Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
@<<TheStandard>>: By not allowing yourself to fall for the bait, you showed a high level of self-respect/self-value. I have experienced this type of scenario on a few occasions and I have always been highly offended whenever a female, who previously shot me to the left for whatever reason, tries to come at me on some "give me another chance" bullshyt after her life is now in shambles, hoping that I go the sucka route and give her that chance but I do not do it. I look at any female who does this like "bytch, what type of dude do you fukkin think I am? Cause if you think Im gonna play captain save'em, you got me fukked up and obviously got me confused with somebody else."


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
@<<TheStandard>>: By not allowing yourself to fall for the bait, you showed a high level of self-respect/self-value. I have experienced this type of scenario on a few occasions and I have always been highly offended whenever a female, who previously shot me to the left for whatever reason, tries to come at me on some "give me another chance" bullshyt after her life is now in shambles, hoping that I go the sucka route and give her that chance but I do not it. I look at any female who does this like "bytch, what type of dude do you fukkin think I am? Cause if you think Im gonna play captain save'em, you got me fukked up and obviously got me confused with somebody else."

What's sad is if you do give them a chance and save them, they will act sweet maybe one or two months tops... maybe 3 if you're lucky, and then they'll start disappearing once they feel they got you 'locked in' and start dealing with other dudes behind your back. That's the reward awaiting men who like to save scandalous women.


I found this comment on another board, and it's quite accurate
That shyt mostly comes from the woman's bad attitude, man. If she has her job and you have yours and yall both taking care of the financial side of things cause it takes 2 to pay for these big ass houses, 2.5 cars, kids, etc....and she chooses to look down on you cause you ain't covering everything so she can sit back and just spend her money on her and her alone...that's her fukking problem.

These heffas are combative, materalistic as fukk and selfish as hell, that is why they become instantly antagonistic in damn near any scenario. When you providing they hate your ass because they look at that as leverage you have over them, and they resent that you have the "power" over them. When you try to do the 50/50 thing with them they still hate your ass cause they actually have to pull their own weight for a change. And you knoooow they gonna hate your ass if they make more money than you, they gonna try and make you feel like less of a man in that situation. You can't win with these chicks who ain't got their mind on the right page. fukk it.

Personally I'm tired of the damned if you do, damned if you don't catch 22 bullshyt from these chicks. I'm on strike. bytches can go argue with their fantasies, I'm out.

This cat hit the nail on the head.


Aug 12, 2012
What's sad is if you do give them a chance and save them, they will act sweet maybe one or two months tops... maybe 3 if you're lucky, and then they'll start disappearing once they feel they got you 'locked in' and start dealing with other dudes behind your back. That's the reward awaiting men who like to save scandalous women.


I found this comment on another board, and it's quite accurate

This cat hit the nail on the head.

Lol do you see some of her idiotic responses towards people who are rightly calling her out? I really hope this is just a troll account by someone with alot of time on their hands but something tells me it is not.

This is just straight up disgusting.

I guarantee you will never see events and stories like this in the "womans issue" discussion on shows like Melissa Harris Perry on MSNBC. It is hilarious you will NEVER or RARELY hear women especially who host on tv be completely fair and balanced to both genders.

Can any of us seriously see a woman on television talking about something about this? Lol at female hosts of "political shows'' holding discussions about the 40 year "Anniversary" of Roe vs Wade, and failing to mention women liike these who take advantage of "abortion" and treat them like gum machines in a laundry mat.

Hey Melissa when are you gonna ever talk about ratchet women like in the twitter page above one of your discussions about a womans rights?,d.dmQ&fp=faea9cf7a79d8859

Will it be in a future show?



Aug 12, 2012
In all seriousness though @kevm3 I have to be fair it is several women who are mainly the ones calling her out on twitter now. I just wish that it would happen more often in these "abortion" discussions instead of turning every discussion about the "positives" and not talking about poisonous women like these.

