Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Aug 26, 2015
That means you were dealing with a low level woman.

If she kept seeing you, she would have to elevate herself to your standards and she simply wouldn’t be able to keep up.

I’ve let go of many women like this, or they eliminate themselves because I hold myself to a high bar and whoever I’m with has to do the same.

They feel “pressured” or “not enough” or “reduce their confidence”

Amen! Don't dim your light for others!


Mar 11, 2022
Appreciate it.

Been writing a book for years. These little one-offs are so easy to write.

But something that is more comprehensive, more instructive, more useful, that's the tough stuff.
Been patiently waiting on the book for years.. I accepted we might never get it, but every time I see mention of it.. :mjcry:

Said it before, progress over perfection, especially when its your first piece of work.. But either way appreciate the game you kicked thru the years :salute:

@Rozay Oro we might not have a released book but definitely check his blog out. Space age survivor scrolls :wow:

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
Appreciate it.

Been writing a book for years. These little one-offs are so easy to write.

But something that is more comprehensive, more instructive, more useful, that's the tough stuff.
I’ll buy a half ass pdf off you

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
Been patiently waiting on the book for years.. I accepted we might never get it, but every time I see mention of it.. :mjcry:

Said it before, progress over perfection, especially when its your first piece of work.. But either way appreciate the game you kicked thru the years :salute:

@Rozay Oro we might not have a released book but definitely check his blog out. Space age survivor scrolls :wow:
Post blog I need it please
I’m naked out here B


May 26, 2012
San Diego
That friend I was supposed to hang out with got food poisoning on Friday and moved to Denver on Sunday. Why in hell didn’t she say she was moving?

The woman I was supposed to go on a date with said she has a lot going on and wanted to reschedule. I hit her up today and got no response.

The nuanced part of this is a few different concepts that I have given some thought to, as it obviously happens to everyone, you can be flirting, even kissing, and even talk in person about a concrete plan, and then get nothing the next day.

One: Occums Razor, simplest answer is the correct one, meaning they don't want to go, and this is their "out", meaning the thing for you to do, is nothing

Two: Our cultural guide posts and guard rails, often tell both sexes, that it is for the man to pursue, and woman to be pursued. This can be contradicted by the stance you can sometimes see here, as in, "if she's really into you, she will pursue", yes, but, there are dozen variables to that scenario, what you see here is the "effort", or "pulling back", the idea that they will encourage you to do more, by them doing less, to gain some sort of power/insight into your behavior. Rarely works on me, I'll just stop entirely and move to someone else.

Three: Avoidance, the idea that text based communication makes it so much easier to be more passive, more avoidant, and side step even a slightly complicated conversation entirely

Four: It's not the right time, now, and could be later. This is something I can see over and over again, there are so many dynamics in people's lives, and people in general are more neurotic and anxious than ever, anything could come up, that day, that instant, that changes things, or leads them to avoid the text, which leads us to our next one

Five: People are sincerely overwhelmed and losing it. They meant to respond, and didn't. They didn't know how to respond, so they didn't, and now it's 17 notifications down in their threads. The common knowledge years back, and still to this day, is along the lines of "we all have our phone in our hands every second, and so a non returned text means they don't fukk with you", this CAN be true. But, also, if you ever saw how much nonresponsivenss and unread messages the average PERSON has in their phone, it's pretty compelling, that people are just overwhelmed.

-They have three different group chats
-Their family
-Their DMS on multiple apps
-Their dating app messages

I see some women's phones with dozens and dozens of unread text and missed calls. It makes me anxious, because I couldn't live like that, everything is clean on mine. Having read heavily lately about tech addiction and social media effects, this is not all some kind of far fetched excuse.
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May 24, 2022
Five: People are sincerely overwhelmed and losing it. The common knowledge years back, and still to this day, is along the lines of "we all have our phone in our hands every second, and so a non returned text means they don't fukk with you", this CAN be true. But, also, if you ever saw how much nonresponsivenss and unread messages the average PERSON has in their phone, it's pretty compelling, that people are just overwhelmed.

-They have three different group chats
-Their family
-Their DMS on multiple apps
-Their dating app messages

I see some women's phones with dozens and dozens of unread text and missed calls. It makes me anxious, because I couldn't live like that, everything is clean on mine.

This is generally why I push guys to meet females in real life versus grabbing the socials or the phone # or using dating apps.

If she's at a day brunch, parlay that into a early supper, and see what's popping.
If she's at the club, take her to the Waffle House, let her sober up, and then offer a spot at your place to relax.

