Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
:bryan: Tough shyt. This is why I say all those chicks who reject dudes because they're "boring" or "too nice" are the same ones who will end up like this fool when they're older and no longer in their prime.

She sounds batshyt crazy anyway. Stories like this are proof that the best form of revenge is simply moving on. I spent nearly the whole of last year mourning over my failed marriage, but I'm gonna emerge from that shyt come out like never before.....not to prove a point to her, but for MY benefit alone.

It always kills me when chicks end relationships and then turn around and get angry at the guy when he just gets on with his life and finds someone else. Like wtf did you expect, hoe?

Good stuff man. You'll be better off in the long run. That's why I think it's pretty funny when I hear women say "I make x amount a year what do I need a man for?". Keep thinking like that and you'll end up like that woman from the UK in that article. It's in their nature to want to have children, regardless of whether or not they want to admit it.


Jun 16, 2012

I was "Matthew," at one time in my life, and you have played the role of Kim. I bet you were a tiger in the sack at that time. But like all sociopaths, it was only a means to an end, that end that would give you a comfortable, worry-free life, rather than something real, because there is no such thing as a worry-free life. So here you are, alone, eggs long past their "use-by" date whining and moaning about your own abysmal failure as a human being, in probably the most elaborate personal ad ever developed. You left the "love of your life. Why should anyone else trust you? I sure wouldn't.

Read more: I left the love of my life because I thought I could do better. Now I'm childless and alone at 42 | Mail Online
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Dumb bytch getting ethered in the comments?:russ:


May 2, 2012
Brilliant comment from: - Advice for a former slut married to a beta provider to whom she is not sexually attracted. | The Woman and the Dragon

I think a big part of the problem here is the poor education and misinformation women have received over the last 30 to 50 years: that men and women are the same, and that women can have lots of premarital sex like a man can with no ill effects on the body, the soul, the psyche or the spirit.

My thinking on this has evolved a lot over the last 18 months or so. I am not necessarily of the mind that one premarital sex partner for a woman always completely ruins her (but it can if he is sufficiently alpha and she bonds really, really hard to him). I do think that women who become high N either have a predisposition to high sex drive and high resistance to bonding (probably due to being high T women); or they follow the herd, or they just didn’t get good education on what happens during sex.

The problem happens when the high N woman decides she wants to marry for whatever reason: family pressure, age, baby rabies, etc. Based on my speculation and observations, the high T slut just resists to bonding to one man — she either cannot feel love for just one man, or does not, simply because her body chemistry in part I suspect causes her to approach sex, interpersonal relationships and life in general more as a man does (though not entirely as a man does — a man with normal T will still have multiple factors more T than a high T woman). This woman might be able to compartmentalize sex from other areas of her life, much as a man can. She is more resistant to bonding (but nearly all high T women will still willingly submit to a man with sufficiently alpha qualities). I suspect she’s a very high marriage risk because she is the most likely to engage in sport sex and high adventure sex; most likely to get into the kink; and most likely to cheat.

The only men who can successfully manage the high T former slut and maintain long term attraction in marriage, paradoxically, are the very men least likely to marry in the first place: the PUA, the natural alpha, the high T man, the high social status man. These men are sexually successful and have options; and they are not likely to opt for a high T former slut. And interestingly enough, these men are the men the high T former slut (and all other women) are most attracted to. These men, if and when they do marry, are not likely to marry a high T former slut because she requires considerably more effort to manage than any other woman. The only man who can marry a high T woman is a man with tight Game. In today’s SMP, most men don’t have that level of Game. The men who are 6 Sigma Gamesmen don’t marry anyway.

The non-high T former slut is in a different category, I think. This type of woman either fell into the lifestyle by following the herd; or she tried to parlay a series of hookups into relationships and repeatedly struck out; or she had no idea how the SMP works; or she has/had addictions that fueled a promiscuous sex life; or she was “just having some fun”, or whatever other reason. She wants to bond; wants to very, very badly. But she cannot. Most often, I think, it’s because her former sluthood either (1) cultivated in her a warped, twisted view of sex and its role in a healthy intimate relationship; (2) causes her to be unable to relate to a man in any manner other than sexually; and/or (3) cultivated in her a deep. core distrust of men in general. I suspect all non high T former sluts, and probably all former sluts, have one, a combination, or all three of these. It appears to me that once these beliefs or patterns develop in a woman due to promiscuity, they are extraordinarily difficult to dislodge and reeducate, so to speak. A woman tends to latch onto and develop those beliefs or patterns, and they appear , at least to me, to become so embedded in her mind and personality that they are very, very difficult to “fix”. Her relationship and sexual failures, past and present, are extremely painful.

Almost all the time, this kind of woman has vastly confused her SMV with her MMV. She really thought she could get a man for marriage by putting out. She was fascinated at all the attention she got from these really hot guys. She genuinely doesn’t understand why these men aren’t interested in marriage.