Women need to start taking ownership over these clowns instead of putting more energy about places like Mississippi trying to stop their right to clinics that provide abortions.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
In all seriousness though @kevm3 I have to be fair it is several women who are mainly the ones calling her out on twitter now. I just wish that it would happen more often in these "abortion" discussions instead of turning every discussion about the "positives" and not talking about poisonous women like these.

Women need to start taking ownership over these clowns instead of putting more energy about places like Mississippi trying to stop their right to clinics that provide abortions.

There are a few sane women out there, but you just have to wade through so much nonsense to find them.

That's why I find it real corny when cats think they deserve some kind of player points for cheating on their woman who they claim has been holding them down. Hoes are easy to find and garner the attention of, and you will have the audacity to walk around like you're doing something by being disloyal to a woman who is holding you down for a woman that gets around?
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Aug 12, 2012
I know there isn't a conventional wisdom that shows a certain profession determines how virtuous a woman may be.....especially since as we all have noticed, alot of these poisonous broads have come out of the "nursing" field.

I'm wondering though if there are any in anthropology..... :

Ann Dunham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^I just used that as an example because alot of women are generally followers and I assume that is one of the main reason all the ratchets jumped into nursing(besides $). I was wondering if chances of virtuous improves if its something out of the ordinary and under the radar like anthropology and if that improves a chance of humbleness.

Its a stretch I know this just something small to think of. This has been a long thread, we all are thinking about different things about this topic everyday. Any thoughts?

My sister's father(she is 9) did something to frustrate him alot and he went into the typical "Its my fault im the one who makes you act this way" basically saying he is the one who spoils her. When 5 days from now he is probably going to end up continuing to do the same thing. It is like an addiction. I really hope this guy does not end up making my sister grow up to be a spoiled brat or one of the women we are talking about.

As I have said before alot of these fathers are the kin version of a simp and constantly keep up this "Daddy's little princess" nonsense that never ends. Then there is always that one or two times where ALL OF THEM throw that mini tantrum about how they let them get away with too much.......but they end up doing the same thing again and "spoiling" them.

That post pages back about women being tall children was basically true. The father to the little girl is a parallel of a simp to his girlfriend. Compromises and every once in a while throws a mini tantrum to show he "means business" only to end up getting played when he thinks of her as all "innocent' and ends up getting disrespected again.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It's the parents that do a lot of this, especially these fathers that take it overboard with that daddy's little princess NONSENSE. Instead of raising a responsible adult who is accountable for their actions, these fathers will bail out their woman, never believe she could do any wrong, tell her how much of a princess and a prize she is, and just basically let her get away with anything. Then you have that same mentality reinforced over and over through television and all other sorts of media. Some of these females actually think they are deserving of free dinners and jewelry because their 'company' is so valuable. What you have here with women is essentially what goes on in the Middle East with men, especially of royalty. Royal men over there are pretty much allowed to act any way they want, and you start getting some real loonies, psychos and monsters. It is NEVER a great thing to spoil ANYONE, man or woman. Teach people responsibility and accountability and stop treating them as if they are better than anyone else because of their gender.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Media and social programming plays a HUGE effect on what is going on. All of it is an attempt to destabilize society. It's quite sad that role models at one time went from MLK and Malcolm to Lil Wayne and Lil Webbie. For women, Rosa Parks to Kim Kardashian. You are pretty much programmed to believe that degenerate behavior will reward you. For men, it's if you're a playa who is chasing that cash by any means necessary, you will be rewarded with the finest women. For women, it's if you look fine and you're freaky, you don't actually have to put in hard work or be a decent person. You'll be rewarded by some man with countless riches. With all of this insanity continually being pumped into our brains, it's no wonder people are flipping out.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Fathers who take the "daddy's little princess" approach with their daughters simply lack the understanding of positive/negative reinforcement. As stated before, positive reinforcement for bad behavior always leads to disastrous results, such as for example, grown women believing that they can be promiscuous and still be worthy of a serious relationship/marriage.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Media and social programming plays a HUGE effect on what is going on. All of it is an attempt to destabilize society. It's quite sad that role models at one time went from MLK and Malcolm to Lil Wayne and Lil Webbie. For women, Rosa Parks to Kim Kardashian. You are pretty much programmed to believe that degenerate behavior will reward you. For men, it's if you're a playa who is chasing that cash by any means necessary, you will be rewarded with the finest women. For women, it's if you look fine and you're freaky, you don't actually have to put in hard work or be a decent person. You'll be rewarded by some man with countless riches. With all of this insanity continually being pumped into our brains, it's no wonder people are flipping out.

