Scandalous females become easy to read after you've dealt with them enough times.
Don't get into a relationship with any woman you meet in a club. Good girls don't go to clubs.
Overly flirty women are a huge warning sign. If its too easy, there's probably a reason for it. Even if you think you're the coolest guy on the planet, she barely knows anything about you in the beginning stages so how would she know that? If its too easy she's either desperate or does that with every guy. You want a chick who takes some effort to land.
A woman slandering her exes is another warning sign. She just happened to keep dating bad guys and its all their fault. Uh huh. Even if she's been played, a good woman will learn from the experience and not get bitter.
Hopefully you're secure enough to learn her dating history without getting jealous. I look for women who have been in long term relationships where they ended on decent terms (not on too good terms where the guy is still in her life).
These are a few of the more obvious ones. A lot of it is instinctual. Deal with enough scandalous women and you'll learn a lot about them.
Since you only specified clubs
that I will agree with.
The funny thing is that for a lot of us who dont live, work, play in areas where single Females are available, the night life thing is the only way to find any kind of companionship.
Now, I agree with the club thing but women, like men, are social creatures and would like to Hang out in a pretentious environment and just have a ball (my two best homies hooked up with Their wives/practically married significant others in the club.
The current gal Im dating I met a lounge (that transitions into a club at night, so I guess thats not Totally different) but each case should be met with an unbiased and objective approach.
Cuz If I met a chick at the club and Im at the club doesnt that make me a ratchet ass dude as well?
Its all context and dependent on the dynamic of the scenario (what if she was obliged to go out because A friend in town, girls night out or for a bday? Doesnt necessarily wane the quality of the female patron).
I guess what Im trying to defend is the idea that not all club establishments attract strictly one type of clientele.
All people go out and like to have fun. How they do it and their frequency is something that needs to be considered (you can inquire about that on the date).
The gal Ive been telling yall about I actually met her at aforementioned type of venue but after getting to know Her, shes anything but; working on second degree, paralegal, has her own place, family oriented, drinks on occasion And doesnt take shots (not alcoholic shots, yet but I have other shots Id like to give her. :dirty shaq face
But like the last thing you said, you deal with enough scandalous broads you know how to filter out who has good intent And the malicious broads that will suck you dry and leave you hanging with but a half stick of gum and balls full of jizz).
You know the funny thing about the babe is that she asked me if got drunk last Saturday on our outing the next day and I think she was screening me. If I was an irresponsible guy who liked to party and get shiitfaced (and dont get me wrong, I do with any opportunity tho Im cutting back cuz my liver sucks and recovery time worser). But she mentioned being Pressured by her mom to get married and
I would actually wife this chick.
Yall know I love to spew them punchlines. Well, I do it real life as well and with other girls, they never get my wit and it Truly disappoints me (almost as tho they live by an airport cuz shiit is constantly flying over they heads).
But this new gals, she gets it right upon delivery no time to ponder necessary.
Needed a smart gal who has a wholesome identity and genuine personality.
You dont find people like that nowadays and it would suck real bad if I lost this one.
It's very liberating when you've been playing the field for so long and you can finally narrow it down to someone you truly have feelings for.
No simp shiit - i mean, i know its still pretty early, but the more i spend time with her, the more i feel as though i can spend the remainder of my existence with her.
Right now, i feel like Ralph T. in 88
"Love her... WHAT?!?!"