Dusty Bake Activate
Fukk your corny debates
what the hell do you mean by "submission"? one doesnt need to have people around them in a state of submission, in order to assume a leadership role. Thats ridiculous. Are you in submission to your boss and other authorities at work or other areas of life? Of course not.
You guys are completely invested in this mentality, where you want to essentialize all women as inherently evil, stupid, selfish, and incapable of fair mindedness, and enlightened and mature thoughts. Women must be controlled, and dominated according to you and this thread, like they were animals or some sort of sub species. The way you talk about women in this thread is the way st0rmfr0nt talks about blacks and jews.
You pine and lament for a day long since passed where women were socially obligated to remain under the full control of a man, and were socially and legislatively ordered to completely quiet their voice, hopes, dreams, desires, and agency for the whims of men in their life. Its realy demeaning and sick.
I dont know what experiences you've had in your life, but whatever they've been they've turned you guys into bitter, raving lunatics. Relationships are partnerships, and men, and yourself, arent perfect. Jesus, get over yourself.
I lurked in this thread a couple of times and couple of these dudes speak absolute insanity and have somehow convinced themselves that what they're saying is rational. It's like staring at a bad trainwreck. It doesn't make any sense trying to reach them with reason because it's like trying to talk to a scientologist, a Wahhabist jihadist, or a flat earther. I genuinely pity them.