Online dating is cool and all but you have to remember that you're meeting absolute STRANGERS with their own interests, goals, and underlying issues. Last girl I realized WHY she was unmarried at her age.
I won't belabor the details but this is the woman I went on a second date with after the first date we hiked. She came over to my place for the second date. We cooked food together, played Scrabble, and had sex...three times in a row. The chemistry was amazing.
She hit me a day later telling me that she is super attracted to me, enjoyed our chemistry, but she feels we aren't compatible because she thinks she's "too rough around the edges" for me

She later told me that she doesn't feel comfortable and confident around me

She did admit it's her own insecurities.
She was a bit of a nerdy introvert girl and she did like to dress down. In some aspect she may was right. You come to my place and I had candles lit. Nice plants, a well stacked bookshelf. I own a few custom suits. I'm bougie!

She's from a working class family as am I. Just super interesting because it felt like I was overqualified for the job
She also mentioned wanting to wait to give me her number until the second or third date, but we fukked on the second date