Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jun 15, 2012
I'm not really worried about the female perspective. I just call out stuff when I feel it don't make sense/don't agree with. If you talking about these "bad" women at the club maybe you should stay away from this so called "bad" place too thats all. They want all the attention but you there too just to look for attention whores but then you and similar type dudes will complain how these chicks did you wrong. I'm not 100 but I thought somewhere in this big behind thread cats said you should avoid interacting with these types of women? J/S I call out stuff regardless if its a male/female not bias and nothing against you. If I say something you don't like you can call me out too its life. If I agree with what you speaking I'll give props if not I'll let that be known too.

1) I haven't hit the clubs in a long time. 2) I'm not doing any complaining. I'm giving advice. I don't know why you're fabricating things about me and making assumptions on what I do and don't do.

As far as good women not being found in the club I disagree because like I said before alot of women (alot of people really) seriously don't know how to find others because of fear mainly outside of the club (as far as outside school, church, work) so thats what they do. I take any woman I meet on a case by case basis. Like Kev and others have said you know when you gotta throw them in the bushes by how they act. I've saw many a chick get with a dude and all that going out and stuff she was doing shyt been stopped real quick and the same with dudes too. Thats why I believe it has more to do with really looking for somebody under the guise of hanging with friends ime.

I'm glad it worked out for a few of your friends. There's always exceptions, but from my experience the majority of the women in there are attention seekers. If you want to go look for love in the club, that's on you. Just don't be one of those guys complaining that you mentioned.
Jun 15, 2012
Soft minded fools will call yoga class gay, but where else can you be surrounded by beautiful women (prob as the only guy in there) and get a health benefit at the same time?!


I gotta agree with this. Anyone having trouble meeting women needs to seriously consider joining a group exercise class.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
You obviously have no idea what the quote means. It simply means that if it's a part of their behavior, it's apart of their character.

For example, if you meet a girl who leaves her boyfriend to be in a relationship with you, don't be surprised when she does it to you.

We all have good and bad sides. The point is that if your girlfriend gets mad at you and stabs you with a knife. It doesn't how great she was before that, she has just demonstrated that she has the ability to stab you. Now no offense to you, but you sound like the type of dude to say that "my baby isn't like that. She had a breakdown and will never do it again". So when she does it again and stabs you, you deserve everything you get.

Just like the dude who girl cheated on him, and he takes her back trying to convince himself that it was a one time thing and that she'll never do it again

People show you who they are. It's up to you to pay attention and use precaution
I wish you cats stop getting emotional when I don't agree with yall. Its not like you made the fukking quote up anyway ready to goto the death cause I don't like it and explained why. You can't see how crazy that is. I didn't try to clown you or add any extras like you using my "no offense" cause your upset I don't agree with people using the comment in the context they normally use it in. Its sad that people can't disagree with some of yall and it can be a normal back and forth without petty girl type shyt. Show me where I tried to play you and I'll gladly apologize but I swore damn near my whole post was about that quote and why I don't like it. Nothing more nothing less and I truly don't like the quote and how people use it and have said so to people offline so I see it online I'm going to say the same thing.

:aicmon: Dude come on, socially awkward people likewise couldn't flourish in the other activities I mentioned. FYI, I have fun and meet people (including casual dating on occasions) all the time from the places I go to and have no problem doing so. You like the club scene, I don't. That's it. If I don't like to hang around certain crowds/venues, then that's my business. Maybe age has something to do with it, but it doesn't interest me as much as it did years ago.
I do like the "club scene" when I go. I really wish you dudes would take things as a discussion with difference of opinions instead of I'm comming at yalls manhood. I always get that vibe and I try to explain things so your emotion meters don't go off but I've come to the conclusion thats what its going to be everytime I disagree it seems. I'll say it once and I'll continue to say it I have no beef with nobody if I disagree I'll speak on it just like if I'm feeling it I'll give props.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
1) I haven't hit the clubs in a long time. 2) I'm not doing any complaining. I'm giving advice. I don't know why you're fabricating things about me and making assumptions on what I do and don't do.

