I primarily deal with the successful professional types so I've run across a number of these.Speaking of LSA
Seeing that we have some guests in the thread, my question to y'all....
Avoiding the obvious red flag type chicks is easy.
I don't deal with "City Girls" in no type of way. They avoid me, I avoid them. To y'all who run through them, I salute you!.
That said, there's a certain contingent on advanced degree, professional job having, upper middle class income making, type of sista that has a "City Girl" mindset.
Type of chick that "wants to build with someone", but is really out to destroy.
IMO, Kevin Samuels was the first one to put this on display.
Night after night, "I'm a PhD" type women would expose their mental processes for all to see.
We did not see the true face of the Black American Female, in all of her glory, uncensored, and uncut, until then.
Chicks who SHOULD know better, have chickenhead mentalities when it comes to men.
- JD
- Head of HR
Now I'll admit as time went on, the level of discourse and the presumed level of education of the women declined. But those early months? whew.
Which brings me to my first point.
A lot of these women, smartly, went into hiding. They stopped calling in. They realized that they were getting exposed. What replaced them, tended to be younger and less formally educated.
A skillful conversationalist can pull these ideas, these beliefs out of a woman.
How are we doing this now?
Recently our brother in DC, StuntOne, posed a query involving 2/3 DC chicks. 42 year old that wants to be an actor, and a 51 year old looking for an Alpha Male and a guy used to "boss girl energy".
These chicks told on themselves.
How are we uncovering women with these destructive mindsets in a face-to-face setting?
What kinds of questions are we asking?
What sorts of comments are we making, and taking note of reaction?
What sort of small actions is she taking that we can safely assume, she's for the streets?
They can play chameleon for 1 or 2 dates but after that they can't help but let the "boss chic" mentality come out.
This type loves to talk about themselves and their accomplishments. Usually lack self awareness (ask why their last relationship didn't work out, it's never their fault, or he wasn't on my level)
They RUN from conflict. A lot of these women are perfectionists. Very quick to abandon ship when things aren't 100% together.
And they think their money compensates for flaws in other areas. (Fitness or aggressive personality).
The sex is typically really good tho