I'm not really worried about the female perspective. I just call out stuff when I feel it don't make sense/don't agree with. If you talking about these "bad" women at the club maybe you should stay away from this so called "bad" place too thats all. They want all the attention but you there too just to look for attention whores but then you and similar type dudes will complain how these chicks did you wrong. I'm not 100 but I thought somewhere in this big behind thread cats said you should avoid interacting with these types of women? J/S I call out stuff regardless if its a male/female not bias and nothing against you. If I say something you don't like you can call me out too its life. If I agree with what you speaking I'll give props if not I'll let that be known too.
1) I haven't hit the clubs in a long time. 2) I'm not doing any complaining. I'm giving advice. I don't know why you're fabricating things about me and making assumptions on what I do and don't do.
As far as good women not being found in the club I disagree because like I said before alot of women (alot of people really) seriously don't know how to find others because of fear mainly outside of the club (as far as outside school, church, work) so thats what they do. I take any woman I meet on a case by case basis. Like Kev and others have said you know when you gotta throw them in the bushes by how they act. I've saw many a chick get with a dude and all that going out and stuff she was doing shyt been stopped real quick and the same with dudes too. Thats why I believe it has more to do with really looking for somebody under the guise of hanging with friends ime.
I'm glad it worked out for a few of your friends. There's always exceptions, but from my experience the majority of the women in there are attention seekers. If you want to go look for love in the club, that's on you. Just don't be one of those guys complaining that you mentioned.