Some of these women use sex for power, because deep down, they know that their sexual agency is the only thing they have of any value. To put it bluntly, they have no education or domestic skills, and a dead end job. Having sex is the only thing at which they have any proficiency. They also realize early on that their looks and willingness to put out gives them great leverage over almost every man in their orbit. Sure, it’s only for a while, but it is power nonetheless. And if this man will sleep with her only a few times and moves on, it’s OK because she knows there is a neverending supply of men who will give her what she wants, be it drinks, or attention, or a date, or sex. She even might eventually figure out how to string one of these men along, dollop out a little sex here and there, while he exhausts his time, money and self giving her whatever she wants.

And some women simply are having fun on the alcohol and alpha party train, having some “fun” until it comes time to “be responsible” and “do the right thing” and have a man “make an honest woman” out of her.

I suspect that as these women grow accustoming to using men, and being used by men, lying to men and being lied to by men, they quickly learn the score and how the game (Game) is being played. They grow increasingly jaded and cynical. They develop a deep distrust of men in particular. They come to believe every man simply wants sex from her all the time and simply wants to use her because that’s what happened every time before. They come to believe that no relationship can work because no relationship they’ve ever had before worked out or worked well and they’ve never seen anyone else have a healthy relationship either. They come to believe that no one will ever want them for themselves or see them as anything other than the shape and size of their bodies.

And so she comes to the marriage market. This is a woman who is accustomed to high emotion, high excitement, high drama roller coaster sex with attractive, high status men. She’s accustomed to weekend vacations in Vegas with the smooth player. She likes riding on the back of the bad boy’s motorcycle at 85 MPH and shaking the plaster off the walls with sex at his place. She likes going to the bars and picking out the hottest guy there to take her home. Her attraction triggers are tuned to high status, hot alpha men. She gets to the marriage market and is in for a rude awakening. It is filled with the men she finds boring, predictable, mundane. There are even some men showing up who she turned up her nose at and nuclear rejected a few years ago. This isn’t what she bargained for at all. This isn’t what she wanted. None of these men are attractive. But, this one makes good money. That one is really nice, and he’s funny. This other one already owns a house and has some money saved up. Well, this one earns good money, and he’d be a good dad to the kids she wants to have. So she agrees to date him. She likes him pretty well. She has sex with him, and it’s OK, but nothing like the earth shaking, see-stars sex she had with her alphas. Anyway, she loves him, really likes him, and she thinks she can make it work. She agrees to marry him when he asks.

So they go to married life. It’s gonna be great. She has very high expectations for marriage. Their sex life will be great because it’s “legal” and licit now. Their sex life will be great because, well, almost all the sex with the other hot men was fun and exciting and great. So this can’t be too bad, right? Besides, even if it isn’t great, he will make lots of money and take care of her and allow her to quit her crappy job when she gets pregnant. He will take care of her, and well, maybe the sex will improve.

But it doesn’t.

He works hard and is putting on weight from the stress and poor eating. He lives in and very much likes his routine. She isn’t really attracted to him and doesn’t really love him. She’s not head over heels in love with him, though he is with her and he considers himself damn lucky to have her. She wants to bond, tries to bond, but she simply cannot do it. Her mind wanders during sex — memories of past alpha BFs, maybe, Or unrealized sexual fantasies. Whatever it is, hubby really just cannot do it for her. Over the years she comes to enjoy sex less and less, and they have sex less and less.

And so it goes. This, sluts, is how you get to where you are. This is what happens when former sluts marry without being head over heels in love.


May 6, 2012
Brilliant comment from: - Advice for a former slut married to a beta provider to whom she is not sexually attracted. | The Woman and the Dragon

I think a big part of the problem here is the poor education and misinformation women have received over the last 30 to 50 years: that men and women are the same, and that women can have lots of premarital sex like a man can with no ill effects on the body, the soul, the psyche or the spirit.

My thinking on this has evolved a lot over the last 18 months or so. I am not necessarily of the mind that one premarital sex partner for a woman always completely ruins her (but it can if he is sufficiently alpha and she bonds really, really hard to him). I do think that women who become high N either have a predisposition to high sex drive and high resistance to bonding (probably due to being high T women); or they follow the herd, or they just didn’t get good education on what happens during sex.

The problem happens when the high N woman decides she wants to marry for whatever reason: family pressure, age, baby rabies, etc. Based on my speculation and observations, the high T slut just resists to bonding to one man — she either cannot feel love for just one man, or does not, simply because her body chemistry in part I suspect causes her to approach sex, interpersonal relationships and life in general more as a man does (though not entirely as a man does — a man with normal T will still have multiple factors more T than a high T woman). This woman might be able to compartmentalize sex from other areas of her life, much as a man can. She is more resistant to bonding (but nearly all high T women will still willingly submit to a man with sufficiently alpha qualities). I suspect she’s a very high marriage risk because she is the most likely to engage in sport sex and high adventure sex; most likely to get into the kink; and most likely to cheat.

