Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Here's another gem from the emasculation of men movement

taken from here:

That androgynous push is real. This negro has the audacity to wear a baseball cap and some nikes with a ballerina outfit? What's sad is that you hardly even see females wearing dresses like that anymore or dresses period unless they are older... but this fella got on a skirt.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Here goes another gem of an article for you on what these 'modern women' are thinking, and this is reaching millions of readers on huffingtonpost

Is 'I Do' Supposed To Be Forever?

I used to think that divorce meant failure, but now I see it more as a step along the path of self-realization and growth. (I chronicle this journey in-depth in my memoir Rearview Mirror.) I don't regret either of my marriages -- not for a minute. I only regret that I wasn't more mature and spiritually evolved, and that I hadn't yet learned the art of compromise and how to be a more loving, supportive, understanding mate. But you learn by making mistakes, and perhaps what could be called a "failed marriage" is really a learning experience that helps us grow into the women (and men) we need to become in order to find that special relationship that really can last.

Another conclusion that I've come to, which I suppose is rather controversial and may incite a lot of hate mail, is that I don't believe marriage is necessarily meant to last forever. But hear me out before you hit the comment button. I was talking to my minister the other day, and he said that the belief that you have to stay with one person for your whole life is an "old idea" and doesn't always work in modern society, where traditional beliefs and values have been undergoing a transformation for many years. Consider how society looked at gay marriage and even racially mixed marriages 50 or 60 years ago. He pointed out that several hundred years ago, many people were lucky if they lived to be forty. And yet, when people marry, they're supposed to stay together "til' death do us part".

I had a similar conversation with a friend of mine who is a well-known spiritual teacher. She said that we come together with another person to have a relationship and to learn from each other -- and that the relationship is not necessarily meant to last forever. She repeated a quote she'd heard: "We are brought together for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."

One hopes, of course, that a relationship grows and becomes a deep and wonderful marriage and friendship that lasts forever. But that's not always the case. Often people meet, fall in love, get married, have children, raise them and suddenly look at one another and think, "I don't have anything in common with this person anymore." Or they just don't get along, or the marriage has become dead and devoid of passion. Should those two people be sentenced to being unhappy and unfulfilled for the rest of their lives because that's what society has told them they should do? Or under the guise of keeping a family together when the children are grown and have gone their own ways?

I've known a few of those lucky couples who had that "forever" kind of love. Not too many years ago, I was seated at a dinner party next to Veronique Peck, who was married to Gregory Peck for many years. She confided in me that she was still madly in love with Gregory and that every time he walked into the room, her heart still skipped a beat. Right then and there I thought, "That's the kind of love I want to have!" Okay, so maybe she was married to one of the most legendary and handsome men of all time, but I've known other couples who were just normal folks who genuinely loved, adored and cherished their mate; they truly enjoyed spending time together and remained that way until they died. I've also known a lot of married couples who you could clearly see were just "hanging in there" for all the wrong reasons and who were both unhappy and unfulfilled.

I ran into a woman recently that I hadn't seen for some time. She had been in a very unhappy, longtime marriage and her pinched, drawn face always reflected her miserable situation. At first I didn't recognize her; I couldn't believe this was the same woman I had known. She looked like a different person -- about fifteen years younger and absolutely radiant. Standing at her side was a very attractive man who apparently was her new boyfriend. Her husband had left her for someone else and she'd been devastated when the marriage finally ended. But in the end, it was all for the best, and she wouldn't change the outcome for the world.

I realize that most of us are simply afraid of change and would rather stay in a stagnant relationship than brave the unknown. But, from experience, I've learned a valuable lesson that applies to life in general. Sometimes you just have to let go of the old and trust that something better is going to take its place, even if it's scary to face change and the unknown.

At the end of the day, I know that I would rather be alone and occasionally lonely and unhappy than in a miserable marriage and lonely and unhappy all the time. I don't mind being single. In fact, I like it. Of course, if I had my choice between being single and being with someone I was in love with, there's no question which I would choose.

My seemingly unorthodox preference for being alone rather than settling for someone I'm not in love with seems to confound my friends. They're constantly lecturing me that I'm too picky and I'm not a "spring chicken" anymore -- that it's time to find a nice man and "settle down". It's the word "settle" that bothers me. I never settled before in my life and maybe I'd just rather be alone in my bed with my long-haired Chihuahua and my remote control than sleep next to someone I'm not madly, passionately in love with. And maybe I won't ever find that special person, but if and when I do, I will be the woman I've spent all these years becoming -- a woman who has finally learned what love is and what love isn't. And the best news of all is that at that point, we'll be too old to get bored with each other because we won't have enough years left!

