Yup and hell even after a while you may not be interested in them or vice versa, its a numbers game
Example talking to around like 8 women
Chick 1 - mixed her up with someone else and got unmatched.
Chick 2 - Went out twice but I don't really like her aggressive personality and her always being on her phone we still talk here and there but my interest is like 0 now
Chick 3 - Went out once she's older and wanted serious settle down fast never contacted her after the date as I wasn't interested
Chick 4 - Second date is tomorrow, first date was nice
Chick 5 - Was supposed to meet up but she cancelled last minute
Chick 6 - Date went ok, but I can tell she was really not interested so meh
Chick 7 - white girl i met up with yesterday, it was alright but I wouldn't want anything romantic or anything
Chick 8 - another chick I was supposed to meet up with but then got the hey sorry I just want to look for something organically (whatever teh hell that means)
So out of these 8 women
4 weren't interested in me
3 I'm not interested in continuing
1 is potential and even that one told me she had a date the day before we met up and had one a day after

but its good when you have an array of options. If a girl isn't interested in me no biggie and If I'm not interested no biggie
I'm still continuing to have some things scheduled as well this week. It's just like a hiring manager not all candidates will be the right fit and vice versa.