Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I read one of the reponses to it, and it was true as fukk:

Good Luck Chuck
February 27th, 2013 at 3:03 pm

The PUA community likes to try to convince themselves that if a man isn’t finding “good” women, it must be that he isn’t trying hard enough or that he lacks the skills or the value to attract such a woman. Even Rollo himself has said “Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better” or something like that.

I have watched this all play out over the past 20 some years. It is officially bad and it is only getting worse. Sure, I can wish I was better and I can try harder and I can work to increase my actual and perceived value, but for what? At the end of the day all I am doing is competing to win a trophy that has been passed around by a bunch of “winners” who came before me.

When I broke up with the “stripper” a couple of years ago I remember thinking to myself- is this what things have come to? Of course, this was an alcoholic pot head pill popping hippie who wore a corset to work and enjoyed a line of coke every now and then. She was on the far side of the bell curve. But how much better were the ones who came before or after her?

The 20 year old with some dudes name tattooed on her tit. The 30 something career girl who liked to pound scotch on the rocks before peeling out of the parking lot when she saw me talking to another girl. The 40 year old eastern european who wrote the book on riding the cock carousel. The sweet little 22 yr old latina who also happens to ride motorcycles and participate in orgies.

I could go on and on. I am sure the first thing that would pop into most people’s minds after hearing this list is that it is probably just the type of girls I choose or the places I meet them. But is it? To an extent, yes, but I have seen a change over the years. Most girls aren’t coke snorting strippers, but as the bar for acceptable behavior gets lower it drags everyone down with it. Yesterdays good girl now has 3 tattoos, a dozen sex partners (not including oral sex, of course!), is 20lbs overweight, and has an oversize attitude to match her oversize ass.

The US is broken beyond repair. At least during our lifetime.

See, America tolerated bullshyt behavior from women and now all of this is happening. Pretty much, you have to go overseas to find a chick that doesn't have flaws that can be fixed.

The article is true, but the problem with everyone going overseas is that these simp negroes going overseas is going to instill the same sort of attitude in those women over there... What is lacking is a CULTURE and also a breed of man that isn't afraid to take control and demand those women acto to a higher standard. When we got enough simps going overseas, they will basically start sweating those overaseas women and blowing their heads up and you will get the same result as we have over here.

These women need Jesus and they need a man that will show them proper guidance and instruction. The reason all of this is going on is because we got these weak, 'that's cool' looking negroes who let everything and anything go on with women and go on cosigning their nonsense thinking it will win them some coochie coo. I'll elaborate on some of these other things later.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Keep it cool. Be that cool brotha
This is an important framework you need to add into your mentality. I want you to sit back and every interaction you have with a woman, you need to sit back and reflect on it and how it would look if she shared your interaction with her homegirl or someone else. What would her she say to her homegirl and what would her homegirl say about it once she heard? The reality is that women DO share what you do with others. But this is also important because it gives you more insight to how you are coming off towards women.

So say you were chopping it with babygirl over text message and she showed her homegirl. What do you imagine them saying? "Awww he's such a sweetie." Or "Mmm, he got it going on!" or "hahaha that dude is so corny! He stays hitting you up and buying you things." "I know girl, haha I get whatever I want whenever I want from him!"

Now think about what people would think if that conversation was made public. Would they be like, "Man, that dude knows how to talk to women!" Or would they be like,"Haha look at that jello-soft dude over there cupcaking!"

You have to come with the mentality that anything you say and do will be made public with a woman, so that means you always need to come real with it and fresh with it. Sneaking around with some charmin-soft conversation is a no-no!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Men accepting behavior from these women who would have got stoned 300 years ago for their slutty behavior

Sent from royalty breh


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Sometimes I wish I could trust a woman again, then reality sinks in.

Sent from royalty breh

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Confidence is way up. Dress game is way sharper. Cologne game is smooth. I don't sit around playing with women. I got more swole from hitting them weights consistently.

I mean it's kind of coo being that guy that women say you're 'sexy' or 'hot' when you're not around or even to your face. It's kind of crazy when you notice that women never really look you in your eyes and kind of hold their head down when talking or looking at you... or when you can see a woman look very nervous when talking to you. It just starts to reflect the increased value you are starting to represent. And that's from the 'looks', aka outward standpoint.

Sharpening my conversation up, as well as getting my knowledge up has been a substantial improvement as well. Sitting back and formulating powerful principles to stand on is another aspect. Knowing that it's not my job as a man to cater to women but rather have them cater to me is another excellent aspect.

Breaking free from those simp characteristics of how I THOUGHT things were supposed to go and gaining the knowledge of what really works and starting to apply that. I'm starting to embody a much more powerful philosophy of living and manhood than ever before.

I got things I still want to work on, but that's what makes it so fun... knowing you always got something to work on and to improve and looking at yourself as wine-- you get better with time.
I honestly feel that sometimes I have to be careful about talking with a woman because I can start to say things to have her REALLY into me. The best thing is, I'm internalizing it all and I am BECOMING the man I was meant to be instead of running corny scripts and lines and trying to 'win over' this or that woman by reflecting the man I think she would want. As a man, you should NOT reflect the women. She should become a reflection of you.