I'm glad it worked out for a few of your friends. There's always exceptions, but from my experience the majority of the women in there are attention seekers. If you want to go look for love in the club, that's on you. Just don't be one of those guys complaining that you mentioned.
Ok I mispoke on one part my bad but clearly I don't know you to make assumptions or even care outside of our discussion. Again my bad on putting that "you" I should have typed more clearly and just took the "you" out of my comment cause the rest is true oftentimes. shyt alot of this thread is based in that just its about women not dudes doing it. I don't go looking for love anywhere actually I just do me period and believe me as much as I talk shyt about those that do it to themselves and complain about it fukk I look like complaining? NEVER will I do that cause I know I control damn near everything that happens so I have no one to blame but myself for just about everything.
Jun 15, 2012
Ok I mispoke on one part my bad but clearly I don't know you to make assumptions or even care outside of our discussion. Again my bad on putting that "you" I should have typed more clearly and just took the "you" out of my comment cause the rest is true oftentimes. shyt alot of this thread is based in that just its about women not dudes doing it. I don't go looking for love anywhere actually I just do me period and believe me as much as I talk shyt about those that do it to themselves and complain about it fukk I look like complaining? NEVER will I do that cause I know I control damn near everything that happens so I have no one to blame but myself for just about everything.

Well assuming you're talking about other posters complaining, that's what this thread is for right? Guys come in here complaining about women and the rest of us are here to offer our tips. I've done the club scene, seen what the females there are like and since then I've moved on and found much better places to get in relationships.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I do like the "club scene" when I go. I really wish you dudes would take things as a discussion with difference of opinions instead of I'm comming at yalls manhood. I always get that vibe and I try to explain things so your emotion meters don't go off but I've come to the conclusion thats what its going to be everytime I disagree it seems. I'll say it once and I'll continue to say it I have no beef with nobody if I disagree I'll speak on it just like if I'm feeling it I'll give props.

:whoa: I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with anything I say at all. Fundamentally we agree on the same principles anyway, I just surmise that you have a different tolerance level than I do when it comes to being in certain environments. I was only highlighting the fact that what you were saying about "socially awkward" people who "don't get play and blame everyone else" doesn't apply to me as it seemed like your comments were underhanded.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Well assuming you're talking about other posters complaining, that's what this thread is for right? Guys come in here complaining about women and the rest of us are here to offer our tips. I've done the club scene, seen what the females there are like and since then I've moved on and found much better places to get in relationships.
I'm speaking in generalites not just posters in this thread but people period. Just like you I talk to people offline and some of the same stuff comes up and I'm just not with the getting yourself into certain situations that you know the outcome is a certain way then complaining when things turn out that way. The same way some of us clown single mothers for their bad decisions is how I clown guys (myself too if need be) for making similar silly mistakes. Forget this coddling stuff thats why cats keep making the same mistakes imo. I'm glad you have found other places thats whats up I just never get how people in the same situation/environment can act like they are so above it thats all (regarding when you were at the club trying to get girls even if just to fukk) Like I said before no beef just discussion.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
:whoa: I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with anything I say at all. Fundamentally we agree on the same principles anyway, I just surmise that you have a different tolerance level than I do when it comes to being in certain environments. I was only highlighting the fact that what you were saying about "socially awkward" people who "don't get play and blame everyone else" doesn't apply to me as it seemed like your comments were underhanded.
Bold = the reason I get upset at times in this thread. I didn't come at you and if you would have read my first post not out of anger you would have saw that. I said "I don't know you", "hope your not one of those types(something like that)" so just from these alone I don't know how you could feel I'm trying to sneak diss you or something. Its the net if I wanted to come at you I would. Its not like we can harm each other or something like that. I just said I've ran into people like that and hope your not one and if I didn't show me where I didn't try to imply that I will gladly clear it up or apologize if its completely wrong. I have no problem doing that at all.

Yes I don't mind the club when I go and was also saying that I don't pay the things you mentioned about the club (which I agree with) no mind. Thats just the club scene for the most part. Just there to have a good time with the friends dance with some ladies maybe meet a chick or two go home safely there it is. Thats me and the club.


