I co-sign all the brothers above me. Hollering at work is bad news. Even for guys who do not care about getting fired from the job or are just temp workers, it is very easy to get in trouble these days at work.
The video about the male contraception pill has me thinking seriously hard. It reminds me of when Dave Chappelle was on the Oprah show and said, "Maybe I am a conspiracy theorist to a degree because sometimes I connect dots that maybe shouldn't be connected." And as you guys know, this was the part where Chappelle talked about how there was a dress in his trailer, he refused to wear it, they kept begging him to do it and how many of his heroes were railroaded/coerced/blackmailed into wearing dresses at some point in their careers. Just thinking about it all this time later still makes me shake my ahead. Onto the point...
When it comes to male contraception pills, obviously radical feminists and male simps will "oppose" the idea. Suppose the pills hit the market. Does the pill change from its supposedly "no side effects" form into something more potentially hazardous to one's health? When it comes to a lot of Big Pharma drugs, you are often better staying off that crap. I remember peeking my head into BD/LD (behavior disorder/learning disorder) classrooms. The kids looked stoned and not there. So these kids came to school, learned nothing and were out of their minds due to being drugged up on Big Pharma drugs. But if I told people that stuff had problems, I met the usual denial replies of, "It's perfectly safe. All the studies prove it." Yikes. You cannot even hint that something may be wrong/dangerous to the sheeple.
So males get the pill, feminists and simps are pissed. Guys will need to be careful. And at the first sign of side-effects, drop the pill. It would just be another case to poison, sterilize, weaken men and make them more docile, unmanly and simp-ish at large.
If the pill works as advertised - great. No problem. If they try to get slick and add a few new "ingredients" to it when it seems to be working fine - screw it.