if youre head over heels infatuated with a woman, youre in more danger than anybody else in the relationship. chances are, they dont feel the same and youre making yourself more likely to take everything too hard. during, and after the relationship. you cant do that. in effect, its putting yourself subserviant and under the woman.
you have to understand, from what I see in the healthier marriages and older couples - the husband isnt running behind his woman, always worried about her, kissing up to her, or being a moist, luvy wuby type of man. being mr romantic all damn day. that doesnt harvest any kind of good emotions from her, or make somebody fall in love with you. simpness in a relationship doesnt guarantee longevity as much as it paints you as a man who "needs" her too much. its a result of you, putting too much of your concerns in a relationship. in actuality it weakens the relationship.
have that balance to where your needs, and what you want are handled and respected as well. set some parameters. understand, a woman isnt going to do that. you need to set the pace, lay the groundwork, and be able to use it whenever you need.
a real, grounded man, knows that you have to give her space, not be too concerned with it, and in the end be able to put your foot down so that youre respected. youre not wishy washy or bowing to her (whos the leader here?). the more respect that you establish for who you are, the more that love and understanding can come from that situation. you be there for her when its rough, but not at every little annoying thing she has going on. you need your space. so get that space working for you, and you let her know that youre there when she needs, but not whenever she wants. you have yourself to worry about yourself too. in other words, every man needs his peace and quiet at times.