At any stage of life I will always tell yall to go back to the following question:
"What do you want to gain from your dealings with women?"
If you dont care and are down for whatever...just go with the flow, string bytches along until you feel comfortable and see what happens
If you only want to have fun, and dont mind breaking hearts ...sell women a dream to get what you want and deal with whatever repercussions come or dont come as a result
if you want to have fun, but not at the expense of your integrity... then be upfront with the women you date, or at least game and manipulate them in a way where they wont feel used or resentful after - and may even feel like they held the power
if you want a serious relationship, companion and family...learn to put your ego and expectations aside, guide [the right] woman on the importance of her doing so as well. and move accordingly
it's really that simple. but if you want a serious relationship, you cant expect to just "be yourself" and find the right woman for you. I can assure you there is probably a 1% chance of that ever happening. THe differences between men and women ...shyt...any two people on this earth and how women think due to how society treats them (especially nowadays) makes it far too difficult.
Your own sibling, with the exact same genetics can be radically different from you, but you expect a random girl who might have different ethnicity, hometown, genetics, upbringing, environment, social circle, etc to be just like you?
Ask any old person you know who is in a long, happy, successful relationship. The vast majority will tell you how much work, sacrifice, patience, compromise, tongue biting etc that it took to have to adapt to their partner and build their relationship over time. I havent met a single couple who just "clicked" or was able to maintain the "spark" for anything more than a year or two. NEVER