The only men who can successfully manage the high T former slut and maintain long term attraction in marriage, paradoxically, are the very men least likely to marry in the first place: the PUA, the natural alpha, the high T man, the high social status man. These men are sexually successful and have options; and they are not likely to opt for a high T former slut. And interestingly enough, these men are the men the high T former slut (and all other women) are most attracted to. These men, if and when they do marry, are not likely to marry a high T former slut because she requires considerably more effort to manage than any other woman. The only man who can marry a high T woman is a man with tight Game. In today’s SMP, most men don’t have that level of Game. The men who are 6 Sigma Gamesmen don’t marry anyway.

The non-high T former slut is in a different category, I think. This type of woman either fell into the lifestyle by following the herd; or she tried to parlay a series of hookups into relationships and repeatedly struck out; or she had no idea how the SMP works; or she has/had addictions that fueled a promiscuous sex life; or she was “just having some fun”, or whatever other reason. She wants to bond; wants to very, very badly. But she cannot. Most often, I think, it’s because her former sluthood either (1) cultivated in her a warped, twisted view of sex and its role in a healthy intimate relationship; (2) causes her to be unable to relate to a man in any manner other than sexually; and/or (3) cultivated in her a deep. core distrust of men in general. I suspect all non high T former sluts, and probably all former sluts, have one, a combination, or all three of these. It appears to me that once these beliefs or patterns develop in a woman due to promiscuity, they are extraordinarily difficult to dislodge and reeducate, so to speak. A woman tends to latch onto and develop those beliefs or patterns, and they appear , at least to me, to become so embedded in her mind and personality that they are very, very difficult to “fix”. Her relationship and sexual failures, past and present, are extremely painful.

Almost all the time, this kind of woman has vastly confused her SMV with her MMV. She really thought she could get a man for marriage by putting out. She was fascinated at all the attention she got from these really hot guys. She genuinely doesn’t understand why these men aren’t interested in marriage.

Some of these women use sex for power, because deep down, they know that their sexual agency is the only thing they have of any value. To put it bluntly, they have no education or domestic skills, and a dead end job. Having sex is the only thing at which they have any proficiency. They also realize early on that their looks and willingness to put out gives them great leverage over almost every man in their orbit. Sure, it’s only for a while, but it is power nonetheless. And if this man will sleep with her only a few times and moves on, it’s OK because she knows there is a neverending supply of men who will give her what she wants, be it drinks, or attention, or a date, or sex. She even might eventually figure out how to string one of these men along, dollop out a little sex here and there, while he exhausts his time, money and self giving her whatever she wants.

And some women simply are having fun on the alcohol and alpha party train, having some “fun” until it comes time to “be responsible” and “do the right thing” and have a man “make an honest woman” out of her.

I suspect that as these women grow accustoming to using men, and being used by men, lying to men and being lied to by men, they quickly learn the score and how the game (Game) is being played. They grow increasingly jaded and cynical. They develop a deep distrust of men in particular. They come to believe every man simply wants sex from her all the time and simply wants to use her because that’s what happened every time before. They come to believe that no relationship can work because no relationship they’ve ever had before worked out or worked well and they’ve never seen anyone else have a healthy relationship either. They come to believe that no one will ever want them for themselves or see them as anything other than the shape and size of their bodies.

And so she comes to the marriage market. This is a woman who is accustomed to high emotion, high excitement, high drama roller coaster sex with attractive, high status men. She’s accustomed to weekend vacations in Vegas with the smooth player. She likes riding on the back of the bad boy’s motorcycle at 85 MPH and shaking the plaster off the walls with sex at his place. She likes going to the bars and picking out the hottest guy there to take her home. Her attraction triggers are tuned to high status, hot alpha men. She gets to the marriage market and is in for a rude awakening. It is filled with the men she finds boring, predictable, mundane. There are even some men showing up who she turned up her nose at and nuclear rejected a few years ago. This isn’t what she bargained for at all. This isn’t what she wanted. None of these men are attractive. But, this one makes good money. That one is really nice, and he’s funny. This other one already owns a house and has some money saved up. Well, this one earns good money, and he’d be a good dad to the kids she wants to have. So she agrees to date him. She likes him pretty well. She has sex with him, and it’s OK, but nothing like the earth shaking, see-stars sex she had with her alphas. Anyway, she loves him, really likes him, and she thinks she can make it work. She agrees to marry him when he asks.

