Was out for lunch today with one of my chicks and a friend of ours.
So its a popular Vietnamese place, so you have to line up for about 5 mins or more depending on the size of your party.
I'm speaking and suddenly I hear is this the queue to get in? Turn and it's a white chick I used to see earlier this year. Who straight up vanished on me, after I'd seen her a few times.
Now she could have asked anyone and its pretty obvious its a queue, but I'm sure she wanted to initiate conversation. Without being obvious.
The person I'm with goes yes and she says to me oh hello. How are you? I tell her I'm good, nice to see you. She goes to say something else but she can feel it's kinda awkward and trails off says nice to see you too. I turn back and carry on the chat. And she walks off.
We get seated about a min later and I don't see her in the queue, so she must have seen me and wanted to say something.
But you vanish like that, and expect me to entertain you? Doesn't work that way.
I'm perfectly fine if someone was going through something and they want to keep to themselves At least you've let me know. But to straight up ghost then expect me to be happy to see you and want to chat anymore than a cursory hello.