Yeah we making mini movies on our phones now lol everyone is an “influencer” and IG has literally become your Life Resume.Yea when the FULL internet was able to be open to masses and connect everyone, you could see the changes. Before even on phones they had some stripped down internet. But in '07 most people didnt have the iphone, it was a niche product for early tech adopters locked I think on ATT only. Then app store came like a year later ('08). IG was huge because it was an app first before ever having actual website, that was big at the time (Only accessible on mobile phone). That window of '11-'13 when IG is finding its lane and growing and then Tinder entering and taking off was a BIG shift, 4G also in that era late '12.
Even before then, how people consumed the internet was tied to their computer, stationary, only some people maybe took pics at a party then went home and uploaded. The amount of digital pictures exploded in that '12-'13 range. The way people interacted with IG was posting food pics or outfit of the day. Coming to android opened it to billion more users in '12. The actual camera used then were heavy pixels.
The next big shift came in that '16 ish time, cameras got better, EVERYONE had a connected smart phone, and IG went thru revamp with inrtoducing larger uploads, and mainly algorithm (MAJOR). Before it was just chronological order but then the algorithm was introduced. Women I think took to it much better than men, they understand or pay more attention to detail and aesthetics. New jobs/economy/trends took off, the whole makeup artist, lashes, weaves and tea, traveling, high end restaurants, shopping, soft girl life, boss girl, etc. To me ALLLL of that is tied to this eras change. With better high quality pics, you now need a curated feed, so its not just a fun app anymore, its presenting a whole lifestyle brand. Selling an image. Thats why they all want the same guy or its trending that way.
Now people are taking full on photoshoots, info that you would have to $earch for is freely available or given away. Things are moving soo fast and trends happening, I would have to sit and really think about it. Environment really dictates behavior but the algorithms seem to be having people go crazy more than anything else..
I would say life time relationships are over snd now we will just exist in endless cycles of short term and long term (greater than 2 yrs) relationships.
So IMO marriage is over, best you can do is have kids in a manner where you can influence them as much as possible since modern women lack nurturing