I don't blame dudes who say they're not into chicks who always go to clubs because I feel the same way. I've never been into those chicks, ever.
This kind of f*ckery that led to a murder happened just a few days ago in LA as a result of club bullshyt:
The things I'm into for social activity are wine/jazz bars, poetry nights, salsa, art galleries, libraries, museums, heck even family gatherings.
I'm not even in to the club scene anyhow, too many posers, chicks looking for attention wearing next to nothing in freezing temperatures or just simply acting like they're too good for 99% of the world's population, dudes with a point to prove leaning up against the wall mean mugging like a bunch of lames, over zealous bouncers who act like they're guarding Prince Charles and just a lot of general b.s. that I can't generally stand.
Sorry, but I just expect a much higher standard from women and unless you're defending yourself against danger or protecting a loved one, you got no reason to be brawling in the street like some savage dude. I'm pretty sure those chicks in the video I posted who started off the whole thing in the first place from what I've read weren't exactly fighting because of a disagreement over the state of the economy. You rarely, if ever see that kind of f*ckery in the other places I listed because they attract a certain demographic/clientele who nine times out of ten, doesn't include ratched folk.
Of course like someone mentioned, occasionally somebody might be dragged out to a club for a special occasion. I've personally declined a number of invitations and when I have gone to the club, I leave before closing time because the atmosphere is always predictable and the same in most cases.
Any chick I meet will have to share the same interests or it's a no go.