Accept to take the L
May 1, 2012
You obviously have no idea what the quote means. It simply means that if it's a part of their behavior, it's apart of their character.

For example, if you meet a girl who leaves her boyfriend to be in a relationship with you, don't be surprised when she does it to you.

We all have good and bad sides. The point is that if your girlfriend gets mad at you and stabs you with a knife. It doesn't how great she was before that, she has just demonstrated that she has the ability to stab you. Now no offense to you, but you sound like the type of dude to say that "my baby isn't like that. She had a breakdown and will never do it again". So when she does it again and stabs you, you deserve everything you get.

Just like the dude who girl cheated on him, and he takes her back trying to convince himself that it was a one time thing and that she'll never do it again

People show you who they are. It's up to you to pay attention and use precaution

This is so true you have learn how to read people


Jun 9, 2012
The thing to remember when a woman wrongs you: they almost always come crawling back, trying to get back into your life in some form or fashion. Sometimes its months later, sometimes years, but every woman who's ever fukked me over has always done so.

Today, I got a "Happy belated New Years, hope youre well" text from the broad I talked about earlier in this thread who played me out by having another dude she "was in love with". I had deleted her from my phone, so I didn't know who it was at first, but once I found out, I hit her with the Reincar special:

"Thanks for the msg. Can you do me a favor and delete my # from your phone? Thanks in advance" :smugdraper:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I don't blame dudes who say they're not into chicks who always go to clubs because I feel the same way. I've never been into those chicks, ever.

This kind of f*ckery that led to a murder happened just a few days ago in LA as a result of club bullshyt: :snoop:

The things I'm into for social activity are wine/jazz bars, poetry nights, salsa, art galleries, libraries, museums, heck even family gatherings.

I'm not even in to the club scene anyhow, too many posers, chicks looking for attention wearing next to nothing in freezing temperatures or just simply acting like they're too good for 99% of the world's population, dudes with a point to prove leaning up against the wall mean mugging like a bunch of lames, over zealous bouncers who act like they're guarding Prince Charles and just a lot of general b.s. that I can't generally stand.

Sorry, but I just expect a much higher standard from women and unless you're defending yourself against danger or protecting a loved one, you got no reason to be brawling in the street like some savage dude. I'm pretty sure those chicks in the video I posted who started off the whole thing in the first place from what I've read weren't exactly fighting because of a disagreement over the state of the economy. You rarely, if ever see that kind of f*ckery in the other places I listed because they attract a certain demographic/clientele who nine times out of ten, doesn't include ratched folk.

Of course like someone mentioned, occasionally somebody might be dragged out to a club for a special occasion. I've personally declined a number of invitations and when I have gone to the club, I leave before closing time because the atmosphere is always predictable and the same in most cases.

Any chick I meet will have to share the same interests or it's a no go.

On point. Look at the club scene and all the drama that is in it. "Nah man, the club has bytches in it and I need to grind on some ass" or "Nah, I gotta pop bottles and stunt on nikkas" makes me sick of the club scene these days. Everyone trying to outstunt everyone and flash money like they ballin when they work in shytty jobs. With egos like that, its nearly impossible to have a fun time in the club nowadays.
Jun 15, 2012
I'm speaking in generalites not just posters in this thread but people period. Just like you I talk to people offline and some of the same stuff comes up and I'm just not with the getting yourself into certain situations that you know the outcome is a certain way then complaining when things turn out that way. The same way some of us clown single mothers for their bad decisions is how I clown guys (myself too if need be) for making similar silly mistakes. Forget this coddling stuff thats why cats keep making the same mistakes imo. I'm glad you have found other places thats whats up I just never get how people in the same situation/environment can act like they are so above it thats all (regarding when you were at the club trying to get girls even if just to fukk) Like I said before no beef just discussion.

That's what this thread is for. To set people on the right path.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
the club scene is wack , over priced drinks, overpriced entry, stuck up women, ready to make you trick on them, niiggaz on some showing off and The few times I go club, I will be going to see if I can get something to take home that night

when I meet a lady I would like to pursue a relationship, I will never step in a club