Cosign. It is crazy how many people are quick to vilify anyone who decides to not participate in degenerate behavior and speaks out against it by calling the said person a "hater". Calling someone a hater for not wanting involvement with obviously negative behavior is really sad, like how in the hell is this type of behavior deemed as positive?

I once saw a simple yet profound comment on a website (forgot the name of it) about the current state of society. The comment was that society is racing towards the bottom, citing how much social order has disintegrated and how many years from now, the state of society will become that of pre-civilization. And as each day progresses, this seems to become more apparent.


Jul 3, 2012
DMV | Philly
Had an interesting evening yesterday and I thought I would post it here. Last night was a special function at the military base where I'm stationed. Every few months they do something called boss and buddy night where the higher ranking personnel hang out and drink with the younger guys. I was there with a few friends I work with and our chief was buying us multiple rounds. He's telling us a bunch of stories from his travels around the world and it was entertaining. The friend I came with kept getting up from the table because his wife was blowing up his phone. After a while I could see he was agitated so I asked if he was good. Apparently his wife didn't believe he was with friends and thought he was out with some woman. This is a good dude mind you, always going the extra mile for his wife and she flips because one night he doesn't come home when she wants. Even our chief felt this wasn't right and told him to call her and ask for his balls back. We laughed but I felt bad for him. Dude busts his ass to buy her a nice condo for them to live in with all the amenities she wants and he's catching flack for drinking with his work buddies. He was supposed to give the chief a ride home but had to bail because the calls wouldn't stop. He wanted me to come hang out as his place but I didn't really want to because I would've been aggravated if she was complaining while I was there. I wanted to talk to him about it but I knew he would just defend her anyway. You fellas ever have to pull a friend to the side and tell them to wake up?

Welp......its too late for that guy.

That's actually one of my biggest fears.....ending up with a bytch for a wife who slowly sucks the life out of you, nagging you about some different shyt everyday until you just say whatever she wants to get her to shut the fukk up :damn: Sounds fukkin horrible. And its a crapshoot because I'm willing to bet your friend's wife was cheerful and cool as fukk to be around when they were dating :sadbron:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Yup, it's pretty much shaming language 101. How many times will women tell a man to 'man-up' and yet they've not spent a single second of their lives being a man? What's funny is they will tell a man to 'man-up' to compensate for THEIR failings. Why does a man need to 'man-up' and take care of kids that aren't even his? Go tell that to your baby daddy/baby daddies. Tell him to man-up and come through with those payments like he should. However, smart cats have on their repellant and such tactics, such darts and arrows just bounce right off.

Bottom line is women can be extremely manipulative, especially when they know how to hit your emotional hot buttons. If they don't get their way, they will cry, throw tantrums, and call you all the names in the book. Don't expect fairness or just reasonable behavior from most of these western women. If they aren't getting an outcome favorable to them from you, they will employ all of the aforementioned tactics, and at times, even worse. One of the easiest and most devastating ways a woman will manipulate you is getting you to feel sorry for her... and when you give in to her demands via sympathy, you will be fleeced and she will be laughing at you all the while. There are a few women deserving of your sympathy and help, but you better be very careful in determining who.

Say for example, if you had a mental lapse and decided to date a woman with children. She wants to go out with 'the girls', but she wants you to babysit her kids. If you say nah, you already know she will start coming out with the you aren't respectful to her needs, how you don't love her, or all kinds of utter nonsense. And the sad thing is if you DO DO it, she won't respect you and will think of you as some simp to be ridiculed while she is grinding on negroes at the club.

