Texting is such a fascinating study in human behavior, obviously I have personal reasons, but I'm just fascinated by what it says about society, tech, communication I read a good book last year called "Speaking With Thumbs", by a PHD psychiatrist who works with fortune 500 companies.
Was too much about app based dating, but still had a lot of good info, helped me better intellectualize texting behavior. I always meet in person, so if we talk about going out, or plans, I'll just text with an invite, I don't have the patience for days of witty banter and getting to know you sessions, and on some level, it can be counter to what you want. People think they are building these connections, when they are just wiped out with one ghost.
But it's nowhere near the kind of black and white thinking I often hear from people, like if someone ghosts you, or doesn't respond, NOTHING will ever happen. The best takeaway from the book was "thin slicing" like analyzing a person through text messages, people don't always realize, it happens at a sub conscious level, but they reveal things about themselves.
Also, the idea that, each text is essentially a bid for attention. And each person can respond by either ignoring, turning away, or turning towards. And that texting is it's own language, and own part of relationships. Remember like maybe 10 years ago, when people kind of said "oh it's just a text", but we realize now with how phones and social media have changed our lives, it's in some ways and to some people, MORE important that anything else.