Women love men that other women love.
Its sick but I didn't write these rules. I get more attention from women now than I did when I was single.
That's what yall brehs gotta realize. I told my little brother who has women problems... You gotta act like you got a woman already.
Its a mental thing and yall single brehs don't have it. Women can sniff out a man who doesn't get attention from women like a shark sniffing out blood.
At the end of the day, its a competition to these chics. They love to know that they're the one with a man that the rest of the women want.
A man who has a woman will get more women.
A man who gets no women won't get a woman.
Its sick, ill be the first to tell you, but it's life.
Now here's what I told my brother. What yall gotta do is act like me and other taken brehs.
See, we aren't thirsty. Why? Cause we already got somebody at home waiting for us.
So we have an "idgaf" attitude when it comes to women. We don't care if we get rejected. Why?
We aint stressing cause we already got something at home waiting for us. So we truly do not care.
And guess what?
Women LOVE it when a man has that type of attitude
Now take yall single brehs for instance. Yall don't have that attitude, cause you're single and lonely and craving. Even when you don't mean to come off thirsty, you come off thirsty.
Somehow someway you gotta behave like us taken brehs. You too must develop an "idgaf" attitude when it comes to women.
That's what attracts them. And women attract more women.
That was the deepest game that my OG gave me years and years ago.
"Women bring you more women."
The biggest thing I got going for me is having a bad chic on my arm. Shes like a walking billboard advertisement for me.
I go to her job sometimes and the second i step foot in there, all her female coworkers are looking me up and down like a piece of meat, like a biscuit they just wanna sop up.
I pretend I don't see it, but I see it all
I go to the store with her and other women be looking.
She is the best thing I got going for me and she don't even know it.
Never underestimate the evil nature of a woman.
Women want what other women have. They see one of their fellow females having fun with a man, happy and enjoying him, and it makes them wonder what that man got going for him that makes that woman happy. Then they decide they want to be happy too so they should start spending time with that man.
Women hate each other. Like its incredible, the things they will do to backstab one another.
Once you realize the type of creature you're dealing with, the majority of your problems will be solved.
Once you realize what women really are, I bet that would solve yalls issues.
But let me stop, I'm talking too much.
As far as "sneaking while I got a wife", she knows me. And she did give me a get out of jail free card once upon a time. Told me don't embarrass her or have her out here looking crazy.
So far I've stuck to my end of the bargain. And I'm mostly faithful