Women will constantly bring up disrespectful situations and if you do tell them to cut out their nonsensical antics, an argument will come with that... if you give in and go the nonconfrontational path, she won't respect you and even worse behavior will follow. If you don't have certain expectations and rules for yourself that must be abided by and you don't stand on them, then women will run all over you.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
she probably needed to get it out. It clearly has been eating away at her and the release and possibly giving a guidance to young females probably comforts her. It's a depressing ass story and in those pictures you can tell by her body language that she is is defeated and looks lost in her life.

People really need to realize that you really only have a few chances at true love and happiness. When that time/person comes you better try your best not to eff it up, because if you do and the person decides never to talk to you again? Man that weight must be incredible.

I know we like to joke on here, but seeing an ex you had a pretty rough breakup with years later look like this and reading how she feels about you would hurt your soul a bit.


Times like that you have to be strong tho and continue on your own way tho. I am sure whenever "Matt" gets a hold of this story it will get to him.

Or maybe not.

She's alive and healthy, isn't she? She not terminally ill, she's not in a wheelchair, she has a roof over head and (I presume) some friends and family. The fukk would I feel sorry for her for? I don't know about you, but if I was "Matt" her emotional "pain" wouldn't wouldn't mean shyt to me, and in fact, I'd feel highly irritated at the mere fact that she even chose to make this article instead of just leaving the whole thing alone and moving on with her life and letting sleeping dogs lie. If she "did better" i.e. meet a super rich a$$hole type dude who didn't treat her half as good, but provided crazy sex, a flashy lifestyle and all of that, she wouldn't give two shyts about Matt. She ain't sorry for what she did to him, she's sorry the tables have turned. Don't get it twisted....this is just disingenuous bullshyt and fake remorse. We see this all the time and this what we've been talking about in all the many pages of this thread. We've had numerous examples from personal and other people's experience about women who actively shyt on good men and LAUGH at those dudes for being even halfway decent let alone simpish and walk out on their man (which they plan in secret months in advance) without even caring about the emotional and mental devastation something like that causes. Tough shyt when karma hits and things don't work out for them as planned.

I read an article in a newspaper which I meant to post here a few weeks ago with this dude writing in saying how his wife left him and took the children to live with some other dude. Long short of it all, dude walked out on her when the kids had finally grown up and moved out and she's now on the verge of losing her home with nowhere to go. In the meantime, her ex husband picked himself up after being suicidal and down and out, found himself another a woman and was living happily. This chick has the nerve to be getting in his ears asking for help and saying he "owes" it to her! Even worse, their grown adult kids are getting in his ear saying he should help out their mother. He says he just wants to get on with his life without being bothered. Rightfully (and surprisingly) the agony aunt he wrote into told him his ex wife not his responsibility and that he should tell their children to shut up and to let her move in with one of them since they're so concerned. I'm paraphrasing but that was pretty much the gist of it. I don't feel sorry for any woman who is the instrument of her own demise, especially when she was old enough to know better and had things good but chose to walk out on a dude because she was looking for something "better".

You know, when you break a good man's heart, it's soul changing and men have memories like elephants when it comes to that sort of thing. When he learns from it, trust me, he LEARNS FROM IT.


Aug 12, 2012
Or maybe not.

She's alive and healthy, isn't she? She not terminally ill, she's not in a wheelchair, she has a roof over head and (I presume) some friends and family. The fukk would I feel sorry for her for? I don't know about you, but if I was "Matt" her emotional "pain" wouldn't wouldn't mean shyt to me, and in fact, I'd feel highly irritated at the mere fact that she even chose to make this article instead of just leaving the whole thing alone and moving on with her life and letting sleeping dogs lie. If she "did better" i.e. meet a super rich a$$hole type dude who didn't treat her half as good, but provided crazy sex, a flashy lifestyle and all of that, she wouldn't give two shyts about Matt. She ain't sorry for what she did to him, she's sorry the tables have turned. Don't get it twisted....this is just disingenuous bullshyt and fake remorse. We see this all the time and this what we've been talking about in all the many pages of this thread. We've had numerous examples from personal and other people's experience about women who actively shyt on good men and LAUGH at those dudes for being even halfway decent let alone simpish and walk out on their man (which they plan in secret months in advance) without even caring about the emotional and mental devastation something like that causes. Tough shyt when karma hits and things don't work out for them as planned.