Marriage isn't her attempting to share a life and making a commitment with another person, but rather a tool for HER to dabble with for her 'growth.' Is this not insanity? What kind of simp minister does she have to tell her that marriage isn't for life? There goes one of those ministers with 'smooth words' that the Bible was warning us about. Also note her conversations with 'spiritual teacher' later on in the article, who is very likely kicking new age rhetoric into her mind that nothing is truly bad, but everything is just merely an opportunity for 'growth and self-fulfillment', or another subtle way of stating 'do what thou will'... aka luciferian doctrine.

There's just a certain point when you come to realize that it's not you and not having enough 'game', but rather it's the screwed up mindset that women are pushing upon themselves and actually believing. Not only did we have articles about 'gaggles' and 'starter husbands', but we're actually treated to a woman believing and writing on a major website that she doesn't believe 'marriage is for life' and is a tool of her own growth. Now do ya'll see why the knowledge kicked on here is so important?

Ask this same woman if she will marry a man that makes significantly less than her and not sign a prenup, since it's all about growth. I bet you she wouldn't touch a man that did. Now let's see if she would get offended about being asked to sign a prenup if she met a multimillionaire. You already know the answer... "Well if you REALLY loved me, you wouldn't ask me to do this." "How can you come into the marriage believing it will fail?" It won't be all about self-fulfillment and growth if SHE is the one getting swindled, but she will avoid that because she won't marry a man that makes less than her... she will just sleep with them if they are exciting and attempt to pin the financial repercussions and life responsibilities of her decisions on a sucker negro who is willing to believe the sob stories she will have prepared for him. These sucker negroes will incur countless debt giving her a fancy 'princess day' and buying the house and car she won't stop clamoring for, only to be shucked to the side when she gets bored and no longer feels any 'personal development and growth. You all know the script.


Tether yourself to these walking timebombs if you want to, but I'll just stand back in the far, far distance watching those who refuse to heed the advice blow themselves to pieces.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
here goes a gem of a comment from that article:
Vicki Larson
Journalist, mom, always questioning
1197 Fans

01:13 PM on 01/17/2013
You are so right — marriages don't have to last "till death do us part" to be meaningful and fulfilling, which is what Susan Pease Gadoua and I address in our soon-to-be released book, "The New I Do: Reshaping Marriage for Cynics, Commitaphobes and Connubial DIYers," which offers new marital models. We marry with the best of intentions, and then stuff happens — we shouldn't feel that we've failed.
We are free to create the marriages we want (and that includes not lasting forever), as well as the life and relationships we want post-divorce (Married, living together or something like that « OMG Chronicles).

At least there are a few sane ones left:
78 Fans
01:04 PM on 01/17/2013
"She confided in me that she was still madly in love with Gregory and that every time he walked into the room, her heart still skipped a beat. Right then and there I thought, "That's the kind of love I want to have!"

That's the kind of love you're virtually guaranteed NOT to have. Those emotions wax and wane with time. It is simply not realistic to expect another human being to keep you in a continuous state of high sexual tension. If that is the expectation, then certainly it is better not to marry and risk damaging the life of someone who perhaps IS prepared for mature, solid commitment...not to mention the children who may come along and need a firmer foundation for their lives than just their parents' ebbing and flowing emotions.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
aight brehs, i recently broke it off with a young, thin, big breasted, attractive girl.

reason was my heart wasnt in it and she fell in love. i couldn't continue the facade.

please give me some wise words so I don't panic and help me avoid thoughts like:
"will i ever find another girl as beautiful?"
"I'm only getting older, its going to be hard as fukk to find what I want."

fyi im 28 and live in rural america. :sadcam:
but im fly and got bread so finding another woman has never been hard

i aint gon lie, a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders too.

and i still got them pw's due to a keylogger :ooh: @His_Excellence_Reincar

Women are a dime a dozen man. As long as you keep yourself up, there will be another one around the corner. What were you doing the day before you met her? Fantasizing about some other woman.
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May 2, 2012
Women are a dime a dozen man. As long as you keep yourself up, there will be another one around the corner. What were you doing the day before you met her? Fantasizing about some other woman.

Exactly.. Women are like stray cats, there's always one sniffing around..


May 27, 2012
This feminist leader is the worst thing to happen to women in this country :smh:

:pacspit: on this jewish bytch grave
May 1, 2012
Here's another gem from the emasculation of men movement

taken from here:

That androgynous push is real. This negro has the audacity to wear a baseball cap and some nikes with a ballerina outfit? What's sad is that you hardly even see females wearing dresses like that anymore or dresses period unless they are older... but this fella got on a skirt.

But but he got swag,stop hating and live your life......oh god these p*ssy boys and simps and these happy go luck ass females are ruin the male structure :snoop: