Lookahere mayne...
breh idc if she is the mayor of nyc a women telling u how much she wants to make in a marriage is
She don’t dictate how much u should make or a career u should do.
Ur basically saying for ex: let’s say im a plumber I make $80,000 a year but since I didn’t make the cutoff amount I ain’t good enough
And that is a good amount to make
A woman who wants to be with u and loves u will respect what u do for a living and not tell u what u should make as a damn couple just because she was raised having a good life better than others
Breh if u were that plumber she be happy for who u are and the amount u make is what I’m saying
Sure she can help u build something to make more like be the supervisor plumber and increase it by supporting you but she should also be bringing in money to help make the situation even more fruitful not just u
u don’t have to agree with me but she just sounds like a headache with those standards instead of just supporting u to do what u want she is telling what u need to do to make her happy that’s not how it’s supposed to be
She is entitled to what she feels she deserves and wants
Just like a guy is entitled to wanting a girl with a big ass and big t*ts but if we say that we’re wrong but cuz a women wants a guy to have so much money and pay everything it’s wrongthis is the world we live in now but at same time u don’t have to abide by it
But I’m telling u this ur gonna be unhappy trying to appease to her standards instead of doing what u feel is best for yourself and making ur self happy

damn dad. Preach!