I read an article in a newspaper which I meant to post here a few weeks ago with this dude writing in saying how his wife left him and took the children to live with some other dude. Long short of it all, dude walked out on her when the kids had finally grown up and moved out and she's now on the verge of losing her home with nowhere to go. In the meantime, her ex husband picked himself up after being suicidal and down and out, found himself another a woman and was living happily. This chick has the nerve to be getting in his ears asking for help and saying he "owes" it to her! Even worse, their grown adult kids are getting in his ear saying he should help out their mother. He says he just wants to get on with his life without being bothered. Rightfully (and surprisingly) the agony aunt he wrote into told him his ex wife not his responsibility and that he should tell their children to shut up and to let her move in with one of them since they're so concerned. I'm paraphrasing but that was pretty much the gist of it. I don't feel sorry for any woman who is the instrument of her own demise, especially when she was old enough to know better and had things good but chose to walk out on a dude because she was looking for something "better".

You know, when you break a good man's heart, it's soul changing and men have memories like elephants when it comes to that sort of thing. When he learns from it, trust me, he LEARNS FROM IT.

Thank you so much for saying this. It really bothers me when women say it for themselves instead. Yeah I know each gender may think they are the better at something and nothing is wrong with that if its just a harmless opinion.....but some of them will go even further and act like us men are just dumb dudes only interested in sex.

That is a big reason why alot of them do the whole "Ill come back to you now that my life is pathetic" and probably rationalize in their heads "He will take me back anyway because he wants p*ssy", and then end up getting surrprised at how it isn't so easy.

Im 20 years old now and like alot of older guys now in their mid 30s and who were once in the same position as me, I do not have my money right at the moment and im skinny,etc.

Now there are peers around me that i will GUARANTEE over a decade now when I am getting better and better, will be very predictable and do everything we are talking about now. These broads do not realize how much of a comedy they are.

You can tell these broads do NOT think at all. You notice how BOTH the women in the article and the other one you are talking about, don't even realize that the same guy they left for the guy they were with at the moment.......were both the same at one point?

Its like those idiotic girls on college campuses who say they don't like the guys the same age as them.....even when they are mature simply because of lack of money, some debt,etc and break up with them to get with a guy 8 years older who is in order...

Well what the fukk do you think that guy you just left is going to grow up into you dumb harlot? Isn't most likely he is going to grow up to be the same exact guy who you were so impressed with?

:wtf: I mean how slow can you be?


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Had an interesting evening yesterday and I thought I would post it here. Last night was a special function at the military base where I'm stationed. Every few months they do something called boss and buddy night where the higher ranking personnel hang out and drink with the younger guys. I was there with a few friends I work with and our chief was buying us multiple rounds. He's telling us a bunch of stories from his travels around the world and it was entertaining. The friend I came with kept getting up from the table because his wife was blowing up his phone. After a while I could see he was agitated so I asked if he was good. Apparently his wife didn't believe he was with friends and thought he was out with some woman. This is a good dude mind you, always going the extra mile for his wife and she flips because one night he doesn't come home when she wants. Even our chief felt this wasn't right and told him to call her and ask for his balls back. We laughed but I felt bad for him. Dude busts his ass to buy her a nice condo for them to live in with all the amenities she wants and he's catching flack for drinking with his work buddies. He was supposed to give the chief a ride home but had to bail because the calls wouldn't stop. He wanted me to come hang out as his place but I didn't really want to because I would've been aggravated if she was complaining while I was there. I wanted to talk to him about it but I knew he would just defend her anyway. You fellas ever have to pull a friend to the side and tell them to wake up?

The chief is right.

Dude couldn't simply couldn't switch his phone off? :snoop: