nonono I'm asking how to continue the convo because I'm drawing a blank. The pickup line made her laugh but I have no idea how to build off of it.
Text Game is high art. I find lack of preparation to be offensive to the game.
The quick and dirty
Before you really try to pull the chick in - have a good social media, add her. If you don't know what good social media looks like, you shouldn't be trying to pull young chicks via text - focus on pulling them in real life. Emphasis on Good, not your lame FB/IG stuff.
What to say - You give her stuff that's gonna eat up. Typical stuff you say to a broad in person - but cleaned up in such a way that it's hard to misinterpret badly.
- Nicknames
- Callbacks
- Memes/Pics
- Questions that are fun - Beyonce or Kelly? (have her think looks, and if she goes there, you say singing ability), etc.
- Jokes
Just standard keep a chick entertained bs.
When the chat hits a high note, you do the
soft close. "We should do a quick link up, see if the vibe is right, something low pressure like coffee, ice cream, drinks.."
If she says cool, then
hard close - propose an actual date within the next 24-36 hours.
- If she wants to meet more than 2 days away, say no, you're busy. (because she will be busy in 2 days, something always comes up, and you random dude online are nobody)
- If she wants to escalate into something high pressure like a meal or something, say no.
If she ignores it/convo goes from back and forth to replying in 18 minutes - keep the energy positive, and then bow out for the day. Same pattern where you do the fun stuff, ask for the soft close, and then follow with a hard close.
That's text game in a nutshell.
Realize that dudes have swindled millions of dollars off broads and gotten them to leave the UK and join Al Qaeda off of Text Game.
So you trying to get a date is really some low ball stuff.
You have to take it seriously though.