And this is old school, prior to cellphones/social media. Cause even when it was just telephones - even the most homebody/nerdy of girls got a "packed" schedule. Instead of hitting the club, she was watching her favorite TV shows live.

A lot of stacking bodies and getting baddies - is less about what you say, but the medium in which you say it. And Face to Face Real Life beats everything.

When a girl is on her phone - you're competing with 10,000 "engagement" engineers from Tiktok and IG.

You're not gonna beat them.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
This is generally why I push guys to meet females in real life versus grabbing the socials or the phone # or using dating apps.

If she's at a day brunch, parlay that into a early supper, and see what's popping.
If she's at the club, take her to the Waffle House, let her sober up, and then offer a spot at your place to relax.

And this is old school, prior to cellphones/social media. Cause even when it was just telephones - even the most homebody/nerdy of girls got a "packed" schedule. Instead of hitting the club, she was watching her favorite TV shows live.

A lot of stacking bodies and getting baddies - is less about what you say, but the medium in which you say it. And Face to Face Real Life beats everything.

When a girl is on her phone - you're competing with 10,000 "engagement" engineers from Tiktok and IG.

You're not gonna beat them.

Right. At some point for me, and everyone, the idea of texting and calling is just not avoidable, but the kind of interaction and impression you make, makes all the difference. Have a friend who meets more women than anyone, but, his engagement with them is so razor thin and shallow, that he gets the number at 2:34 AM in a club or whatever, and thinks they will remember him a week later, they simply will not, which speaks directly to your point.

This is partially why, (I'm speaking to people I know better, not apps or social media) someone may not respond one month, and respond enthusiastically within seconds three weeks later. This creates for me, something of a slot machine/gambling feeling.


Six: The idea that due to the near omnipresent/power of social media/internet, signaling and gesturing are used to communicate almost all the time. We analyze ambiguous emojis, (just last night someone I am close with sent me the eyes emoji, I truthfully have no idea if she is flirting or not) response times, length of text, quality of text, who responded last, loving someone's text

people don't SAY they signal.

taken together it forms something of a pattern and and answer, but one that is highly interpretive. You think you are getting close with someone, and they are passively tapping all your texts, bored at work.


May 24, 2022
I'd say right now the game REQUIRES a hybrid approach.

Before you could just eat off of cold approach. As one ages out of the clubs, he needs Social Circle.
A lot of young dudes today are 100% IG dm's and Tinder. That's a recipe for mental disaster for most dudes.
  1. Cold Approach is still #1
  2. Warm Approach - i.e. Social Circle - you need to start meeting your friend's friends, your co-worker's friends, you church member friends, etc
  3. Social Media Game - You don't need to show riches, but someone should look at your page, and be like - Okay, I'm trying to hang with you. So maybe you're having a good time at the BBQ.
  4. Dating Apps - Again, you want to meet people OUTSIDE of your circles, but bring them INTO your circle. Tinder and such are complements, not the main meal.
Passport - I used to tell cats to travel, diff cities in the States, Europe, Lat Am, Asia, Africa, etc - but that entire idea of a black man seeing the world has been polluted by bad actors. A stylish brother in Sweden pulls broads - but the typical cat getting into passport game wants to pay hookers in DR.

But underneath all of this action,
1) You need a firm mental/emotional/spiritual base. Cause it's not as hard as guys think to run through broads. It's just not as satisfying when you're all messed up. Lotta dudes can't operate their daily lives without female in it. I don't know if cats need therapy, drugs, religion, meditation, but all the bs inside is what stops guys. Deep seated self image issues stops most guys from approaching strangers.

2) Work Out. - A good attitude, having a flat belly, and going out a lot - most guys would have more baddies than they could handle. No game required. (Those chicks would work him on the front end and back end, but he'd have lots...). If you want to get into college athlete shape, good on you. Pro Athlete cool. Pro Body Builder? You doing way too much.

3) Stack Your Bread Intelligently - As someone that's been making good money, but has to do 60-100 hours - that's not the move. Maximize your $ per hour, and then figure out how to make $ without the hours. Time for money is not the move.

4) Hygiene, Grooming, Styling is standard. You can label whore yourself out, you can Classic Man, white t-shirt and a gold chain - getting your outfit right when your body is on point is a trip to the mall and a few 100 bucks. You can be "fresh to def" in an afternoon.


Aug 7, 2019
So what’s the conclusion for why doing the bare minimum for women awards us quickly vs doing a lot and receiving nothing?

Throughout my experience, I’ve done both and recognized by doing very little / doing something simple gets me more ass than, when I put actual thought into a date.