So they go to married life. It’s gonna be great. She has very high expectations for marriage. Their sex life will be great because it’s “legal” and licit now. Their sex life will be great because, well, almost all the sex with the other hot men was fun and exciting and great. So this can’t be too bad, right? Besides, even if it isn’t great, he will make lots of money and take care of her and allow her to quit her crappy job when she gets pregnant. He will take care of her, and well, maybe the sex will improve.

But it doesn’t.

He works hard and is putting on weight from the stress and poor eating. He lives in and very much likes his routine. She isn’t really attracted to him and doesn’t really love him. She’s not head over heels in love with him, though he is with her and he considers himself damn lucky to have her. She wants to bond, tries to bond, but she simply cannot do it. Her mind wanders during sex — memories of past alpha BFs, maybe, Or unrealized sexual fantasies. Whatever it is, hubby really just cannot do it for her. Over the years she comes to enjoy sex less and less, and they have sex less and less.

And so it goes. This, sluts, is how you get to where you are. This is what happens when former sluts marry without being head over heels in love.
this is so depressing for some reason. for both males and females...
Jul 3, 2012

Unhealthy Obsession With A Celebrity *please Help* - Page 2 -

Really :what: if you read through the posts. I'm on my phone right now, so it's too time consuming to copy and paste posts. But really some women, even when they're in their mid 30's with nothing going for them, think they're too good for a "normal" life. Been seeing that trend a lot lately.


May 2, 2012
Aug 6, 2012
I was "Matthew," at one time in my life, and you have played the role of Kim. I bet you were a tiger in the sack at that time. But like all sociopaths, it was only a means to an end, that end that would give you a comfortable, worry-free life, rather than something real, because there is no such thing as a worry-free life. So here you are, alone, eggs long past their "use-by" date whining and moaning about your own abysmal failure as a human being, in probably the most elaborate personal ad ever developed. You left the "love of your life. Why should anyone else trust you? I sure wouldn't.



Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
aight brehs, i recently broke it off with a young, thin, big breasted, attractive girl.

reason was my heart wasnt in it and she fell in love. i couldn't continue the facade.

please give me some wise words so I don't panic and help me avoid thoughts like:
"will i ever find another girl as beautiful?"
"I'm only getting older, its going to be hard as fukk to find what I want."

fyi im 28 and live in rural america. :sadcam:
but im fly and got bread so finding another woman has never been hard

i aint gon lie, a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders too.

you didnt connect with her, you didnt really like her. why waste more of your life being with someone youre not feeling when you could be out doing something better with your time? lifes short, dont trip over the shyt you DONT like


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
It always kills me when chicks end relationships and then turn around and get angry at the guy when he just gets on with his life and finds someone else. Like wtf did you expect, hoe?

women (and some men) try to have it set up in their lives where their exes are still feeling them, they talk every now and again, and they keep in touch with each other at a distance. it gives them easy options.

I dont do that, because for me "options" means the access of new possibilities, not going over old ones as a some sort of safeguard.

like somebody else had said happened to them, I also got a new years text from a shorty I knew. I even mentioned her earlier in here. she sent me picture of a pair of wine glasses and hearts in em saying all this... I dont know ... whatever on them. the language was all messed up as I think she was drunk when she sent it. I looked at it in the morning and it said it was 1 am new years night when she sent it.

I can see what shes doing. I havent heard from her in close to a year. then she waits until its a holiday and out of nowhere shes had the hearts all in the picture trying to make me think its one way. shes just playing games. women want to keep you on a string, and pull that string when theyre in trouble. look for :cape: from an ex when she needs it. like an insurance policy.

instead from here, it feels so much better to have taken a step back from everything and do other things with your life thats important to you. it lets you look at things with a clear mind. no vested emotion in it. Im not even pressed to take her seriously.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Speaking of clubs, what do you even say about shyt like this:

Pregnant woman’s presence at KC nightclub leads to shooting -

:mindblown: This is why I say the things I do about the club scene. No doubt it's some mysterious dude's fault for a heavily pregnant woman to be at some club when her ass should have been at home or the hospital.

Even the publishers of the article had to disable the comments!
Aug 6, 2012
Really :what: if you read through the posts. I'm on my phone right now, so it's too time consuming to copy and paste posts. But really some women, even when they're in their mid 30's with nothing going for them, think they're too good for a "normal" life. Been seeing that trend a lot lately.

me too. i think its bc of the internet mainly. women always used to compete with their girlfriends for the best man/life/experiences but the internet kind of made it even more competitive bc now not only do they have to compete with their friends they have to try to compete with girls lives they see on twitter or instagram. girls get insecure so easily it doesnt take that much to make them feel like there is something wrong or missing with their lives. so they try to compete with everybody else they think is living an amazing life through the internet (which is just a illusion that people create to cover up the fact that their life is not that great to begin with) and it creates even more women who will never settle for the "normal life" until its just too late

im getting to a point where im starting to realize that women just arent wifeable anymore period