If you have a woman in your life that you care about, have her read this book before it's too late:
Based on this article
The case for settling for Mr. Good Enough
It's written by a careerist who spend her best years dating around, breaking up with men for silly reasons because she always thought she could do better. Until she found herself in her mid-to-late 30s, single, and the dating pool was completely trash. Meanwhile most of the good guys she broke up with are now happily married. Good men in her age group typically want younger women and they are usually divorced with children from previous marriages. The rest have all types of mental or financial problems or are just plain old weird. She basically spends a fortune on matchmakers with no luck. Eventually ends up just having a solo pregnancy through artificial insemination because she wants a child so bad.
She critiques modern dating culture for promoting a fantasy to women. There's no such thing as a perfect man just like there's no perfect woman.
It's a pretty good read actually, although somewhat repetitive. Some of the case stories
Chicks be in perfectly happy relationships with good men but they always have this nagging sense of maybe they could do better.