Yeah, we gotta kill the concept of simping and gotta enforce principles to men, or else the world soon enough will be filled with gassed up women. We need to kill that simping cancer.


May 6, 2012
That's exactly right. Money doesn't keep a woman. Neither does jewels, fame or that other nonsense. Your charisma, actions as a man and her respecting your form of leadership does. It's why you see a lot of women who 'have it together' with dudes we might consider 'losers'... they might be sitting around playing madden all day, living off a woman, but she just goes crazy over him.

Let's be real. Certain women DO chase after wealth, but is that the women you really want? And more times than not, after they break some guy for his change, she's in the wind.

Never worry about whether or not 'you are in a woman's league.' What does that even mean? Different women all like different things, and a man only thinks he's out of a woman's league because of his imagination. The only reason a lot of guys disclassify themselves out of a woman's league is because she's pretty, and he gets intimidated. But let there be an ugly girl that makes more money than the pretty one. Do you think he'll be 'out of her league'? Men place way too much value on pretty looks and sex. When you lower the worth of those elements in your mind, all of a sudden, Miss Superbad isn't that impressive. Let me show you what I mean. Imagine you see a 10 walking towards you... maybe she looks like Mariah Carey or Stacey Dash. A lot of cats will sit and be like, "Whoa, she's out of my league." Then picture yourself talking with your boys and they bring up that woman that passed by and tell you that she was a prostitute, now does porn movies, and she was just at a homies' houseparty doing a strip show. Now what do you think about her? You start to think YOU'RE out of HER league. That's just how powerful perception is. Never disqualify YOURSELF. Let her sample and choose on her own volition whether or not she wants to choose you.

Once you can get past overvaluing sex and looks you'll realize at the core that relationships are all about two people connecting. If you can embody that knowledge, you will pull women you couldn't imagine yourself pulling before.
yup, if you're saying "she's out of my league" that means you're trying to guess what she's thinking and values (and possibly projecting you're own values on her?).


May 6, 2012
I hear that man, but tell me if you've ever got that feeling that no girl that you see is good enough for you?

I think those are good questions to ask, but should we even be thinking about something like that when we've yet to find a chick suitable for ourselves? Or is it better to plan out before we do?

Also have you ever had a situation happen when you meet a chick that's not in your class, but goes to your school and so you talk to her and you wanna ask for her number but it's your first time talking to her and yaw ain't really vibing that much but you're still vibing, do you ask for her number right then and there bc you're afraid you'll never run into her again or do you hold it off until yaw run into each other and she's giving you those signs?
especially for longterm relationships, those questions are very important.

there was a gem posted pages ago. the dude basically said something like "the two most important questions a man must answer for himself are "where am i going?" and "Who am i taking with me?". And if you DON'T answer those two questions in the right order, you're making your life very DIFFICULT...."

hood b. goode

Oct 22, 2012
ProSports: NOLA. College: UMich. Europe: Arsenal
Keep it cool. Be that cool brotha
This is an important framework you need to add into your mentality. I want you to sit back and every interaction you have with a woman, you need to sit back and reflect on it and how it would look if she shared your interaction with her homegirl or someone else. What would her she say to her homegirl and what would her homegirl say about it once she heard? The reality is that women DO share what you do with others. But this is also important because it gives you more insight to how you are coming off towards women.

So say you were chopping it with babygirl over text message and she showed her homegirl. What do you imagine them saying? "Awww he's such a sweetie." Or "Mmm, he got it going on!" or "hahaha that dude is so corny! He stays hitting you up and buying you things." "I know girl, haha I get whatever I want whenever I want from him!"

Now think about what people would think if that conversation was made public. Would they be like, "Man, that dude knows how to talk to women!" Or would they be like,"Haha look at that jello-soft dude over there cupcaking!"

You have to come with the mentality that anything you say and do will be made public with a woman, so that means you always need to come real with it and fresh with it. Sneaking around with some charmin-soft conversation is a no-no!

Word. Roissy called this the jumbotron test

Like, if you were in a stadium at a football game and your texts were on screen, would people be laughing:russ: at you, or saying :salute: that dude, he smooth?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

Straight humiliation. Especially when that chick tried to put law enforcement on a man that stated his opinion about her attitude :what: . That entitlement attitude makes women unattractive and not worthy to date, much less wife. These broads think that they can be Ally McBeal and all that shyt they see on tv, but really, they still make lower than men.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
So remember how I said my godson mom got back with baby daddy, we'll today she texts me all sad how is she gonna pay rent when she doesn't get paid till the sixth, im like didn't bby dad say he would lend you till the sixth,

'Ya well he is being an a$$hole like usual. Everytime I need him for something this is what he does. '

He's a$$hole never there, but she on instagram calling him baby and her future husband etc.

I just sit back and chuckle

Sent from royalty breh