Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Jun 16, 2012
Why on Earth would should agree to do this article....she looks so damn pathetic.

Selfpity makes a person wanna share the pain with the rest of the world in the hope of being consoled and understood. shyt is really eating her up inside. She knows she's gonna die a miserable, lonely woman. Probably turned her back on old friends and family too while she was chasing money and dikk.

Cory MBA

Bigger Picture
May 4, 2012
Selfpity makes a person wanna share the pain with the rest of the world in the hope of being consoled and understood. shyt is really eating her up inside. She knows she's gonna die a miserable, lonely woman. Probably turned her back on old friends and family too while she was chasing money and dikk.

I am witnessing someone doing this to herself right now....its sad. How can you win by doing your loved ones dirty?

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
you didnt connect with her, you didnt really like her. why waste more of your life being with someone youre not feeling when you could be out doing something better with your time? lifes short, dont trip over the shyt you DONT like

youre right man.

its just that when the night comes and things get quiet you start wondering.

oh well. time to accomplish my dreams. :blessed:

i think my biggest problem is knowing that I had a girl that would do whatever for me. even when we're not compatible, the way these harlots are today, its good to have one that has your back.​

Action Jackson

Can I live
Jul 27, 2012
I hear more stories of woman cheating on their man then I hear men cheating on their women. Women (in general) can't even be loyal to their best friend, why do you expect them to be loyal to you? I'd say 65% of the male population today is loyal to their girl, and its getting better. I'd say about 20% of the females are loyal to their man, and its getting worse.

If you get a good one breh, treat her like gold.. Thats if there's any good ones left.


Nov 29, 2012
I hear more stories of woman cheating on their man then I hear men cheating on their women. Women (in general) can't even be loyal to their best friend, why do you expect them to be loyal to you? I'd say 65% of the male population today is loyal to their girl, and its getting better. I'd say about 20% of the females are loyal to their man, and its getting worse.

If you get a good one breh, treat her like gold.. Thats if there's any good ones left.

word you'll hear it from girls all the time, talkin hella sht behind their friends backs then in person its all love.. they treat dudes the same.. its all "omg i love u baby our anniversary coming up <3 " then 2 days later they're massaging another man's mushroom tip with their tonsils :beli:

im not saying men are saints, i frankly dont care what men do because i get into relationships with women. but i guarantee most women are more likely to cheat on their bf/husband than most men are to betray their barber and get their haircut by another dude :manny:


Apr 30, 2012


Apr 30, 2012
Why on Earth would she agree to do this article....she looks so damn pathetic.
she probably needed to get it out. It clearly has been eating away at her and the release and possibly giving a guidance to young females probably comforts her. It's a depressing ass story and in those pictures you can tell by her body language that she is is defeated and looks lost in her life.

People really need to realize that you really only have a few chances at true love and happiness. When that time/person comes you better try your best not to eff it up, because if you do and the person decides never to talk to you again? Man that weight must be incredible.

I know we like to joke on here, but seeing an ex you had a pretty rough breakup with years later look like this and reading how she feels about you would hurt your soul a bit.

Times like that you have to be strong tho and continue on your own way tho. I am sure whenever "Matt" gets a hold of this story it will get to him.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
amazing that this comment to that story was actually from a woman:
Ah, the lovely legacy feminism has left for women. Nobody wants to say it but if she didn't have a fancy career she would probably have had everything she wanted by now. The truth is, when the woman makes more money there is a significantly increased chance the marriage or relationship will end. The more women move up in the economy, the more unhappy they become. Experts here in the states are baffled that women supposedly "have it all" yet from every angle their happiness has been declining over the last 40 years relative to men's. I don't work. I've never had a career. I'm one of those "deadbeat" housewives out there that "doesn't do anything" (or at least that's how modern society has come to view those like me thanks to feminism the truth is I do a lot). This story really made me want to cry but I know there are millions of other women just like her out there. I think hopefully my generation is slowly catching on that the feminist movement has been bad for us
- heathertwra , Atlanta, United States, 18/1/2013 21:12

This one is more in line with how a lot of women really think:
I can relate to this woman in a way, but I have not had a serious relationship in years, so it's not like I've had the opportunity to marry or have children. I am almost 40 &childless as a result of no relationship but I have been trying to concieve on my own for about 2 yrs. I am open to adoption but being single, everything is more difficult. I am looking at tens of thousands of dollars and a long wait in order to adopt through an agency that even accepts single women. I was willing to settle for a nice guy three, four years ago since I desperately wanted children but just could not settle and now I find myself longing for a family of my own.. i really don't care about having a man since I am fairly self-sufficient and have a decent career. She is 42, not too old to be a mother but she will need some help if she wants to have a baby with her own eggs. it does happen, but it is harder when you're over 40. She still has time, she needs to not waffle back & forth and do it now.
- KatenAz , chandler, 18/1/2013 18:15

Notice the words 'was willing to 'settle with a nice guy'' as if they are the absolute last thing of desire in her menu... and the only reason to settle with one is not to actually appreciate and love another person, but because she wants children of her own.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
no doubt, it's crazy how even some women are waking up... and those are the ones who actually end up happily married with a man that takes care of them and a family that loves them.

Simps and feminists are leading a lot of women down the EXACT same path as THIS woman. How many specials on television have you seen with 30 to 40 year old career women talking about why they can't find good men. Anyone notice a pattern there? A lot of these women have been promised the world by man-hating LESBIANS who kick feminist ideology into their heads. These women, hearing words of empowerment, of being held back by the patriarchy and a host of other self-victimizing rhetoric, get angry and start believing this drivel. They are told they can whore it up in their 20s and come back with a loving nice guy they can 'settle with' when their biological clocks are just bout ready to expire. Ever notice how they all have the same rhetoric when they are in their 30s and all those bad boys done busted in that thing and got in the wind? I want a baby! I want a guy that loves ME! Never once do you hear them say they want to genuinely get to know a man and get to appreciate him. They come in looking at these men as merely some way to fulfill their OWN needs... as if he is some benefit package for her choosing.

Feminists instill the rhetoric and deceptive simps encourage and defend it in an attempt to 'please her, and appear acceptable to her so that they can slip in and get a shot at that sugarpot between her legs. Little does she know that she is being led right down to a path of loneliness and regret. The cats that tell these women the real end up being called 'bitter' or some other variation out of the shaming language grab bag. But the reality is, those cats are telling you the truth. You can't go around whoring it up in your 20s and then expect some nice guy to wrap you up when you fell off in terms of look and have already had a hundred guys do their thing with you... if you have a kid, it's doubly worse. These women spend their younger years feeling themselves and thinking they are so fly only to feel regrets on 'the one' that ended up passing her by.