don't enjoy it.

Anyways, as of late, I've been getting hit with the "I think you take me for granted" type texts more and more. I have a hunch that our little stint is coming to an end. She wants everything to be peachy, and happy go lucky in life, but if I make a remark with no ill intent behind it, it'll rattle her and she'll think I'm legitimately "being mean".

We transitioned from friends to fuvk friends btw, but now she's torn as to whether or not we should just go back to being friends (which at this juncture means don't even come in contact with each other) or stick it through. It's period week so all of her sporadic moods and emotions are clashing. It's understandable, but still kind of annoying.


May 12, 2012
I'm seeing this highly emotional female right now. Different ethnic backgrounds and just a different upbringing in general. She generally despises conflict and tension while I try to embrace it and use it as a learning tool, even though I don't enjoy it.

Anyways, as of late, I've been getting hit with the "I think you take me for granted" type texts more and more. I have a hunch that our little stint is coming to an end. She wants everything to be peachy, and happy go lucky in life, but if I make a remark with no ill intent behind it, it'll rattle her and she'll think I'm legitimately "being mean".

We transitioned from friends to fuvk friends btw, but now she's torn as to whether or not we should just go back to being friends (which at this juncture means don't even come in contact with each other) or stick it through. It's period week so all of her sporadic moods and emotions are clashing. It's understandable, but still kind of annoying.

:skip: if she doesn't like drama and yall are just fukking.... how is that a problem?

you talking about embracing conflict and tension and using em as learning tools, you dont do that with fukk friends breh they just there to smash and keep it movin, there shouldn't be any conflict

there's gotta be more to this cuz im not seeing it, and if you're just fukk friends you shouldn't be hitting her up that often in the first place imo :manny:


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Reminds me of my life

The Access and Visitation Grants Program was established by statute in 1996 and funded in 1997. The same statute that caps support for access and visitation nationwide at $10 million, also restricts how funds may be spent in that worthy cause.

The statute specifies certain activities which may be funded including: voluntary and mandatory mediation, counselling, education, the development of parenting plans, supervised visitation, neutral drop-off and pick-up, and the development of guidelines for visitation and alternative custody arrangements.

Did you notice anything missing? Yep, me too. Not a single cent is to be allocated to help non-custodial fathers hire attorneys to enforce their visitation orders in court. Not a cent. Mothers who want help collecting child support have a free lawyer to represent them in court – the attorney general of the state she lives in. She’s got all the power of the state plus billions of dollars from the federal government at her beck and call at no cost to her. But the same federal government that spends billions every year in legal fees and administrative costs for custodial mothers, spends not a cent for father who want to see their kids. Most parents who divorce do so without a lawyer. That’s because they can’t afford one. Well, that continues to be true post-divorce, but if Mom wants help with child support, she gets it in spades. Dad? He’s on his own. If Mom prevents him from seeing his kid, it’s up to him to hire a lawyer. Gender equality anyone?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Now, when I say you are WORTHY of any woman, I didn't say you will catch any and every woman that you go and choose to deal with, because that is simply not the reality of the situation. But I'm saying that to say that you never know if a woman likes you or not until you give her a chance to deal with you or not. The greatest thing you have is not your jewels, car, clothes, etc. The greatest thing you have is your individuality, so express that to the fullest. Your individuality is the only thing someone else can't completely duplicate or go to the store and buy.

I've already made this analogy before, but think of yourself as a chef, preparing the best steak ever. Now, is it a reality that everyone will enjoy that steak you made? Absolutely not. You have some that don't like steaks because they don't eat beef. Some won't eat a steak because they are vegans. Some may not like the seasonings you used on your steak. On the OTHER hand, there are people that will absolutely LOVE the steak you prepared. They LOVE the seasons that you put on your steak. THAT is the audience you want to serve your steak to. You are wasting time trying to take your dish to women who don't have that inclination towards what you are serving and trying to 'convince them' to deal with you. You're going to have a very hard time feeding someone who doesn't like seafood shrimp. That's why it has been said, "A woman has to really like you."

Your mission isn't to catch any and every woman. Your mission is to discover those women that really like you and what you're about and choose among the best of them. So with that said, what you're really out here to do is to allow these women to get a whiff of the tantalizing aroma and to hear the sizzle of your steak, and the one that is really salivating.... if you're digging her too, then let her get a sample of your main dish.
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
:skip: if she doesn't like drama and yall are just fukking.... how is that a problem?

you talking about learning tools, you dont do that with fukk friends breh they just there to smash and keep it movin, there shouldn't be any conflict

there's gotta be more to this cuz im not seeing it, if you're just fukk friends you shouldn't be hitting her up that often in the first place imo :manny:

You right fam, I classified us the wrong way :laugh:

If I was going to be in the location I'm currently at, for at least another year, there's a strong chance that me and this girl would be dating. She's just taking a risk by playing out some roles of a relationship with an end clearly in sight. I also don't want to make it seem like she's all over me, and I don't have an ounce of care or feelings for her.

I've hinted at my scenario a little before in here, but I know it's lost now in the all the pages. But yeah, started off as friends, but now sex has been introduced. Sex is the main, recurring theme in this partnership/relationship. At this point, if there isn't consistent sex, then there's issues.

I'm sort of apathetic. I'm blank and numb towards a lot of aspects of life since I don't like expanding too much energy towards things that could essentially just be trivial. Some of this shyt is draining though.

Getting hit with sad faces after being reluctant to have sex, getting told that I'm not taking her seriously, shyt like that is wack. She tried to say that she's not trippin' since we're not together, but for the amount of time we spend together, she'd hope that " respect [her] as much as [she] respects & cares about [me]."


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
You right fam, I classified us the wrong way :laugh:

If I was going to be in the location I'm currently at, for at least another year, there's a strong chance that me and this girl would be dating. She's just taking a risk by playing out some roles of a relationship with an end clearly in sight. I also don't want to make it seem like she's all over me, and I don't have an ounce of care or feelings for her.

I've hinted at my scenario a little before in here, but I know it's lost now in the all the pages. But yeah, started off as friends, but now sex has been introduced. Sex is the main, recurring theme in this partnership/relationship. At this point, if there isn't consistent sex, then there's issues.

I'm sort of apathetic. I'm blank and numb towards a lot of aspects of life since I don't like expanding too much energy towards things that could essentially just be trivial. Some of this shyt is draining though.

Getting hit with sad faces after being reluctant to have sex, getting told that I'm not taking her seriously, shyt like that is wack. She tried to say that she's not trippin' since we're not together, but for the amount of time we spend together, she'd hope that " respect [her] as much as [she] respects & cares about [me]."

Check this, as a man, NEVER create drama for no reason. Men don't create drama, they handle drama and if a situation that requires drama to handle, they can bring drama if necessary. If you got a woman that wants to keep it simple and happy, you got a great woman.

When it comes down to it, you need to find out what you really want. Do you want and then do what it takes to get it. If you want a drama free woman for the long-term, then see what it is with babygirl. If not, let her go and let her get to where she needs to be. The reason men have a lot of problems is that they never clearly define what they really want, so one day they are kind of in friends with benefits category... next day they are kind of in relationship category... next day it's something else. Clearly define what it is you're trying to do, and operate from that basis as the blueprint.


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
Aight so I got this girls number yesterday, I did the laid back way mentioned a while ago in this thread, I noticed her noticing me a few times so I introduced myself.

Well anyways, when should I hit her up to go out next weekend. I don't want to wait to long or whatever. Should the only thing I hit her up about be about going on a date ? what yall think . .


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Aight so I got this girls number yesterday, I did the laid back way mentioned a while ago in this thread, I noticed her noticing me a few times so I introduced myself.

Well anyways, when should I hit her up to go out next weekend. I don't want to wait to long or whatever. Should the only thing I hit her up about be about going on a date ? what yall think . .

Yeah, don't sit around chattering her on the phone and having these long, drawn out conversations. You're telling her the ending of the movie before she even goes to the theater by doing that. Hit her with a little small talk, tell her what the plans are and then hang up the phone.