When you get unfriended on Snap 

it doesn't matter if she's thinking the same. If she is, you still reach out on day 5 and set up the next meet.
I see your point but one question I would ask you is, why do you see not reaching out to her for 5 days as wild but you don't see her not reaching out to you for 5 days after you took her out and gave her a great evening as wild?
I wish a chick wouldIf she says “I’ll let you know” just enjoy your night bro
exactly. I think the mistake dudes make is putting too much energy into one chick. Dudes need to take heed to that 'she aint you're it's just your turn' and practice the same philosophy themselves. Main thing that hurts brehs is we tend to be laser focus on goals, and cant do things in parallel, so we put all our energy (on average) on the chick who is our goal at the time. This is why you need things to keep you occupied and productive, whether it be side projects, a roster of other women, hobbies, etc. Pretty much where you minimize your idle time where you got other stuff to worry about than if 1 chick texts you back or not.
It's a dirty game out here, and unless you are someone's fiancé (and hell even then) always assume there are other people in the picture, so don't get your soul taken. The days of disney are over (hell they never existed).
Keep her so u can stunt with a prettier girlI wish a chick would
If the food ain't gonna be for you, stop responding to the food pic texts. Just act like they never happened and if there was a convo before then go back to thatAnybody had a chick that sends pics of the food she cooked for dinner? I mean I compliment her and tell her it looks good. But I don't really care..why do women do this. And yes, I've said before I wanted some but she's not biting. People, including family members have asked her for food but she's real cautious since covid.
This dude I know is a real life Onlyfans pimp
He has a stable of young white bytches with 50k+ followers on IG with Onlyfans. I know he’s making at least 10k a month off of it. Every girl has her own high rise.
Only know the dude by proxy but goddamn idk how the hell he pulled the shyt off and how they’re cool with him taking all the money.
Yeah they look like they’re in college or college age 18-21. All alt type girls those simps on twitch love.The targets for a pimp are girls who come from broken homes, and ultimately dumb. The smart girls become madams, but now with onlyfans, even the girls with degrees are supplying simpbait because they don't have to do much. There's hoes out there in bikinis just shaking t*ts or ass.....for money. From girls pretending to be cats, to cosplay bending and ass shaking. Its much easier now since they don't have to meet any mark who jerks off to them. Basically the standard is what its always been, except when push comes to shove, recording a video for money is easy for everyone. Regardless or person, women are horrible with money, many are either broke or go broke buying multiple purses or some dumb beauty product they don't need. So a pimp is both a manager and an accountant.
Anybody had a chick that sends pics of the food she cooked for dinner? I mean I compliment her and tell her it looks good. But I don't really care..why do women do this. And yes, I've said before I wanted some but she's not biting. People, including family members have asked her for food but she's real cautious since covid.
Tried to told ya...........I guess 5 days was too long of a wait. Girl unmatched me today. Making this dating shyt and the square life ain’t for memy first L
Deleted hinge the other day. All those chics I was mid convo withchics whose numbers I got and I'm not hitting up
Ghosted a chic I was suppose to see Sunday.(No official plans were made, she hit me on Saturday and I was so done with this shyt I just deleted the thread and never responded. In retrospect I should be just told her scrap it, Type fukked up but I was ignoring red flags the entire convo cause I wanted to smash. Was digesting a lot of self help material including that book Declare War On Yourself that week and bushed all the BS. Too late to go back and say shyt now) plus side money and headache saved.
Deleted IG app. Only downloading on Sundays for a few hours. shyt is a time suck but igot family on their so I use it to check in.
I'm taking a real break.